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Suddenly, Mark had become a man possessed, a maniac driven only by his intense animal lust for her body. Nothing else mattered to him that instant but fucking his long, painfully hard cock into that warm hair-lined pussy no man had ever touched, that damply glistening cleft he'd hungered for so long. She was a woman to him now, a desirable young woman to be taken, a virgin born for his sacrifice.

He reached for her, grabbing her roughly before she had time to react, before she could even cry out in surprise, a deep beast-like groan erupting from his throat as he pulled her roughly in prone position on the bed.

"Please, Mark, please… we can't… w-we can't!" she moaned piteously as he held her down with one lust-strengthened hand and ran the other greedily over the lush contours of her nakedly struggling body, kneading her ripe succulent breasts cruelly with hands now beyond his control, hands that acted as if they were possessed with a spirit beyond his own. Pinkish ridges of her softly delicate flesh protruded between his straining fingers as his head had dropped to the budding young nipples and chewed hungrily at their tips until he had felt the tenderly resilient flesh give way and the salty taste of blood seeping onto his lashing tongue.

"Oh, no, not like this. It can't be like this!" she moaned, more in anguish than in anger. But her plea was unheeded.

In his madness, he still held her wildly straining body tightly to the bed, imprisoning her there by he heavy tensed chest that weighed upon her lithe slenderness like a giant crushing boulder. Her long blonde hair began thrashing from side to side on the bed, her beautiful face contorted with anguish. She pleaded until the words become nothing but incoherent mutterings of jumbled words.

And it was then that he brutally fucked her the first time, robbed her of her virginity in a frenzy of jungle passion gone wild.

Ignoring the low moaning pleas, Mark rolled on top of the violently struggling coed, catching her body just as her long, slimly tapered legs had scissored out in one last desperate effort to escape his brutal assault. His hips had fallen down tightly against the mattress. The soft down of her thinly curling pubic hair brushed teasingly against his throbbing cock, inciting him to insane mumblings of crazed uncontrollable lust.

She felt the anguish of that night even now as she recalled it so clearly, like slow-motion frames from an old movie as it flashed in her brain. His knees were spreading hers wide apart, and he was grinding his pelvis hard into her squirmingly defenseless crotch, completely naked and vulnerable then to his rapacious assault. She felt once again the spasmodic jerkings of her own fleshy inner thighs as he drove his hand between them. Mark was searching for that elusive treasure, that jewel-like never-before-penetrated orifice between her wildly trembling legs. And then he found it! He jammed his heatedly throbbing cock up between her widespread legs, following the guide of his hand in the semi-darkness of the bedroom, and then shoved his blood-filled prick's head between her fleshy cuntal lips with a groan, he brutally thrust it all the way forward without hesitation up into her quivering pussy, deflowering her like a kidnapped Sabine maiden prostrate before her barbarian captor. Chris shrieked in agony and kicked her legs out wildly in the air in a futile attempt to escape the cruel impalement. Her frantic movement only worsened her plight, however, opening the depths of her unplowed furrow to his plundering cock as it hotly rammed deeper and deeper into her yielding cuntal flesh. At last, his pelvis smacked down hard against hers, signaling the hoped-for end of her agony as his rigidly beating cock slid all the way up inside her trembling belly, the warm wet bloody walls of her cunt wrapped tightly around the fleshy hardness like a moist warm glove.

But the aroused fraternity boy hadn't stopped there. He didn't even give Chris a chance to adjust to the sudden unexpected presence deep in her virginal young womb. He just began to fuck her, thrusting in and out of her like a mongrel dog mounting a bitch in heat, and with about that much concern for her enjoyment and happiness. He had only thought of one thing – to spew his hot, thick sperm deep inside of her tight little pussy where it belonged and where he had yearned to empty it for so long now. He vented his lust against her torturedly groaning body time after time, flooding her cringing belly again and again with the hot white liquid of over a year's frustrated waiting and hoping until finally… his cum was gone.

And this was the boy she'd been thinking of marrying! Chris had awakened in the night, sobbing from a nightmare she was not convinced was real until she saw the blood smeared evidence on her inner thighs.

Worst of all, her parents had chosen that next day to come visit her! She'd been too ashamed to crawl out of that bed to and greet them. And Mark, damn him! He laughed through the afternoon thinking it extremely funny while she sobbed into her pillow.

That was the last she saw of him.


Chris pulled the belt to her fleecy robe tight around her still damp body and wrapping a towel around her sopping, freshly shampooed hair, emerged from the bathroom to find the landlord pacing back and forth in the living room a letter in one hand, a cigarette in the other. On the sofa sat Sandy, pale-faced and saucer-eyed, taking inhumanely long drags off her cigarette and exhaling with exhausting force. The blue smoky aura around her dark hair testified to the lengthy encounter between the renter and rentee. A tale of woe for poverty-stricken victims of America's unemployed. Chris heard nothing above the low roar of the top 40 rock station except for the words "welfare fraud" and "eviction". Fear froze her to the floor, her two feet two ice cubes melted to the tray. She clenched her jaws tight. Damn!

Roger stood straight and tall, his body abuzz with the excitement of facing a challenge most men would have cringed at. Roger could not remember when he had come up with the idea; probably it wasn't the sort of plan that was conceived all at once, but rather the result of several years as being a landlord and listening to half-hearted excuses and rationalizations for late rent and middle-of-the-night moves. He did remember the night he was woken up at two o'clock in the morning and, suspecting one of his tenant's of beating up his girl friend, broke in with his master key in time to see her flailing her hair back and forth on a love-crumpled bed while an embarrassed middle-aged man fucked in and out of her buttocks. In the kitchen the tenant sat smoking marijuana and drinking beer, keeping a close eye on the kitchen clock. A dollar a minute counts up-fast! Damn! Roger had thought at the time, I'm going through hell trying to collect the rent, and these bastards make twice that much in one night. Why not cash in on a piece of the action? he'd asked himself numerous times.

Hell, at that rate he could quit driving a cab and stay at home to make money. Legitimate money took time, especially with taxes and insurance – all the crap that drains your pocket for no reason but to keep the money flowing.

The first step had been to con two Mexican girls – lovely pieces of ass they were – into chaperoning a couple of businessmen Roger had taxied to Broadway Street where they wanted a quick floor show and blow job, something their wives wouldn't put out for. One phone call to the girls and snap! Fifty bucks in his hand. Nobody got hurt and everybody was happy: fifty bucks in his hand. Nobody got hurt and everybody was happy: the businessmen got laid, the girls got twenty-five dollars each, and Roger the other half.

With Margaret Sorenson it had been a case of coincidence, too, he rationalized to himself. Boy, she'd been crying her heart out for a man since old Sandor was blown to bits by that accident. She'd come pounding on Roger's door every day spilling out her woes, making promises for paying the rent… even offering to clean his place! How could a bachelor refuse an offer like that? Finding out about her inheritance… well, that hadn't been quite as accidental. He'd never thought he'd resort to steaming open mail, but it proved worthwhile. Old Margaret was sitting on a Goddamned nest-egg, just crying for somebody to share it with. Couple more months and he might be a married man.