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Escalla gave a shiver, as though casting off the evil eye. “Lovely bunch we have here.”

“Skilled killers.” Jus shrugged his backpack into a betterposition. “The two priests are field agents. The Geshtai is a slaver, and theBleredd priest is from Urnst-not a refugee from Tenh.” The Justicar watchedEscalla slyly appraising the other party members as they rolled by. “Oursorcerer is an ice mage. The paladin is called Olthwaite. The archer is Hanin. We were supposed to have an archer named Barkis, but he was stabbed in a tavern about an hour after he was assigned to us.”

“Wow!” Escalla hovered in midair, her little fists planted onher hips a she surveyed the wagon train. “These guys haven’t spoken to us allday. How did you pick all that up?”

“I talked to the barons men.” Jus gave a righteous sniff.“What did you think I was doing all last night?”

“I dunno. Ranger stuff?” Escalla shrugged, honestly confused.“Hey, man, I got my beauty sleep. One of us has to think about hercomplexion.”

With the wagons finally passed, Jus walked into the pitted dirt roadway and crossed into the abandoned fields. He climbed up an overgrown apple tree, looked out across the wild hedges, and scanned for movement in the ruins of a farmhouse nearby. He let Cinders sniff the breeze, then tugged a trio of ripe apples from the bough. One he polished and tossed to Escalla, one he ate for himself, and the third he stuffed between Cinders’ jaws. The hellhoundgrinned his mad grin, looking a little like a suckling pig as the apple gleamed between his teeth.

Jus looked at Escalla and gave a little shrug. “He likesthem.”

The ranger crunched his apple and slid to the ground. Escalla joined him, puzzling over how to eat the apple, which was far too large for her to sink her teeth into.

“So, Jus, you think the archer guy is a spy?”

“I think they’re all spies.” Jus glared at the departingwagons. “They’re each on their own side, not ours.”

“So should I do something?” Escalla passed Jus her apple. Hescored the fruit with his nails and split it in two.

“I could fireball them all.”

Burn! Burn paladin! Burn paladin! The hell hound’s tailthumped against Jus’ back.

The Justicar thought about the options, then heaved an irritated sigh and walked on in the wake of the wagons.

“No. The baron’s been useful. We’d just be pushing Trigolcloser to civil war. We’ll leave them alone… for now.”

Escalla cocked a sly eye at the Justicar. “Even Polk?”

“No. Him you have my personal permission to fireball.”

Happily bathing in a copper cooking pot of scented water,Escalla whistled as she rubbed the soles of her pretty pink feet with a sandstone. Cinders’ white fangs and baleful fires stood on watch above,covering Escalla’s rear. The faerie gave a delicious sigh and relaxed back intothe hot water, listening to the noises drifting on the nighttime breeze.

Polk followed the Justicar as he wandered about the camp, trying to bring the ranger to the path of proper thinking.

“Son, now I only say this because I really like you. Have youever considered the advantages of dressing in white?”

“White?” This time Jus stopped in annoyance. “I’d stand outlike dog’s balls!”

“But that’s the point-you don’t hide, son! It’s an invitationto attack! It’s daring your enemies to try their blades against a champion ofgood.”

Jus gave a snort. “How white will your robes be after a dayon the march?”

“Now that’s just mundanity. Son, my point is that a herodoesn’t waste time with skulking.” Polk gave a regal sniff. “Sir Olthwaite wearswhite.”

“Yeah. His order bleaches cloth by soaking it for about ayear in urine.” Jus seemed to be enjoying himself. “If you’re talking to thepaladin, I’d suggest you stay upwind.”

Jus wandered off into the darkened scrub in an effort to get rid of the teamster, but Polk followed doggedly.

Escalla laughed. Jus was the heart and soul of diplomacy, just as ever. Rising from her tub, Escalla wrapped a towel about her middle, tucked it in tight, then wrung out her long golden hair and shook out her wet locks in the breeze.

“All right, pooch, blow!”


The hell hound shot a stream of hot air from his muzzle, and Escalla hung her glorious hair in its path, spreading it out to dry.

As she worked her hairbrush, the faerie sang a song as she stood in the warm breeze. A slight tinge of sulphur was more than compensated for by sheer convenience. The girl threw back her hair, heaved a sigh… andthen heard a twig break in the bushes at her back.

Escalla streaked sideways, a fireball already crackling in her hand. Dazed by her speed, the Bleredd priest squatted on the ground and raised his hands to shield himself from the blast. About to roast the man, Escalla bristled with fury, clinging tight to her damp towel.

“All right! What the hell do you want?”

With his head hunched forward at the neck just like a ferret, the priest moved his hands up and down, trying to placate the angry girl.

“To talk, to greet a comrade, to introduce.” The man sankinto a seated position, trying to make himself small and non-threatening. “Iwant nothing-merely a chance to say hello.”

“Well, hello.” Escalla let her hand drop slightly, thefireball still half-formed between her fingers. “I was getting dressed.”

“Forgive me, dear forest princess, for this intrusion. I cameout of worry-that is, out of concern.” The priest folded his hands.“Concern for your companion the Justicar.”

Her pointed ears lifted suspiciously, and Escalla raised one eyebrow. “Concern?”

“Your companion the Justicar…” The priest tilted his headlike an animal coming at a problem. “For a man of his devotion, he seemsstrangely… impoverished.”

Oh, this ought to be great! Escalla clapped her hands together and wore her most innocent face.

“Well, he’s a special kind of guy. As long as he gets hishead shaved once a month, he’s happy.”

“Yes… which I why I wished to ask for your advice.”

The Bleredd priest no longer wore his armor, but a heavy warhammer still stuck its savage head through his belt. The man subtly moved to cover the brutal weapon with his sleeve.

“My temple is interested in furthering the cause of justice,perhaps even establishing a permanent corps of peacekeepers and investigators.”The priest tilted his head. “Your friend would be the one man who could provideus with the proper guidance… for a suitable consulting fee, of course.”

Escalla nodded sagely and looked duly serious. “Oh, ofcourse!” The girl made a sorrowful noise. “But he really doesn’t care so verymuch about money.”

“Yes, therein lies our problem.” The priest fixed a cool eyeupon Escalla. “But you could perhaps persuade him to accept such a sum.He could then perhaps donate it to a worthy cause.”

“Oh, very worthy!” Escalla fluttered her wings, thepure soul of innocence. “Or you could simply pay me, and I could handle allthose details myself.”

“And use your influence to guide him.” The priest opened hishands. “You see? We are in agreement!”

Escalla kept herself well out of reach and nodded. “Oh,absolutely!”

“An alliance like this is all the stronger the sooner itbegins.” The priest made a pass with his hands, and an image of gold, jewels,and gems gleamed in the dark. “I’m sure you can now see that there areadvantages to the two of you linking forces with Bleredd’s temple… and withme.” The man made illusory gemstones gleam. “When do you think we can begin ouralliance?”

Escalla drew a big breath and put on a thoughtful face, hovering in midair.

“Hmm… yes… oooh…” The girl weighed time andschedules in her head. “Um, how’s about when winged monkeys fly from my butt!”Escalla made a face and snapped her fingers at the priest. “Nice try, creepyboy, but I’ve got plans for a treasure all of my own!” The girl tucked her toweltight. “And I really, really suggest you don’t try bothering J-man and meagain.”