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But he was not unaware of the duties he still had to perform. He opened the lid of his laptop, typed his password and watched as the screen brightened, returning him to his unsaved e-mail. He read what he had already written, felt dissatisfaction with his poor choice of words, deleted the entire message, and started writing again from the beginning.


Tiburon/San Francisco, California

The electronic gates swung open as Chee Wei’s Crown Vic neared the end of the driveway that led to James Lin’s residence, a sprawling Spanish-style mansion in the exclusive Marin County community called Tiburon. The taciturn guard at the shack at the corner waved them through. Ryker watched the sprawling building recede in his side mirror as he analyzed how he felt about that brief and unsatisfying interview. Lin had given nothing away, nothing at all. They might as well have been talking about the weather as about his son’s death. Did Lin have emotions? Or did he just keep them buried so deeply that nothing showed on the surface, except his very obvious contempt for the police, and for Ryker in particular?

“What did you think about that old guy?” Chee Wei said, zooming through the open gates and onto the road. “He gave me the creeps. Real spooky.”

“Pull over onto the next street,” Ryker said. Chee Wei gave him a funny look but did as he was told. There was another road perhaps two hundred yards down from the entrance to James Lin’s house. Chee Wei pulled the Crown Vic onto the road and turned it around so its grille pointed back the way they had come. The Ford’s Police Interceptor engine purred while Ryker sifted his thoughts.

“What’s up?” Chee Wei asked. “Was it that war and peace thing? Things were a little tense, I thought maybe you forgot to ask him.”

Ryker shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. The old guy. Lin called him his manservant. What does that mean? In Chinese terms.”

Chee Wei shrugged. “Same as it does here. Except, maybe, it’s a role rather than just a job. These things are traditional. I bet he’s worked for Lin and his family all his life.”

Ryker unwrapped a mint and popped it into his mouth. With this new information in mind he revised the conversation-and suddenly the manservant’s noisy interruptions made perfect sense. “They were a double act,” he said, pleased that he’d figured it out so quickly. “The manservant distracted us so Lin wouldn’t betray himself.”

“Man, you sound just like my sister. She lies in bed all day watching soaps then talks all that ‘betrayed himself’ stuff. So what’s the big deal? The merry widow called him before we got here. Lin knew his son was dead. He’s not gonna want to go all misty eyed over that, not in front of a pair of cops, especially when one of them is white.”

Ryker found himself agreeing with Chee Wei, but only to an extent. The beats were all wrong. Lin had taken the news of his son’s death remarkably well. Ryker had admired his self control; he wasn’t sure if he could be so outwardly calm if someone dropped by unannounced and told him something had happened to his daughter, God forbid. But then Ryker had revealed the method of Lin Dan’s death. That had sparked off the manservant’s tirade, taking their eyes from Lin. Very clever. And the second time, when Chee Wei had intervened? They’d been talking about the woman at the hotel, who might have been Lin Dan’s companion, or his murderer, or both.

“Bogey at twelve o’clock!” Chee Wei said, snapping Ryker’s train of thought.

Ryker looked up just in time to see a black sedan dart past, heading down the street that led from Lin’s house. Ryker recognized the stylish Mercedes S500 as the one that had been parked in Lin’s driveway.

“That was one of Lin’s rides. You know, I’ve always wanted to say this-follow that car!” Ryker said.

Chee Wei snorted and dropped the Crown Vic into gear and accelerated toward the intersection. He pulled out after the Mercedes without really bothering to check for oncoming traffic. Lucky for him, there was none.

“Don’t get too close,” Ryker said.

Chee Wei rolled his eyes. “What, you think I forgot all about this stuff? You sure that’s one of Lin’s cars?”

“You didn’t check out the cars when we were going into the house?”

Chee Wei shrugged. “A Lamborghini I’d look at-a Mercedes? Who cares?” He didn’t close on the Mercedes, instead he sat well back and allowed other cars to change lanes and overtake. The skies had turned dark, angry weather coming in off the ocean following the earlier rain shower. Ryker wished he’d brought a coat.

They followed the Mercedes across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Chee Wei said, “Looks like we’re heading back to the Mandarin Oriental. Maybe they’re gonna take a look at the murder scene?”

Ryker didn’t dismiss that possibility but he was pretty sure their destination was Chinatown. The Mercedes kept in lane, confirming his suspicion. Chee Wei grunted. The GPS slowly scrolled the streets, bright yellow on a lemon background. The red dot that represented the hotel slipped past on their right. Other points of interest coming up were the Cable Car Barn amp; Museum and the Transamerica Pyramid, which oddly enough he hadn’t ever visited in all the years he’d lived here.

The Mercedes seized his attention. A head in the back seat had turned round and was staring at them from three car lengths ahead.

“We’ve been made,” Chee Wei said.

“Maybe he’s just admiring the car.” Ryker glanced to his right and watched a stunning blonde in a black jacket and tight skirt walking her poodle.

The Mercedes powered ahead, stretching the distance between them. Chee Wei didn’t give chase, although his fingers tapping on the wheel suggested he was itching to burn rubber. “Now what?” he said.

Ryker’s reply was denied by his cell phone’s sonar ping ring tone. He recognized the displayed number and accepted the incoming call only with reluctance. He didn’t like Bob Jericho, not one bit, and Jericho didn’t much like him. He supposed that was a normal relationship between any working cop and their boss. “What can I do for you, captain?”

“It’s almost eleven and I’m only just hearing about James Lin now. You should have called me, damn it. Where are you? You haven’t spoken to Lin yet, have you?”

“Captain, something like this, we can’t sit on our butts. We visited the widow first. We think she was busted up in a quiet Chinese kind of way.”

Chee Wei rolled his eyes.

“Answer my question, Ryker.”

“We’ve spoken to James Lin, yes.”

He heard Jericho sucking in a deep breath. “What did you say to him?”

“We informed him of his son’s death. We offered condolences, of course. Captain, we’re in the middle of something, can I call you back?”

“What did you say to him? Tell me what you said.”

“Captain, relax. We told him his son had been murdered, and we’re looking for a woman who was probably with Danny Lin last night. Forensics are on it. Lin seemed satisfied with our response.”

“What woman?”

“Not his wife. Girlfriend, mistress, hooker, take your pick. She left behind a diamond earring, very expensive, could be designer. We’re heading into Chinatown right now, following up a possible line of inquiry.”

“You should have come to me first. You know that.”

Chee Wei changed lanes and the Mercedes was three hundred yards ahead, turning left through a red light and setting off a chorus of horns. Chee Wei immediately took the next left and glided down a street with lighter traffic.

Ryker said, “I wish you’d trust me not to embarrass the department, captain. What happened before with Danny Lin, that’s water under the bridge. This is entirely different. We’ve talked to Lin and broken the bad news and we shouldn’t have to bother him again. I expect he’ll want regular updates. That’s where you come in.” He winced when he blurted out that last part.