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  The peasant is saddened 40  At sight of the dirty    And squalid old village;  But sadder the new ones:    The new huts are pretty,  But they are the token    Of heartbreaking ruin.[8]
As morning sets in    They begin to meet people,  But mostly small people:    Their brethren, the peasants, 50  And soldiers and waggoners,    Workmen and beggars.
The soldiers and beggars    They pass without speaking.  Not asking if happy    Or grievous their lot:  The soldier, we know,    Shaves his beard with a gimlet,  Has nothing but smoke    In the winter to warm him,— 60  What joy can be his?
As evening is falling    Appears on the high-road  A pope in his cart.
  The peasants uncover  Their heads, and draw up    In a line on the roadway,  Thus barring the passage    In front of the gelding.
  The pope raised his head, 70  Looked inquiringly at them.    "Fear not, we won't harm you,"  Luká said in answer.    (Luká was thick-bearded,  Was heavy and stolid,    Was obstinate, stupid,  And talkative too;
  He was like to the windmill  Which differs in one thing    Alone from an eagle: 80  No matter how boldly    It waves its broad pinions  It rises no higher.)
  "We, orthodox peasants,  From District 'Most Wretched,'    From Province 'Hard Battered,'  From 'Destitute' Parish,    From neighbouring hamlets,  'Patched,' 'Barefoot,' and 'Shabby,'    'Bleak,' 'Burnt-Out,' and 'Hungry,' 90  From 'Harvestless' also,    Are striving to settle  A thing of importance;  A trouble torments us,    It draws us away  From our wives and our children,    Away from our work,  Kills our appetites too.
  Pray, give us your promise  To answer us truly, 100    Consulting your conscience  And searching your knowledge,  Not feigning nor mocking    The question we put you.  If not, we will go    Further on."
  "I will promise  If you will but put me    A serious question  To answer it gravely, 110    With truth and with reason,  Not feigning nor mocking,    Amen!"
  "We are grateful,  And this is our story:    We all had set out  On particular errands,    And met in the roadway.  Then one asked another:  Who is he,—the man 120    Free and happy in Russia?  And I said, 'The pope,'    And Román, 'The Pomyéshchick,'  And Prov said, 'The Tsar,'    And Demyán, 'The official';  'The round-bellied merchant,'    Said both brothers Goóbin,  Mitródor and Ívan;    Pakhóm said, 'His Lordship,  The Tsar's Chief Adviser.' 130 
  "Like bulls are the peasants;  Once folly is in them    You cannot dislodge it  Although you should beat them    With stout wooden cudgels,  They stick to their folly    And nothing can move them.  We argued and argued,    While arguing quarrelled,  While quarrelling fought, 140    Till at last we decided  That never again    Would we turn our steps homeward  To kiss wives and children,    To see the old people,  Until we have found    The reply to our question,  Until we've discovered    For once and forever  The man who, in Russia, 150    Is happy and free.
Then say, in God's truth,    Is the pope's life a sweet one?  Would you, honoured father,    Proclaim yourself happy?"
The pope in his cart    Cast his eyes on the roadway,  Fell thoughtful and answered:    "Then, Christians, come, hear me:  I will not complain 160    Of the cross that I carry,  But bear it in silence.    I'll tell you my story,  And you try to follow    As well as you can."
"Begin."   "But first tell me  The gifts you consider    As true earthly welfare;  Peace, honour, and riches,— 170    Is that so, my children?"  They answer, "It is so."
  "And now let us see, friends,  What peace does the pope get?    In truth, then, I ought  To begin from my childhood,    For how does the son  Of the pope gain his learning,    And what is the price  That he pays for the priesthood? 180    'Tis best to be silent." [9]
* * * * *
  "Our roadways are poor  And our parishes large,    And the sick and the dying,  The new-born that call us,    Do not choose their season:
In harvest and hay-time,    In dark nights of autumn,  Through frosts in the winter,  Through floods in the springtime, 190    Go—where they may call you.  You go without murmur,    If only the body  Need suffer alone!
  But no,—every moment  The heart's deepest feelings    Are strained and tormented.  Believe me, my children,    Some things on this earth  One can never get used to: 200    No heart there exists  That can bear without anguish    The rattle of death,  The lament for the lost one,    The sorrow of orphans,  Amen! Now you see, friends,    The peace that the pope gets."
Not long did the peasants    Stand thinking. They waited  To let the pope rest, 210    Then enquired with a bow:
"And what more will you tell us?"    "Well, now let us see  If the pope is much honoured;    And that, O my friends,  Is a delicate question—    I fear to offend you….  But answer me, Christians,    Whom call you, 'The cursed  Stallion breed?' Can you tell me?"    The peasants stand silent 221  In painful confusion;


New huts are built only when the village has been destroyed by fire.



The lines of asterisks throughout the poem represent passages that were censored in the original.