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"And you are one hell of a woman," he replied, nodding and smiling. He bent over and kissed her nipples lovingly. "I've fucked plenty of women, probably hundreds," he told her with a pathetic, embarrassed look on his face. "But, I swear to God, I've never felt anything like what we just experienced. That wasn't just ass-fucking. That was that was…"

"That was making love," Sally said with finality.

"Yeah! That's what it was," Malcolm said, grinning like a kid. "Dammit I'm afraid I might befalling in love with you, Sally."

"Malcolm, let me tell you something. I'm afraid I've already fallen in love with you."

Malcolm moved between her legs and bent his head down. He kissed her pussy, savoring the taste of her sweet pussy-nectar, his eyes wide with delight as he ogled her pretty thatch of red cunt-hair. His tongue slithered into her cunt, parting her pink pussy-lips. He licked and lapped lovingly at her precious pussy.

Sally moaned in ecstasy. Her sensitive clit-button throbbed with anxious anticipation. Soon, she would climax again. Malcolm was a hell of a lover! she thought.

Malcolm sucked her cunt tenderly as though he were worshipping her pussy. He adored the ill treated eighteen-year-old girl. He was in love. There was no question about it.

"Aaaahhhh!" Sally moaned as her climax struck her. "I love you! I love you, Malcolm! I love you! I love you!" she repeated over and over again.

At that very moment, she heard the menacing voice of Bertram Havermeyer. "Ha! What a joke! Let me tell you something, you worthless little cunt! You're not gonna love what I plan to do to you." Then, addressing Malcolm, he added, "Get up and get dressed, lover-boy. We've got to dispose of this bitch. It's time for us to take her for a ride."

Sally shuddered with fear. She looked up at Malcolm, but his expression conveyed no sense of empathy. He looked cold and hard. "Malcolm! You won't let them hurt me, will you?"

Malcolm shrugged and smiled cruelly. "Honey, Bertram says you're gonna be taking a ride. If that's what Bertram Havermeyer says, then that's the way it will be. He's the boss. Sorry, darling. It was fun while it lasted, though."

Sally couldn't believe her ears. Surely, Malcolm was joking. He had just professed his love for her! How could he turn his back on her after making such passionate love. It made no sense! "I'm scared," she said tearfully. "What are you gonna do with me?"

Then Mindy chimed in. "They're gonna snuff you, bitch!"

"Snuff me?"

"Kill you, dummy. They're gonna kill you." Sally was bewildered. She felt blood rush to her brain and she passed out, falling over, her head hitting the floor with a dull thump.


When Sally woke up, she found herself on the floor of a late-model Cadillac limousine. Her head ached, and when she tried to move her hands, she realized that they were bound by tight-fitting handcuffs. The car was moving.

Looking up, she saw Mindy and Bertram sitting above her. Where was Malcolm? she wondered.

"Take a turn at the next dirt road." Bertram instructed the driver.

"Okay, boss," said the driver. Sally recognized the driver's voice immediately. It was Malcolm Reams!

"Malcolm!" she shouted.

"You shut up, bitch!" hissed the evil brunette bitch who reclined in the plush back seat. "Damn, what a shame that we have to snuff this cunt. She did such a great job of sucking my cunt. Hell, I would've liked to have her around to service my pussy whenever I got horny."

"Ha! That's all the time. Mindy," Bertram quipped.

Mindy stretched out her nylon-clad leg and nudged Sally's face with the pointed tip of her shoe. "What a dreadful waste to have to kill you, bitch. You really did give me a damned good cunt sucking job. You would've made a good personal maid. Shit, Bertram!" she cursed. "Every time you come up with a good one, it seems like they have to be snuffed. I want her to suck my cunt again before we kill her."

"Forget it, Mindy!" Bertram said harshly.

"Well, how about a foot massage? You don't object to that, do you?"

"Not at all. Go right ahead. Have some fun with her. But we'll be at the killing ground soon," Bertram said as he lit a thick cigar and turned to look out the window.

"Take off my shoe, bitch," Mindy commanded. "I can't. My hands are handcuffed behind my back," Sally answered timidly.

Suddenly, Mindy stuck her thin, stiletto heel into Sally's mouth, and pulled her foot back. The heel almost ripped out the tormented girl's front teeth, but the wicked woman's shoe slipped off and dropped to the floor of the car. Sally couldn't believe how nasty and evil the brunette bitch could be. She was a true sadist, and Sally could tell by the lewd leer on Mindy's face that she enjoyed degrading her.

"Rub my foot. Give me a real good foot massage," Mindy said as she lit a cigarette with a fancy gold lighter.

"I would, if I could. But my hands are bound behind my back," Sally replied meekly.

"You really are dense," Mindy said, shaking her head with disapproval. "You deserve to be snuffed. Shit, you probably would've made a lousy maid." With that, the evil bitch thrust her toes into Sally's upturned face and cruelly ground her stocking foot into the girl's face. "Mmmmmmm," she cooed. "That feels good. You don't need to use your hands to massage my foot. Your face works just fine."

How degrading! Sally thought. She would give anything to get back at the nasty bitch. Not to mention Bertram Havermeyer and Malcolm Reams. But she would never get a chance at revenge.

They were going to kill her. And soon. She prayed to God to spare bet life. She was sorry for the wrongs that she had committed in her short eighteen years of life. And she hoped that the good Lord would forgive her and allow her into Heaven. Her silent prayer was interrupted when she heard Bertram say to Malcolm, "Stop here! This is the place!"

"You got it, boss," Malcolm replied as he stepped on the brakes. The car pulled to a stop. When he turned off the headlights, they were bathed in total darkness. "Where are we?" Sally asked.

"None of your fucking business, bitch!" Bertram shouted.

"Honey," said Mindy as she slipped her shoe back on her foot, "we are in the middle of nowhere. We are miles away from the nearest town. Do let me be more precise. Where we are right now is the site of your grave. This is where you are going to die, bitch… Oh, by the way, thanks for the foot massage."

"Fuck you!" Sally blurted angrily. "And fuck you, too, Mister Bertram Havermeyer. And fuck you, Malcolm, you bastard!"

"Feisty little wench, isn't she?" said Bertram Havermeyer.

Bertram stared at the tormented redhead with glaring eyes. Then he smiled and spoke to Malcolm. "Go get the shovel and start working on little Sally's grave." Then, to Mindy. "Go find me a couple of nice thin pieces of birch."

Mindy chuckled and dashed off in search of birch branches. Bertram shrugged and trudged back toward the Cadillac.

"You really are a bastard!" Sally exclaimed. "I hope you rot in Hell, you demented son of a bitch!"

Smack! Smack! Smack! The blows landed sharply on Sally's naked tits. She tried to protect herself, but the handcuffs that bound her wrists restrained her movements. She steeled her nerves and was determined not to cry or plead for mercy.

She was beyond tears. Besides, she thought, if I'm going to die, I'm going to do it with dignity.

"Yeah, you are a feisty little wench, all right," Bertram said, nodding and grinning lewdly. He unzipped his trousers and knelt over the poor girl's face. As he tugged his prick from his pants, he leered at her, then commanded, "Suck my cock one last time, Sally."

"Not a chance!" she replied angrily.

"Honey, if you don't suck my prick, you know what I might be tempted to do?"

Sally shook her head. "I'm liable to have you buried alive."