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"P-please don't touch me with that vile thing," she begged, her voice shrill with nervous anticipation.

"Oh, I'll do better than that, bitch! I'll fuck your pussy with this dildo," Bertram said.

"No!" she shrieked in outrage as he began to tease her cruelly, rubbing the thick rubber tip of the bumpy dildo over her pink pussy-lips. Her eyes showed her horror and indignation, like those of a wounded animal. She lay there on the leather table, spread-eagled and shackled down, more mortified and embarrassed than she had ever imagined. She was hopelessly caught up in a web of sexual perversion and there was no way out. Her anguish was almost unbearable. She knew that she presented a ridiculously absurd sight, but what could she do about it? Nothing! Nothing but try to endure the utter humiliation of this decadent experience. She sobbed and looked up at Malcolm with imploring eyes. "Please, if you have a shred of decency, you won't do this to me."

"Well, God damn it! You hit me right where it hurts, little bitch. But, you know what? I don't have a shred of decency." He laughed at his sick joke and continued to rub the rubber dildo against her pink cunt-lips, making her squirm about in agonized fear on the torture table.

He reached down and opened the folds of her pussy-lips so that the thick dildo could penetrate her cuntal opening. The tip of the bumpy dildo raked across her clit-sheath, opening the fleshy aperture so that her clit was totally exposed and vulnerable to the abusive treatment from the dildo.

"Aaaaeeeee!" she wailed as the pain tore through her loins, ripping into her cunt. Her pussy was not yet slick with cunt-juice and the dildo was rubbing across her dry, raw, tender cunt-flesh. It felt as though her pussy were being clawed apart by the rubber bumps on the tip of the dildo as it probed past her outer cunt-lips and into her cuntal cavity. She struggled vainly in her bonds. But for all of her struggling, her dire situation only became worse. The steel manacles dug into her tender flesh and caused her untold pain.

"It is foolish for you to struggle like that," he said. "Why not just grin and bear it, bitch!"

Bertram Havermeyer was insane! she thought. She had never met such a wicked and decadent man. Her eyes rolled in their sockets and she grimaced in terrible pain as the rubber dildo dug into her pussy, reaming out her cunt-walls obscenely.

"Aaaaaeeee! Aaahhh! Don't do that! Please!" she wailed as she felt the grotesque dildo sawing into her pussy, stretching her cunt-walls to the limit. "Please, don't push that awful thing up my pussy any farther. Shit! You'll rip my pussy apart!" She groaned loudly, fully aware that her pleas for mercy would go unheeded by Bertram Havermeyer. He didn't give a shit how much pain she felt, how humiliated she felt. That didn't matter to him – not in the least. All that he cared about was his own demented, sadistic pleasure. And from the lewd smile on his face, he was getting plenty of pleasure.

"Ha! Ha! If your pussy does get ripped up by my dildo, it won't be my fault. It'll be your fault, because if your pussy gets wet with cunt-juice, it won't hurt so fucking much, you asshole! Ha! Ha!"

He wormed the blunt tip of the dildo into her cunt, inch by terrifying inch, until the rubber shaft of the thick dildo was deeply embedded in her tortured twat. Obscenely, he worked the dildo back and forth in her tight cunt, sawing away madly, tearing into her tight pussy. The rubber bumps on the dildo-shaft raped across her exposed clit which instantly responded, getting hard and becoming erect, swollen with blood. She writhed and shook, her muscles flexing and spasming out of control as she shrieked in agony and dread, afraid that her cunt was being torn to shreds by the wicked rubber dildo. She gasped loudly and tried to pull away from the dildo which fucked into her cunt.

But, much to her dismay, the shackles held her tightly in her spread-eagle position on the torture table, making her practically immobile. She was able to twist her hips about some, but not enough to escape the probing dildo. She felt the bumpy tip of the dildo pressing deeper and deeper into her cunt. Moreover, whenever she tried to pull back away from the dildo, Bertram just rammed it harder into her cunt. He showed her no mercy at all. He just kept pumping the rubber dildo into her tortured twat, dildo-fucking her pussy with wild abandon, loving every agonized moment that she suffered.

"Hey, that's a good little bitch!" he snorted, his nostrils flaring sexily as he glowered at her. "Your pussy is starting to respond properly. Get a close shot of her cunt now, Malcolm," he instructed. Malcolm moved forward and filmed her pussy impaled by the dildo. She could feel cunt-juice churning up inside of her abused twat now. Pussy-nectar lubricated her dark cuntal passageway, making it easier for the dildo to slice in and out of her tight, but wet cunt. He was working on her pussy with demonic delight, pumping and sawing the dildo into her juicy twat, smiling obscenely as he dildo-fucked the naked and helpless young eighteen-year-old girl, purposely tormenting her.

"Hey!" Malcolm Reams said. "This is gonna make a great scene, Bertram. Shit, yeah! Look at that cunt-juice streaming out of her pussy!"

"That's right! Sally here is one hot little bitch. That's for sure!" Bertram replied. He emphasized his point by slamming the dildo as far as it could go in her pussy, penetrating her twat deeply. He slammed the dildo into her cunt hard and fast, with staccato-like motions. Pumping and sawing! Slamming and pounding! Pummeling the dildo into her ravaged cunt, which dripped pussy-juice. Cunt-nectar poured out of her wet cunt and leaked onto the shaft of the rubber dildo, which glistened in the harsh light whenever Bertram pulled it out of her cunt in preparation for another thrust deep into her pussy.

"Yeah, shit! Your cunt is starting to work real good now, bitch!" Bertram said coldly, his voice dripping with evilness and sexual decadence. He seemed to love talking lewdly to her, his mouth spewing forth grotesque curses and obscene epithets. "Yeah! Hot fucking damn! You like this, don't you, Sally? You like having your cunt reamed out by a rubber dildo?"

"Nooooo! I hate it! I… I… hate it!" she screamed in startled response. But deep down inside, deep in her heart, she knew that she was lying. The dildo-fucking was beginning to feel quite good. She refused to admit the truth to Bertram Havermeyer, and it was difficult even to admit the truth to herself. But there was no denying the chilling sensations of lust which welled up in her tight cunt. She was actually getting turned on by the dildo as it sliced deep and hard into her cunt. Pussy-juice gushed out of her twat and flowed down the length of the rubber dildo. Her cunt was slick with pussy-oils and the mighty dildo churned around in her twat, making her cunt-butter flow even more.

She was hot, and she knew it! She nevertheless felt horribly degraded. The fact that she was getting hot and horny did not diminish her feelings of hatred for the two men who were so cruelly tormenting and sexually abusing her ripe young cunt. She watched Malcolm Reams out of the corner of her eye, seeing him maneuvering about the room to get different shots of her as she writhed about helplessly on the torture table. He zoomed in on her face which was a contorted mask of pain and humiliation. Then he would come around and zoom in right on her pussy, filming every glistening, slick drop of her pussy-nectar as it oozed obscenely out of her hot twat and dripped off the rubber dildo and onto the leather table. Her cunt was seething with lust, and desire, and she began to kick and buck in an attempt to derive sexual pleasure from the dildo-fucking.

"Yeah, that's great! Love it! Love it! This'll make a terrific scene!" Bertram shouted enthusiastically as he thrust the rubber dildo into her hot cunt. "Shit, Sally! You'll have a whole shit-load of fans out in porno film-land after this movie is released."

"Yeah, you might even win the coveted Golden Cunt Award for your performance," Malcolm chimed in. He laughed lewdly and zoomed in for another close shot of her tormented face.