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Nick’s voice sounded in his ear. “Hello.”

With his gaze glued on Mallory, Adam said, “Hi, Nick. Everything okay?”

“Except for the no lights, no power thing, yeah, we’re fine. Caroline’s actually asleep, and Annie’s lit a bunch of candles. I was calling to check on you. Where are you?”

All thoughts of answering were driven from his head when Mallory pressed herself against him, raised up onto her toes and lightly bit his neck.

“Hell…” he said on a soft exhalation of breath.

“Yeah, it’s hot as hell. But where are you? Still at the studio?”

“No.” He managed to get out the word before gritting his teeth when Mallory’s hands skimmed underneath his shirt. He reached for her with his free hand, but she smiled and shook her head at him.

“Finish your call,” she whispered, her fingers trailing over his abdomen. “Don’t mind me.”

Yeah, right.

“Damn, you’re not stuck on the expressway, are you?” Nick asked. “According to the last radio news report I heard, the traffic’s turning into a nightmare.”

She lowered his zipper and slipped her hands inside the waistband of his boxer briefs.

“I…I’m here on the island,” he managed to say. “Uh, safe and sound.”

She freed his erection then slowly sank to her knees before him.

“Good. You want to come over here and crash?”

He looked down and watched her slowly swirl her tongue over the head of his penis. A guttural growl rumbled in his throat.

“Adam, dude, you okay? I can barely hear you. Damn cell phones.”


She drew him into the satiny heat of her mouth, and he dropped his head back, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’ve gotta go, Nick.”

“You coming?”


“You coming over?”

“No. Thanks,” he said through gritted teeth, his breathing jagged. “I’ve already got…ahhh…place to stay.”

“Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow. Right. Bye.” He shut the phone and dropped it. Before it even hit the floor, he was sifting his hands through her silky hair. Lifting his head, he watched her draw him deeper into her mouth and he sucked in a sharp breath. Every nerve ending tensed, ignited with the erotic pull of her mouth, the teasing glide of her tongue. His muscles involuntarily flexed and he thrust forward into the warm, wet heat.

Sweat broke out on his forehead and he clenched his jaw to hold off the increasing need to come. When he couldn’t take any more, he grabbed her shoulders and urged her to her feet. After fastening his button to keep his pants up, he scooped her into his arms and headed purposefully toward the bedroom. She snatched up the flashlight from the counter as he walked past.

“You don’t play fair,” he said.

“Hey, all’s fair in making love.”

“Wait until it’s payback time.”

“Hmm. Is that a threat-or a promise?”


“Hopefully I won’t have to wait too long. But I don’t know-we’ve headed down this hallway before.”

“And nothing is stopping us this time. I turned off my damn phone.”

She combed her fingers through his hair. “Clearly we’re on the same wavelength. I did the same thing. And I spoke to my mom and best friend, reassured them of my safety, so no worries.”

“Good.” He entered the bedroom, then lowered her to her feet at the edge of the bed. “Now, as I recall, before we were so rudely interrupted-again-we’d just agreed we should get these clothes off.”

“I remember,” she said, her eyes glittering in the dim light. “Ready, set, go.”

In the history of mankind, there might have been a guy who managed to get his clothes off quicker than Adam, but he strongly doubted it.

“I win,” he said, eyeing her skirt and panties that she’d only managed to lower to her knees.

She released the material and they slid to the floor, pooling at her ankles, leaving her naked. Her gaze strolled slowly over him, lingering on his erection. The erotic image of her, on her knees, drawing him into her mouth, slammed into him. He could almost feel her lips gliding over him and he involuntarily jerked in response. When her gaze rose to meet his, her eyes brimmed with a heat that he imagined matched his own.

“Either you cheated, or you set some sort of world record,” she said in a smoky voice.

“World record.” Wanting, needing his hands on her, he reached out and clasped her hips then moved closer…until his erection brushed against her stomach. “Besides, how could I possibly cheat? Clearly I have nothing up my sleeve. Are you saying I didn’t win fair and square?”

She splayed her hands on his chest then slowly rubbed herself against him. He could practically hear whatever small amount of blood still remained above his neck whooshing down from his brain to his groin.

“Actually, I was thinking that it wasn’t really fair for you because clearly I’m going to benefit from you winning.”

“That’s okay. I don’t mind sharing. Especially with you.”

“Still, you had an unfair advantage. I’d already unzipped your jeans-”

“For which I thank you-”

“-and I had to set down the flashlight.” She nodded toward the beam of light rising from the night table to point toward the ceiling, casting the bed in a hazy glow. “That cost me several crucial seconds.”

“You could have just tossed it on the floor.”

“True, but I was thinking of you.” She raised a brow. “Still like making love with the lights on?”

“I’m flattered you remember.”

“Oh, I remember plenty of things. And I can’t wait to see if you still like them.”

“Gotta tell ya, there’s not much chance of me not liking anything you’d care to do.”

Her gaze roamed over him while her hands ran up his chest and over his shoulders. “It’s such a shame that you’re not actually gorgeous,” she said, heaving a dramatic sigh. “It’s a real stretch for me to pretend I’m enjoying myself here, but since you’re my guest…well, I suppose it must be done.”

“Certainly feel free to do whatever you think must be done.”

She whispered a single fingertip over the engorged head of his penis. “Clearly you’re very glad to be here.”

“You have no idea.”

He leaned forward to kiss her, but she shook her head and stepped back. “Oh, no. You already had your wicked way with me.”

“And you had yours with me in the kitchen.”

“Not really. That was just to get you in the mood.”

He gave a short laugh. “Like I haven’t been on the verge of detonation since the minute I saw you.”

“Then to keep you in the mood.”

“Believe me, it wasn’t an issue. But mission accomplished.”

She stroked him again and his eyes slid closed. “So I see,” she murmured. “But it’s still my turn.”

“Well, if you insist… Far be it from me to argue with a woman who’s clearly made up her mind.” Wrapping his arms around her, he lifted her against him then tumbled them onto the mattress.

“Good answer.” She urged him back until he reclined with his head propped on her double row of pillows. Reaching around him, she slid open the drawer in her bedside table and withdrew a condom, which she tossed onto the bed within easy reach. Then she urged his legs apart and shifted until she knelt between his thighs.

She tickled her fingers lightly over his inner thighs. “Just lay back and relax.”