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Outside, the threshold of the forest was silent, the night sky cloudless, the stars very bright, snow deadening sound. Half a mile away was the only road through the mountains. The road meandered northwest to Tabriz, ten miles away, thence northward to the Soviet border a few miles farther on. Southeast it curled away over the mountains, at length to Tehran, three hundred and fifty miles away.

The base, Tabriz One, was home for two pilots - the other was on leave in England - two English mechanics, the rest Iranians: two cooks, eight day laborers, the radio op, and the station manager. Over the hill was their village of Abu Mard and, in the valley below, the wood-pulp factory belonging to the forestry monopoly, Iran-Timber, they serviced under contract. The 212 took loggers and equipment into the forests, helped build camps and plan the few roads that could be built, then serviced the camps with replacement crews and equipment and flew the injured out. For most of the landlocked camps the 212 was their only link with the outside, and the pilots were venerated. Erikki loved the life and the land, so much like Finland that sometimes he would dream he was home again. His sauna made it perfect. The tiny, two-room hut at the back of their cabin was screened from the other cabins, and built traditionally with lichen between the logs for insulation, the wood fire that heated the stones well ventilated. Some of the stones, the top layer, he had brought from Finland. His grandfather had fished them from the bottom of a lake, where all the best sauna stones come from, and had given them to him on his last home leave eighteen months ago. “Take them, my son, and with them surely there’ll go a good Finnish sauna tonto” - the little brown elf that is the spirit of the sauna - “though what you want to marry one of those foreigners for and not your own kind, I really don’t know.”

“When you see her, Grandfather, you’ll worship her also. She has blue-green eyes and dark dark hair an - ”

“If she gives you many sons - well, we’ll see. It’s certainly long past the time you should be married, a fine man like you, but a foreigner? You say she’s a schoolteacher?”

“She’s a member of Iran’s Teaching Corps, they’re young people, men and women, volunteers as a service to the state, who go to villages and teach villagers and children how to read and write, but mostly the children. The Shah and the empress started the corps a few years ago, and Azadeh joined when she was twenty-one. She comes from Tabriz where I work, teaches in our village in a makeshift school and I met her seven months and three days ago. She was twenty-four then….”

Erikki glowed, remembering the first time he ever saw her, neat in her uniform, her hair cascading, sitting in a forest glade surrounded by children, then her smiling up at him, seeing the wonder in her eyes at his size, knowing at once that this was the woman he had waited his life to find. He was thirty-six then. Ah, he thought, watching her lazily, once more blessing the forest tonto - spirit - that had guided him to that part of the forest. Only three more months then two whole months of leave. It will be good to be able to show her Suomi - Finland.

“It’s time, Azadeh, darling,” he said.

“No, Erikki, not yet, not yet,” she said half asleep, drowsed by the heat but not by alcohol, for she did not drink. “Please, Erikki, not y - ” “Too much heat isn’t good for you,” he said firmly. They always spoke English together, though she was also fluent in Russian - her mother was half Georgian, coming from the border area where it was useful and wise to be bilingual. Also she spoke Turkish, the language most used in this part of Iran, Azerbaijan, and of course Farsi. Apart from a few words, he spoke no Farsi or Turkish. He sat up and wiped the sweat off, at peace with the world, then leaned over and kissed her. She kissed him back and trembled as his hands sought her and hers sought him back. “You’re a bad man, Erikki,” she said, then stretched gloriously. “Ready?” “Yes.” She clung to him as he lifted her so easily into his arms, then walked out of the sauna into the changing area, then opened the door and went outside into the freezing air. She gasped as the cold hit her and hung on as he scooped up some snow and rubbed it over her, making her flesh tingle and burn but not painfully. In seconds she was glowing within and without. It had taken her a whole winter to get used to the snow bath after the heat. Now, without it, the sauna was incomplete. Quickly she did the same for him, then rushed happily back into the warm again, leaving him to roll and thrash in the snow for a few seconds. He did not notice the group of men and the mullah standing in a shocked group up the rise, half hidden under the trees beside the path, fifty yards away. Just as he was closing the door he saw them. Fury rushed through him. He slammed the door. “Some villagers are out there. They must have been watching us. Everyone knows this is off limits!” She was equally enraged and they dressed hurriedly. He pulled on his fur boots and heavy sweater and pants and grabbed the huge ax and rushed out. The men were still there and he charged them with a roar, his ax on high. They scattered as he whirled at them, then one of them raised the machine gun and let off a burst into the air that echoed off the mountainside. Erikki skidded to a halt, his rage obliterated. Never before had he been threatened with guns, or had one leveled at his stomach.

“Put ax down,” the man said in halting English, “or I kill you.” Erikki hesitated. At that moment Azadeh came charging between them and knocked the gun away and began shouting in Turkish: “How dare you come here! How dare you have guns - what are you, bandits? This is our land - get off our land or I’ll have you put in jail!” She had wrapped her heavy fur coat over her dress but was shaking with rage.

“This is the land of the people,” the mullah said sullenly, keeping out of range. “Cover your hair, woman, cover y - ”

“Who’re you, mullah? You’re not of my village! Who are you?” “I’m Mahmud, mullah of the Hajsta mosque in Tabriz. I’m not one of your lackeys,” he said angrily and jumped aside as Erikki lunged at him. The man with the gun was off balance but another man, safely away, cocked his rifle: “By God and the Prophet, stop the foreign pig or I’ll blow you both to the hell you deserve!”

“Erikki, wait! Leave these dogs to me!” Azadeh called out in English, then shouted at them, “What do you want here? This is our land, the land of my father Abdollah Khan, Khan of the Gorgons, kin to the Qajars who’ve ruled here for centuries.” Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness now and she peered at them. There were ten of them, all young men, all armed, all strangers, all except one, the kalandar - chief - of their village. “Kalandar, how dare you come here!”

“I’m sorry, Highness,” he said apologetically, “but the mullah said I was to lead him here by this trail and not by the main path and so - ” “What do you want, parasite?” she said, turning on the mullah. “Show respect, woman,” the mullah said even more angrily. “Soon we’ll be in command. The Koran has laws for nakedness and loose living: stoning and the lash.”

“The Koran has laws for trespass and bandits and threatening peaceful people, and rebellion against their chiefs and liege lords. I’m not one of your frightened illiterates! I know you for what you are and what you’ve always been, the parasites of the villages and the people. What do you want?”

From the base, people were hurrying up with flashlights. At their head were the two bleary-eyed mechanics, Dibble and Arberry, with Ali Dayati carefully in tow. All were sleep ruffled, hastily dressed, and anxious. “What’s going on?” Dayati demanded, thick glasses on his nose, peering at them. His family had been protected by and had served the Gorgon Khans for years. “These dogs,” Azadeh began hotly, “came out of the nigh - ” “Hold your tongue, woman,” the mullah said angrily, then turned on Dayati. “Who’re you?”