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Malcolm was fucking the brunette bitch – the foul-mouthed woman named Mindy – with such hard and frantic cock-thrusts that it looked like the woman's cunt would be seriously injured. His prick was so thick and long – at least a foot long when hard – that Sally was afraid the brunette bitch would be hopelessly impaled on his prick when he slammed her cunt down. Sally winced as she watched in wide-eyed amazement. But she could see that Mindy was totally happy, thoroughly enjoying the ruthless fucking that Malcolm was giving her juicy, hot cunt. At the same time, Sally could feel her own cunt-juices beginning to churn and boil in her tight young twat. She tried to look away, to avert her eyes from the wanton display of lascivious sexuality, but the gasping sounds that Malcolm and Mindy uttered, and the whirring of the movie camera inevitably forced her to turn her head and watch.

"Oh, you fucking son of a bitch! Big Prick Malcolm Reams! Unnhhhhh! Mmmhhh! Give it to me, Malcolm! Give me all of your cock, you filthy fucking bastard! I can take it! I can take all of it! Give it to me! Unnhhhhh! Don't stop now, you prick!" Mindy snarled, her long red-lacquered fingernails digging into the flesh of his muscular back, her heels kicking at his firm, rippling ass-cheeks. She was throwing her head from side to side, drops of sweat spilling onto the floor beneath her. Her dark brown hair whipped about, striking Malcolm's face and neck. She was in a veritable frenzy, fucking like a minx, like a bitch in heat.

"I'll give it to you, you cunt!" Malcolm rasped throatily as he thumped her, his prick slicing deep into her juicy, steaming cunt. "Unnhhhhh! Gonna… gonna come soon, you bitch!"

"Don't you dare, Malcolm! Not yet!"

"Fuck you, bitch! Mmmhhh!" Suddenly, the big man ceased his hard fucking motions and glared into the distance. He seemed to be staring into a void, his eyes unseeing, looking far off into space, with a startling and strange glow in them. He appeared to be thinking long and hard about something. "G-gonna… gonna come!"

Mindy moaned, shouted aloud. "No! Not yet, you bastard! You can't do this to me, I want to come. Don't leave me hanging, you asshole!" She bent down and began to suck his neck, then she bit him hard.

Stiffening abruptly, he rose on the balls of his feet and jerked upward, his prick burrowing balls-deep into her hot cunt. "Now! Aaahhh!" he screamed loudly as a thick load of white-hot jism spewed out of his cock-slit and filled her pussy. He gripped her ass-cheeks tightly and slammed her cunt down on his spurting prick as his jism began to backwash out of her overflowing cunt. His cum drooled obscenely out of her twat, running down to the base of his cock-shaft and forming a foamy, sudsy lather on his pubic hairs. "Unnhhhhh! Nice cunt!"

"You bastard!" Mindy shrieked. "You didn't wait for me!" Her eyes slit like razor blades as she spoke, her shrill voice readily conveying her deep felt sense of anger and frustration at failing to reach a climax. "Fucking asshole!"

Sally watched, transfixed, unable to avert her eyes from the lewd coupling. Sally shuddered when she saw Malcolm lift the brunette bitch high up into the air, his prick slipping out of her hot cunt.

His hard cock-shaft glistened in the harsh light, slippery and slimy and slick with a heady mixture of scalding jism and viscous cunt-butter. His cock-stand looked like an oiled spear. Malcolm set the woman down on the floor and backed away from her, his knees weak and trembling. The furious fucking had worn him out and he showed signs of fatigue as he staggered about.

"Stay on your feet, Malcolm," Havermeyer instructed as he moved in closer, putting the lens of the camera a mere four inches away from Malcolm's drooling cock which spit drops of jism onto the floor. The camera lens ran up and down the length of his dangling-pick and held for a long shut on his dripping cock-knob. "Okay, this is great! Now move over to the torture table and climb on. I want to see you straddle Sally's face!"

"What for?" Sally screamed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her entire body quivered with revulsion. The last thing that she wanted was to have Malcolm straddling her face with his oozing cock.

"Damn!" Mindy interjected, sitting up on her haunches to get a better view of the action. "Make her lick the twat off of Malcolm's cock. That's real good box-office stuff!"

"Precisely!" Bertram said proudly. "Damn, Mindy! If you can learn to control your temper, you might make a good director some day."

Bertram followed Malcolm with the camera, focusing closely on his drooling prick.

Malcolm Reams climbed up on the table and straddled Sally's face. "Lick the cunt off of my cock, slut!" he snorted.

"I won't!" she protested loudly, turning her face to the side in disgust.

"Make her do it, Malcolm," Bertram said coldly.

"Yeah, make the slut do it! Make the little whore lick your cock!" Mindy shouted anxiously, rising and standing behind Bertram to get a close view.

Malcolm reached down and pulled her face up toward his cock. He slapped her hard and fast.

Sally reeled in pain, her cheeks flushed a crimson red from the wicked slapping. She felt stinging pangs of anger and remorse, and she knew that it would be futile – and perhaps dangerous – to refuse the man's vile command. Her tongue flashed out and she licked the drooling tip of his prick, lapping at a thick drop of sticky jism that had formed on his cock-slit. His jism tasted salty and creamy, not entirely distasteful, but hardly yummy either. She could hear the continuous whir, ring of the movie camera getting louder as Bertram Havermeyer stepped in close. Sally imagined how lewd the scene would appear on celluloid.

"This is gonna make a nice take," Bertram said coolly.

"Yeah, but wait until we get to the lezzy scenes. That's when this film will really pick up!" Mindy stated with enthusiasm. "Then my fans will see me in my true glory!"

As Sally licked and slurped the tip of Malcolm's bulbous and bloated cock-knob, she reflected on what the evil brunette bitch was saying. She didn't understand. What did she mean by "lezzy scenes"? What did any of them mean? she wondered. Christ! she thought. They all spoke like they were big-shot Hollywood directors and actors. And Mindy, speaking about her fans! How ridiculous! How absurd! Or, could it be true? Did Mindy Mandringer really have fans? It didn't seem possible! No, these people were insane, with foolish delusions of grandeur. They made vile, filthy pornographic movies. She seemed to recall having heard the name of Malcolm Reams before, but she didn't remember when or where. Her mind kept going over the phrase, "lezzy scenes". Whatever it means, Sally knew that she wouldn't like it.

She gulped down Malcolm's jism with a sense of urgency, wanting this disgusting scene to end as soon as possible so that she could get some relief. She was locked into a terrible nightmare of brutal reality. She wished that somehow she would suddenly wake up and find that all of this was a mere dream. But she knew that it wasn't a dream. This was reality, and it was truly shocking! Was this retribution for some evil thing that she had done in the past? Was God punishing her for her sins?

"That's a good girl," Malcolm said condescendingly as he backed away from her, his long, soft prick hanging down between his legs. Sally noticed that his low-hung balls had relaxed and were no longer clenched and constricted. She could smell the pungent aroma of cum and sex and sweat that permeated the air of the, room. "You did real good," Malcolm complimented her, scratching his balls and sliding off the table.

"Yeah, that'll look real good on the silver screen," Bertram Havermeyer groaned.