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Kellie made a tsking sound. “You know, this ‘all work, no play’ is turning you into a dull girl.”

Mallory cocked a brow and slid the envelope toward her friend. “Dull, you say? Take a look at these and tell me if you still think I’m dull.”

Kellie slid out the photos and Mallory had the satisfaction of seeing her friend’s eyes widen. “Holy smoke, Mal. These are hot.” She plopped down into a chair and studied the sheets closely. “The photographer did an excellent job of capturing your inner sexiness. I think I might have to schedule an appointment and have some of these babies taken.”

An unpleasant sensation she absolutely refused to examine prowled through Mallory at the thought of Kellie posing for Adam. After a quick inner debate, Mallory decided to share the details. “The photographer did a really excellent job, considering he’s a stockbroker.”

Kellie looked up. “Huh?”

After pulling in a bracing breath, she quickly told Kellie her history with Adam. When she finished, Kellie folded her arms across her chest and tapped her pink flip-flop on the hardwood floor. “We’ve known each other for four years and you’ve never mentioned this guy?”

“I guess I just kept him in the past-where he belonged.”

“And now you’ve waited an entire week to tell me you saw him again?” she asked, sounding both miffed and hurt. “What’s up with that?”

“I’m sorry,” Mallory said, twisting her fingers together. “Really. I’ve honestly wanted to talk to you about it, but we’ve both been busy and I just didn’t…know what to say,” she finished lamely.

“So what’s this Adam Clayton like now?” Kellie asked.

“He’s…the same.”

Kellie shook her head. “Uh-uh. No way. No guy is the same at thirty as he was at twenty. Either he’s worse, as in his six-pack abs are now a keg and he’s losing his hair, or he’s better-more rugged and manly, with an air of some experience about him. So which one is it?”

Mallory plopped into the chair opposite Kellie and huffed out a long sigh. “More rugged and manly.”

“Uh-huh. Based on these pictures, I figured as much.” Kellie studied her for several seconds then reached out and clasped her hand. “I’m guessing you’ve been thinking about him this entire last week?”

“Can’t get him out of my mind,” Mallory admitted with a defeated, humorless smile.

“I can see you’re upset, Mal, but hey-it’s not a crime to reminisce about the past. Or to think another guy is attractive. The world is littered with gorgeous men. Believe me, I know. I see their pictures in People magazine all the time.”

Mallory attempted a weak grin. “Yeah, but half of what’s going through my mind is X-rated.”

“Half-or more like three-quarters? ’Cause I don’t think it really constitutes a problem unless it’s at least three-quarters.”

“The problem is that for the past week, thoughts of Adam filled my mind ninety-nine percent of the time. Didn’t leave much time for Greg-you know, the guy I’m supposed to be thinking about. I just feel confused and disloyal and guilty as hell.”

“Maybe this is a sign that you and Greg are coming to the end of the line. There’s been trouble on your horizon for a while now.”

Mallory wanted to refute Kellie’s words, but she couldn’t. After all, wasn’t taking the sexy photos an effort to try to fix what was wrong between her and Greg? “I know, but these pictures were supposed to help with the problems-not cause more.” She shook her head, feeling lost and confused and not liking it one bit. “Maybe we are coming to the end, but I won’t know unless I give it my best shot. Greg has his faults, but he’s a good man. Steady. Stable. Dependable. You know how important that is to me. And you know how unsuccessful I’ve been in my attempt to find a guy who wants more than a fling. Who isn’t a slacker or a jerk or unemployed or up to his ears in debt or-” She shook her head. “You get my point. Greg has his faults, but who doesn’t? God knows I have plenty. I’m just not willing to give up on us without trying.”

“Well, if those photos don’t resuscitate your relationship, it’s totally flatlined. You’re seeing Greg tomorrow night?”

“Yes. I’ll call you Monday to let you know how it goes.”

“Good. I’ll forgive you once for holding out on me for a week, but not twice.”


Looking unusually serious, Kellie studied her for several seconds. “You know, Mal, it kinda sounds to me like Adam’s ‘The One Who Got Away.’”

Mallory considered, then shrugged. “I suppose he could be called that, but what difference does it make? The operative words are ‘Who Got Away.’”

“No. The operative words are ‘The One.’”

The One. That seemed to reverberate through Mallory’s mind along with an image of Adam. Then she shook her head. “That’s ridiculous.”

“No, it’s not. It’s statistically a fact. I just read an article about this in Metro Chick magazine. Eighty-eight percent of women who hook up again with ‘The One Who Got Away’ discover that he’s ‘The One.’ Eighty-eight percent, Mallory.”

“Which means that twelve percent discover that they’d have been better off if they’d let him remain ‘Away.’”

“When did you become such a pessimist?”

“I’m not a pessimist. I’m a realist. A realist who already has a boyfriend.”

“And if you didn’t?”

Mallory’s heart tripped over itself. If she didn’t have a boyfriend… You’d be all over Adam Clayton like sparkle on diamonds and you damn well know it, her inner voice informed her.

Apparently her expression gave her away, because Kellie nodded. “Figured as much.”

“But…but Adam is all wrong for me,” Mallory blurted out. “All wrong.” There. She’d said it-twice. A few dozen more reminders and that would convince her. Probably. “He was wrong for me before and he’s wrong for me now.”


“Timing issues. The reason we split up before was because we were heading in opposite directions, and we’re doing the exact same thing now. I’m looking for permanency. Stability. To expand my career, take on more responsibility, and enjoy my new house. He’s currently unemployed, doesn’t know what sort of new career he wants, is living the bachelor lifestyle, and plans to travel the globe, no doubt indulging in flings in every time zone-and has no idea where he plans to live once his lease is up. He even mentioned opening a tiki bar in Hawaii. Stable and permanent that is not. I’m focused on business and my future, and he’s Mr. Margaritaville.”

“He’s not going to be unemployed forever, Mal. Besides, if he sold a seat on the stock exchange, he’s not hurting for money. He has time to decide what he wants to do next. And as for the tiki bar and him doing his bachelor thing, nothing says you have to marry the guy. You could just be his Eastern Standard time-zone fling.”

Mallory briefly tipped back her head and squeezed her eyes shut. “You’re not helping, you know. You’re supposed to say, ‘The only reason you’re thinking about Adam is because his reappearance in your life caught you off guard and swamped you with nostalgia. Now that there’s no reason to see him again, you’ll forget him. Greg’s your boyfriend. Think about him.’”

“I’m not at all convinced that’s what I’m supposed to be saying, but I hate seeing you so unraveled. So I’ll play it your way.” A devilish grin curved Kellie’s lips. “Forget your sexy former lover and focus on, uh, what’s his face.”

“Thanks. Very helpful.”

“Always glad to be of service.” Again her friend’s gaze turned serious. “Mal, do you love Greg?”