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Sandy almost lost her balance as she felt desire ripple through her body in increasing undulations as her fingertips brushed back and forth across her nipples. It felt so good!

God damn! She's acting like some twenty-two year old whore!

Lust twisted his face as he watched the unsuspecting girl gently teasing and exciting herself. He was right about her. She was putting out for somebody! Somebody definitely was getting her nooky! He clenched his fist and crouched low behind the tree, preparing to charge. He couldn't stand watching any longer and, damn, her mother never did that for him!

He was just about to go barreling down the hill as if her were pulling off an off-tackle plunge when he froze, catching his breath in an audible way he was afraid she heard. She was sitting up again and using her hands to push the dress down over her creamy-white hips. He held his breath as he watched her rocking from one cheek of her buttocks to the other, wiggling and writhing lazily as she brazenly slipped the bunched up dress down over her thigh and all the way down to her knees. She sat for a moment in her little white bikinis, feeling so drowsy in the sun.

George licked his dry lips and watched her with her naked breasts caught between her arms, pressing her cleavage tightly deep. Her breasts ballooned under her arms, making her nipples more tautly tempting than ever before. His eyes greedily took in her firmly flat stomach with its navel plainly visible as her abdomen tautly rippled when she again leaned back on her arms and tossed her wild black mane of hair.

Sandy basked in the gently, sensuous warmth of the sun. She closed her eyes and felt it warming her all over. On an impulse, she again sat up and hooked her dainty thumbs in her flimsy panties and pulled them off, feeling a rush of cooling air on her heat-moistened cuntal slit and in the deeply tight crevice of her buttocks.

George felt his body quivering like a big cat ready to leap. There she was before him, totally naked, her sensually voluptuous body so young and firm with a rubbery kind of resilience. He watched her breasts twin white orbs quiver elastically as she moved, lying down and stretching out in the hot sun. He saw her young naked loins moving enticingly as she stretched her legs.

His eyes were drawn to her groin where her firmly shaped thighs met her nakedly tempting torso and he saw her softly parted pubic hair that fuzzed out virginally. His eyes fastened on that slit and he caught a glimpse of warmly pink cuntal flesh as she lazily spread her legs. Her pulpy pussy lips were already glistening and swelling even as he watched. His cock throbbed and lunged once like a wild animal seeking freedom, and he gritted his teeth hard in an effort at self control.

Sandy lolled back, closed her eyes, basking in the gently warming rays of the sun and gradually becoming sensually aware of her own naked body. She felt her genitals growing moist with a throbbing itch, and her hands whispered over her ripely swelling breasts once more, her fingers teasingly skimming back and forth. Then she let her hands trail down, down over her contoured stomach and over her navel to the sparse triangle of pubic hair that was beginning to sprout there. She felt wantonly hot and she raised one knee slightly as her fingertips skimmed down the length of her wetly swelling slit. She felt the moist warm heat of her own cunt, and a tiny moan of delight escaped her lips. The sun, her hands, they felt so good!

Her fingers began tenderly probing and exploring her teased clitoris into an erect life of its own. She felt a rippling erotic pleasure tingle through her naked pussy under her gentle ministrations. She felt so devilishly wicked as she allowed her hips to jut obscenely upward while her finger slid up and down the heated lubricated slit in an ever increasing rhythm.

A crash from up on the embankment made the young brunette sit bolt upright, a strangled cry frozen in her throat. She didn't have any time to move before her step-father crashed on top of her with savagely guttural snarl. Sandy was knocked completely over, her naked loins flashing, her young breasts bouncing. They rolled over and over under the impact of his charge and ended up right next to the pond, with George on top of her.

Sandy was seeing stars, and her lungs felt like they were on fire as she gasped for breath and tried hard not to pass out. She opened her mouth to cry out but George clamped his hand roughly over her mouth. "Shuddup, you little bitch," he snarled. His wild eyed face was only inches from her. She could smell beer on his breath. He had been drinking again! His lips were twisted in a facsimile of a grin. "You make one sound, one little peep, and I'll beat the living shit outta you."

The words were hissed, spat out in her face and her whole body tensed as she tried to shirk away from him. He gradually removed his hand from her mouth, keeping one finger held up as a warning. Slowly, he removed his weight, getting up and allowing her to catch her breath with her breasts ripely heaving up and down to in front of his eyes. She watched him with wide-open eyes as he began taking off his shirt. She couldn't believe her step-father was doing this to her! My God, he had to be insane! Or did he really hate her that much?

He pulled off his pants and kicked them to the side. She gave a gasp of horror as she saw the hugely obscene bulge in his jockey shorts. His cock was so big he had trouble getting it out of the underwear until finally it sprang free with a life of its own. Her hand flew to her mouth as he stood nakedly menacing over her. His cock! It was so huge! She had no idea men's cocks could get so big. He held it lightly with one hand, sadistic grin on his brutal face. She stared up at the lust-swollen, blood-red mushroom head. She saw his thick white shaft with the bulging veins and, as she watched, her heart pounding, he pulled back the tautly tight sheath of foreskin and the flanged head ballooned out, red and shining. "No!" she cried, her voice trembling.

"Come on, you're putting out for those young boys," he growled. "And now you're gonna put out for me!"

"N-no! Never, n-never b-b-before!" she stammered.

"Don't give me that shit! You been staying out almost all night with those studs. Don't tell me you ain't fucked before." He crouched over her, his voice grating, his long massively pulsating cock held firmly in one hand. "I'm going to fuck you to within an inch of your life."

"No! Help! Mother!" Sandy rose up, crying out as loud as she could. She never even saw the punch. She felt it as the world seemed to explode right in front of her eyes; her head snapped around and she fell backward heavily, feeling the pain sponge deeply into her face.

George kneeled over her naked young torso, sitting on her stomach and slapped her face back and forth with an open hand. Sandy tried to ward off his stinging blows but found she was too weak and stunned to have much effect. His strength was incredible and brutally effective as he seized her wrists and bent her arms back above her head just as his hotly wet mouth clamped over hers and she felt his hot tongue wetly probing into her mouth.

She tried to yell, but his fiery hot tongue slid in her mouth and lewdly lashed at her own tongue. The terrified young girl fought for her breath as his tongue pumped lewdly and wantonly in and out of her mouth. Despite her terror and pain, a certain lasciviousness rippled through her body pleasurefully.

George was grunting like a madman as he pulled his cruel wet mouth away from her bruised lips and hissed. "You make one sound, and I swear I'll punch you silly!"