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Sally gripped the woman's pussy-lips between her lips and began to obey the lewd command. She momentarily considered biting down hard on the wicked woman's cunt-lips, but she thought better of the idea. It would be a serious mistake. Malcolm and Bertram would surely whip her and abuse her even more than they already had if she bit the female star's cunt. I'll simply have to suck the bitch's pussy, Sally decided. She really had no choice in the matter. As soon as she began to lap and suck Mindy's hot, wet cunt, the evil brunette pulled her forefinger out of Sally's steaming asshole, and Sally knew that she had made the correct decision. Sucking Mindy's wet cunt was a degrading task, but it beat the hell out of getting her asshole reamed out by Mindy's probing forefinger. Christ! she thought, her asshole was terribly sore and tender.

"Suck, bitch! Suck my hot cunt!" Mindy commanded. "Make me come. I want you to suck me until I come!"

Sally sucked and lapped and tongued the evil woman's cunt for all she was worth. She knew that the woman would not leave her alone until she had climaxed from the lewd sucking. She slid her tongue deep into Mindy's juicy cunt. Mindy's pussy-juice dripped out of her wet, needy cunt and drenched Sally's upturned face. The wretched young girl smelled the pungent odor of the wicked woman's cunt-nectar and felt the pussy-nectar pouring out of the woman's pussy and streaming down her cheeks. She wept, but her crying noises could not be heard. Her tears were smeared with cunt-juice and her sounds of anguish and torment were muffled by Mindy's pussy-mound which ground cruelly into her mouth.

"Looks like she sucks pussy real good!" came Malcolm's enthusiastic voice.

"Yeah! She's a born cunt and cock-sucker! I found us a real nice little bitch here!" Bertram Havermeyer chimed in.

Both Malcolm and Bertram stood by closely watching the debauched scene. Bertram filmed the entire sordid episode, occasionally zooming in for a close-up of Sally's puckering mouth on Mindy's wet, hot cunt-lips. The two evil men reveled in the debauchery of the moment.

Sally felt terrible. She was being sexually molested and abused. Raped and tortured, forced to commit unspeakable sexual acts. Forced into decadence and perversion. The thought of what was happening to her was repulsive, and she wanted only to be freed from the bonds, of degradation. For the moment, she prayed that Mindy would soon come and end this horrid scene.

"Unnhhhhh! Ohhhhh! Yeah! Suck my cunt, you little clit-snapper! It feels so fucking good. Shit, this bitch sucks good pussy!" the brunette exclaimed as she rocked back and forth, her pussy rubbing across Sally's open lips. Her cunt slid deep into Sally's mouth, and Sally sucked the woman's clit-button down into her throat.

Mindy moaned long and loud. "Ohhhh! Aaahhh!" She climaxed and Sally felt the woman's clit throbbing inside of her mouth. Suddenly, Mindy pulled her knees inward, gripping Sally's cheeks tightly. Sally felt the blood rushing to head. She became dizzy and her head began to ache terribly. It felt like a migraine headache, so powerful was the squeezing grip that Mindy had on her head. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Mindy released the pressure on the poor girl's head. The brutal brunette toppled over backwards and basked in the afterglow of her orgasm. Sally felt dizzy, and she could not focus for a few seconds. But soon her headache dissipated and she looked up, her eyes glazed, her vision still somewhat distorted. Her body ached terribly and her mouth was sore from sucking Mindy's cunt, not to mention having been forced to suck Malcolm's huge cock earlier.

"Thank God! It's over!" she exclaimed as she wiped Mindy's cunt-juice from her mouth and face.

"Honey! We haven't hardly got started yet," said Bertram Havermeyer. "You've got a long night in front of you, my little cunt! Malcolm will make sure of that. Ain't that right, Malcolm, old buddy?"

"Sure as shit!" Malcolm said. He stood towering over Sally's supine, naked body. His prick and balls formed a huge bulge in his tight-fitting leather pants. He leered at Sally with a look that frightened the poor, abused eighteen-year-old redhead. Malcolm's face was a mask of unbridled lust and seething passion. He looked dazed, his eyes glazed over, his chest heaving as he took deep breaths. He reminded Sally of a bull who was preparing to tear a matador to pieces with his horns.

"Well, boss," Malcolm Reams said to Bertram Havermeyer, "What do you think? I'm ready to fuck her tight little virgin asshole. If is okay by you?"

"No time like the present, good buddy!" Bertram exclaimed with a toothy grin. "But I think you'd better grease up your prick with some Vaseline before you try to enter her asshole. She's gonna have a tough enough time taking your big prick up her ass, even if you are greased up."

"Yeah!" the brunette bitch added. "Shit, she had a hard enough time handling my finger in her asshole. Imagine how she'll respond to the feel of Malcolm's mammoth prick reaming out her asshole! Shit! This bitch is about to learn the meaning of pain." Then turning towards Sally, she said, "You're about to get it now, you fucking wench! When Malcolm ass-fucks a woman, believe you me, she doesn't forget it! You will never forget it! In fact, he's liable to split your ass in two with his prick. You'll be lucky if you come out of this scene alive, bitch!" The brunette grinned lewdly and licked her lips with her tongue. She tapped her foot on the floor and anxiously awaited for the ass-fucking to begin.

Bertram Havermeyer changed the lens on his motion picture camera and placed it on a tripod. He aimed the camera toward Sally who lay on the floor weeping and moaning. The young girl eyed her antagonists and she didn't like what she saw. Their cold eyes were devoid of any sense of pity or empathy. Their faces were as cold as ice. They looked evil, wicked, depraved. Bertram methodically adjusted his camera. Mindy sat down in a chair, propped her feet up on a stool and lit a cigarette. Malcolm Reams stared straight at Sally, looking at her with his glazed eyes, looking at her with what Sally could only describe as animal eyes. He looked like an animal in heat, a crazed bull, ready to attack, prepared to wreak vengeance upon her frail, youthful body.

Good God! she thought. These people were sex maniacs – depraved sex maniacs! How could they even consider the idea of Malcolm fucking her asshole? It made no sense at all. His prick was a foot long when it was hard. And it was easily three inches thick. Her tiny asshole could never accommodate his mammoth cock. The very idea was absurd! Preposterous! Absolutely ridiculous! If he did try to ass-fuck her, she would surely be killed, impaled on his giant prick! And even if she somehow managed to live through the ordeal, the pain would be so intense, so horrible, that she would never be able to endure the suffering. She would go mad! She would be driven insane by these three debauched people! Sally's very life was on the line and she knew it. She had to at least try to escape!

Malcolm Reams pulled his leather trousers off and walked over to where Mindy sat in the corner. "You got any Vaseline?" he asked the wicked brunette.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Mindy replied with a snicker. She reached into her purse and produced a jar of Vaseline. "Here you go!" she exclaimed as she handed the jar of Vaseline to Malcolm Reams. "Use it in good health, honey." She broke out in laughter and leered at Sally, who had pulled herself onto her knees. To Sally, she said, "You're lucky, bitch. If Malcolm fucked your virgin asshole bareback, you'd be in real trouble. As it is, you might not be able to take it even with his cock all greased up."

Sally couldn't believe what she was hearing! These people were mad! She had to get out of there, and she decided to make an attempt to flee.

"Fuck you all, you demented creeps!" she shouted as she suddenly rose to her feet and dashed toward the door. Malcolm was busy rubbing Vaseline on his lengthy cock and Mindy was relaxing in the corner, so she sped past them with no problem. The only one who stood between her and the door to freedom was Bertram Havermeyer, who was fussing with his camera, making adjustments and focusing the lens which he had just changed.