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“See?” I said. “Think positive.”

“God, I feel so much better now that I told you,” she said. “I suppose I should thank my brother. Or not. That little shit.”

I grinned and shook my head. Siblings. “Why do you think Kai gave his blessing?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “He’s been different, more mature. Maybe I was wrong to get on his case all summer.”

“Please, you’re always on his case. This summer was no different.”

She chuckled. “True.”

“Dakota . . .” It was on the tip of my tongue and I needed to just come out with it. “You know how close I feel to Kai, right? I consider him one of my best friends.”

She nodded. “You guys have a close friendship. He respects you a lot.”

“I . . . think”—my neck and cheeks and ears heated up—“I’ve developed a little crush on him this summer.”

Dakota stayed silent, and I had no idea what she was thinking.

Shit, had I ruined everything by telling her?

She folded her arms across her chest. “So you finally admit it?”

My head snapped up. “Huh?”

“In my opinion, you’ve had a crush on my brother since high school. Along with every other girl,” she said. “I don’t know what it is about girls swooning over bad boys. We’ve got to do something to save ourselves.”

I laughed, but it wasn’t genuine. Dakota lumping me in with every other girl made my stomach turn over. Brought me back to reality. Gave me the good thump on the head I needed.

“I’m sorry, Rachel,” she said, biting her lip. “I don’t know if my brother will ever settle down.”

“No, it’s cool—I’ll totally get over it,” I said, shaking my head vigorously. Suddenly I wanted to take it all back and suffer silently again. “I won’t see him for a long time, anyway.”

And that’s what kept me grounded as I got through my first month of classes.

Remembering how unconvinced Dakota had sounded about her own brother.

Chapter Thirty-seven Kai

The first thing I did when I arrived in Amsterdam—besides taking a lengthy shower and a nap—was to tell Johan that I needed more shifts in order to learn everything I could about the business.

I’d had a long plane ride to think it all through. Returning to Amsterdam didn’t exactly sit well in my gut. So I needed to use my time here wisely and force myself to figure out what the hell I was doing with my life.

I worked long hours at the studio and absorbed as much information as I could about equipment, instruments, and relationships in the music biz. An idea was beginning to take shape, and when I told Johan about it, he was cool with it. He even said it didn’t surprise him.

What had kept me going was the adrenaline rush of finally having a goal and doing the work to achieve it. I didn’t even bother with weed, even though it was more readily available over there. I also pretty much hung on Rachel’s daily texts.

I couldn’t shake our last night together. The way she’d looked at me, how it felt to be buried so deep inside her. When her white lace underwear fell out of my suitcase my first night back in the Netherlands, I almost texted her a picture of it. To remind her of the incredible connection we’d had.

That first week, I also couldn’t help running my fingers over the damn hickey on my stomach that she gave me before leaving my room. I imagined her lips there and wished it would stay on my skin forever.

And now, as I thought about Rachel’s smile, her struggles and determination, the blood rushed through my ears with a thunderous roar. Fuck. It was time, goddamn it. To be brave and present in my own body.

I needed to go after what I wanted and not let some other guy have her. Maybe my goals were shit compared to goals someone like Andrew had. Maybe she wouldn’t think I’d measure up. Hell, even I wasn’t sure if I measured up, but fuck, I needed to at least try.

If I professed my feelings for Rachel and the moment fell flat, then at least I would have given it my all.

So while I worked on my strategy, I kept texting her, in an effort to send her daily reminders that she was still in my thoughts, even though I was a whole world away.

Me: Got to sit in with a new band today.

Racheclass="underline" On bass?

Me: Yeah.

Racheclass="underline" Very cool.

Me: So . . . those upstanding college boys keeping you on your toes?

Racheclass="underline" Ha ha. Bet there are enough Dutch woman to keep you busy over there.

Me: The only woman I’ve been busy with recently has been you.

Holy shit, I had actually confessed something over text. My heart was bouncing inside my chest. My fingers shook on the keyboard.

It seemed to take her forever to respond. Had I professed too much? Suddenly I was doubting myself. Again.

Racheclass="underline" Yeah? Been working too many hours at the studio? Not enough play time?

Me: IDK, something like that.

As soon as I sent that dismissive response I wanted to take it back.

So I followed it up with one more text.

The night before I left was intense, Rachel. And despite what you may think, I’m not jumping from bed to bed. Anyway, gotta run. Talk more, soon.

Her response back had been a vague Okay and came way late, like maybe she’d had no clue what to say. The following day we resumed texting normal, friendly stuff about our days.

* * *

Before long, I was sitting in my parent’s office at the casino. I’d been home a couple of days and had sworn Dakota to secrecy. But I knew that wouldn’t last long. She’d already informed Shane, which I’d been cool about. He was my best friend, after all.

And despite giving my sister and best friend my blessing, I still wasn’t ready to hear the nitty-gritty. Just like I was sure Dakota wouldn’t want to hear how I couldn’t get Rachel’s beautiful body, soft voice, and warm lips out of my head.

I’d shocked the shit out of my sister by returning and asking if I could stay at her place for a while longer, until I got my life in order. I didn’t tell her about Rachel, not yet. I wanted to reserve that information for Rachel’s ears alone.

If she wanted me, then we could tell everybody, together.

I was afraid she was either already in deep with Andrew or still wanted to remain unattached, but given the personal nature of our recent texts, I was hoping my intuition had been right. That maybe she was missing me as much as I was missing her and would be willing to take it to the next level. To give us a fair chance.

But I needed to be looking her in the eye when I said everything I wanted to say.

I needed to see deep inside her heart—inside her soul. Even if fear, uncertainty, or guilt was hiding beneath those emerald irises.

If I had to—no matter how hard it would be—I’d walk away.

As I made my way into my father’s office that morning, Stuart spotted me near the lobby. Eyebrows raised, he asked, “You okay, son?”

“Yep. Just back in town. . . . to make my own peace,” I said, throwing his famous quote back at him. “To live with the choices I’ve made.”

A gigantic smile draped his cheeks right before he gave me two good clunks on my back. “Make Chief Red Hawk proud. And your father.”

Something that felt a lot like pride bubbled inside my chest as I stepped inside my father’s office. Only to have it be deflated instantly.

“Have a seat, son.” My father’s voice was biting, stern. Disappointment was mapped across his face. My mother stood to the side of his desk, worry etching her brow.

He waited until I was seated before he said, “What happened in Amsterdam this time?”