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“Uh-huh. Are you aware that brain is not a secret code word for breasts?

He laughed and brushed his hand over her breast again, deliberately this time. “I guess I know now.”

A grin curved her lips. “Besides, I read the business section of the newspaper. I have a clue as to how much a seat on the stock exchange sells for.”

He grinned back. “Maybe I owe all that money to my bookie.”

“Maybe.” Mischief danced in her eyes. “Have you thought about maybe being a bookie?”

“Nah. All those odds and stuff.”

“Ah. Well, think about what I said. Let me know if you’re interested.”

“Okay.” He would. But right now, what he was interested in was getting her back to her house. And getting her naked. Thankfully her house was just ahead.

After closing and locking the front door behind them, Adam led her directly into the bathroom where he turned on the shower.

“I think I have grass stains on my ass,” he said, pulling his shirt over his head.

She grinned and stripped off her wrinkled top. “I did offer to be on the bottom, you know.”

His avid gaze traveled over her full breasts, and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down to playfully swipe his tongue over one velvety nipple. When he straightened, he started on his jeans and said, “A gentleman always allows the lady to be on top when either grass or sand are involved.”

“Ah. Good to know.” She kicked off her flip-flops then slipped off her skirt. “If it makes you feel any better, I have grass stains on my knees.”

“I can’t say it makes me feel any better now, but it sure as hell did at the time.” He held up his discarded jeans and pointed. “You’ll note I have grass stains on my knees, too.”

She shot him a wicked grin over her bare shoulder as she stepped into the shower. “And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Her words were followed by a sharp intake of breath and a yelp. “Yikes! This water is cold.

He stepped in behind her and sucked in a hissing breath as the chilly spray hit him in the chest.

“I vote we make this quick,” she said slapping a bar of soap against his stomach and reaching for the shampoo.

“Then get something to eat,” he added. “I’m starving.”

Much as he loved being wet with her, he had to agree. Ten minutes later they headed toward the kitchen, Mallory dressed in a pink tank top and white shorts, while Adam wore his boxer briefs. She held the radio, which she set on the counter. She turned the knob and music drifted from the speaker, the song advising listeners to “Love the One You’re With.”

“Whew, it’s hot in here,” she said, waving her hand in front of her face. “The AC’s loooong gone.”

“First the water’s cold, now the house is hot,” he teased. “I think I sense a bit of the complainer in you.”

She turned toward him and gave him an exaggerated ogle that stirred up considerable interest in his underwear. “My complaint with the cold water was that it cut our shower shorter than I’d have liked. My complaint with the house being hot is…well, I guess that’s just a complaint. Help me open some windows?”

“Sure. Not that there’s any cool air outside, but if a breeze happens by, maybe we’ll catch it.”

After they’d opened the windows, she snagged two bottles of water from the dark fridge and tossed him one. After taking a long, cool drink, he sat on one of the oak chairs at the kitchen table and tugged her onto his lap.

“I thought you were hungry,” she said.

He nuzzled her fragrant neck. “I am.”

“I have something that will cool you off.” She ruffled her fingers through his hair and shifted her bottom.

“That’s not going to cool me off, sweetheart.”

With a laugh she rose and walked into the kitchen. When she returned she handed him a spoon and set a carton on the table.

“Ice cream,” she said, pulling up a chair next to him.

He looked at the label. “Rocky Road. One of my favorites.”

“Figured we should eat it. Not only is it cold, but it’d be a shame to let it melt if the power stays out a long time.”

“Absolutely. Glad you thought of it. Besides, I suspect we could use the calcium boost.” He smiled and grabbed her hand before she could sit on the other chair and tugged her toward him. “Did you know ice cream tastes better when eaten while sitting on someone’s lap?” He waggled his brows. “C’mere, cutie, and bring your spoon.”

With a devilish sparkle in her eyes, she faced him then straddled his legs, settling herself on his thighs. He clasped her hips and shifted her closer, so that his erection nestled right where she’d feel it best.

He ran his hands in slow circles around her buttocks and smiled. “Care to feed me a spoonful? My hands are busy.”

Holding the carton between them, she scooped out a generous spoonful. But instead of offering him the morsel, she slowly drew the spoon into, then out of, her mouth. He felt his eyes glaze over.

“Delicious,” she said.

“Do that again.”

“Don’t you want some?”

“Are we still talking about ice cream?”

“We are,” she said in a prim voice that in no way matched the seductive curve of her lips.

“Later. Right now I’m much more interested in watching you.”

She scooped up a bit more and obliged him. The sight of her lips wrapped around that spoon pulsed heat straight to his groin.

“That look you’re giving me is melting my ice cream,” she said.

“Your fault. You’re making me hotter than hell.”

“Then let me cool you off.” She ate another spoonful of ice cream, then leaned forward and brushed her chilled tongue over his lips. “Cooler?” she whispered.

“Not exactly.” He licked his lips. “But you taste delicious.”

Without a word, she took another mouthful of ice cream. This time when she leaned forward, he cupped the back of her head and brought her closer, kissing her deeply. The cold, sweet, chocolaty silk of her mouth was a stunning contrast to the inferno raging through him.

Damn, how many more jolts could his system take? This woman could arouse him with nothing more than a look. The slightest touch. He sure as hell didn’t stand much of a chance against a hot ice-cream kiss.

Breaking off their kiss, he took the carton and spoon from her. “My turn,” he said. His gaze wandered down to her chest and he pointed to her tank top with the spoon. “Pretty as it is, that’s got to go.”

“Oh? And what would my cooperation be worth to you?”

“Take off your top and I’ll show you.”

Crossing her arms, she grabbed the ends of her shirt and slowly lifted the stretchy material over her head, sinuously moving her body as if performing a striptease. After dropping the top to the floor, her eyes gleamed with sensual challenge. “So show me.”

Adam reached out and slowly traced the convex curve of the spoon around her breasts. Her nipples tightened, beckoning him, and she shifted restlessly against his erection.

“You’re staring,” she said, sounding a bit breathless.

He raised his gaze to hers. “The view is spectacular.”

Scooping up a generous spoonful of Rocky Road, he let the ice cream slowly melt in his mouth. Then he leaned forward and drew her nipple into the chill.

Mallory gasped, a shiver of pleasure racing down her spine as Adam swirled his cold tongue around her sensitive peak. Combing her fingers through his thick hair, she arched her back, wanting more. He obliged her, then after eating another spoonful of ice cream, he lavished the same incredible sensations on her other breast. Each icy pull of his lips, each chilled swipe of his tongue, shot a stunning contrast of heat to her core.

Unable to remain still, her hands coasted over his bare shoulders, down his back, his arms, his chest, while she moved her hips, rocking her aching feminine flesh against the hard length of his erection.