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‘You smartypantses like your theories.’

‘Goes with the territory. Science, and all.’

‘Ooh, “science”,’ she mocks, smiling. ‘Using a strange and beautiful ratio to bring down the baddies. A green bunny.’

‘It’s the symbolism, more than anything.’

‘I like it.’

‘Any reason you chose bright green? The green number is 3, so that kind of makes sense.’

‘It’s a nod at bioartist Eduardo Kac. He created artwork based on a transgenic albino green fluorescent rabbit called Alba. They bonded. Once he had finished his research, the corporation he was grinding for went back on their word and didn’t let him take her home, and she died in the lab. It was sad. They were attached, after all that time. The corp became, like, the epitome of bio-bullies, and she’s kind of our mascot.’

‘Poor Alba,’ sighs Kirsten. ‘What did they splice her with, you know, to make her glow?’

‘GFP of a Jellyfish gene.’

Kirsten thinks of the beautiful jellyfish she saw at the aquarium, when she had learned of Betty/Barbara’s death.

‘I don’t know, it seems wrong to me.’

‘That’s the whole point. He used transgenic art to spark debate on important social issues surrounding genetics, and how they are affecting and will affect generations to come. It was ground-breaking, for its time.’

‘And poor Alba lives and dies in a lab.’


‘Not cool.’

‘Not cool.’

‘And so… Fibbonacci, Kac… you pretty much have an obsession with bunnies?’

‘Science does. Theoretical bunnies, anyway.’

The car stops, the driver cuts the engine. Seth looks past Kirsten, out of the car window, and says ‘We’re here.’

She moves to get out, but he puts his hand on her shoulder. Still, a kind of vibration.

‘Stay here, this will just take a minute.’

Kirsten watches him disappear down an alley, then lies down on the back seat, cradles her arm, and closes her eyes. Keke, she thinks, we are on our way. Keep breathing, keep breathing.

Rolo sees Seth coming and begins to lift the red rope to allow him access into the club. Seth gestures to show he’s not going in, and Rolo clicks it back into place.

‘Mister Denicker,’ he says in a low rumble, ‘what can I do for you?’

‘Good to see you, my man,’ says Seth, and they click their fingers together, leaving two five-hundred rand notes in the giant Yoruba man’s palm. ‘I need to see your – associates – again. The ones you introduced me to a few years ago.’

‘You wish to make another purchase?’ he enquires.

‘I do.’

‘The people themselves change. They have various addresses, and various contact numbers. Are you looking for heat, or spike?’


‘In that case, I suggest you contact Abejide.’ He takes out his handset, which looks like a toy in his huge hands, and pushes a button. Seth feels his Tile pulsate. ‘Tell him I sent you.’

Seth turns to go, when Rolo says: ‘I gather you know, Mister Denicker, that you are being followed?’



Johannesburg, 2021

Seth spins around, hand in pocket, but he can’t see anyone in the alleyway. Rolo motions with his eyebrows that the interloper is ahead of them, around the corner to the right, effectively blocking his way out. He motions for a bouncer stationed inside to watch the door, and jerks his head for Seth to follow.

They enter the club and walk through the velvet curtains and over the plush carpet towards the restrooms. It feels like midnight inside. A woman in a snakeskin bikini dances lazily around a pole. Guests, swirling the ice in their drinks, nod at Rolo as he passes. The restroom is large and spacious, tastefully decorated in comparison to the gaudy interior of the club. A man is swaying at one of the urinals.

They walk to the last stall on the left, which is always closed. Rolo takes a bunch of keys out of his pocket, squints at them, locates the correct key and unlocks the door, revealing another door in the wall where the toilet should be. He hefts his bulk through the narrow stall door and unlocks the next door, which swings out into the darkness of the back street of the club.

‘Good evening to you sir,’ he says, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

‘Good evening, Rolo.’

Seth glides in the shadows along the buildings until he reaches the car. He sneaks up to it and is about to jump in when he sees that the car is empty. He stays down, crouching next to it, pulls out his gun. As he moves forward he looks into the car and sees that it is not in fact empty, but that the driver’s body has listed to the side, a bullet-hole in his temple. He looks around, but the evening is silent around him.

‘Kirsten?’ he says, knowing if the killer is near he will be giving his position away, but in the moment not caring. ‘Kirsten?’

A hand shoots out from under the car, grabbing his ankle, and he yells with fright, pointing his gun at it. He realises a split-second before he pulls the trigger that he recognises the hand – it’s the female version of his own.

‘Kirsten!’ he whispers. She starts crawling out, he tries to help her. She’s ivory-skinned and beaded with sweat. He sweeps her into his arms for a moment. Opens the driver’s door and pushes the dead man out onto the street. He looks for a wallet but the driver’s pockets are empty. Kirsten clambers into the passenger side, feels the warm blood seep into the seat of her jeans. Seth jumps in, locks the doors, and presses the ignition button. It’s been a while since he has driven.

‘Put your safety belt on,’ he says, but Kirsten’s numb fingers can’t follow the instruction. He doesn’t flick on the headlights until they reach a main road, and keeps checking for a tail in his rear view mirror.

‘What happened?’ he asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

‘What happened? A boy with a nice face falls out of a window and a then man’s brain is blown out of his skull.’

‘Did you see who did it?’

‘No. He saw something—’


‘The driver. Saw something or heard something. He told me to hide. There wasn’t any time. He would have seen me run. I rolled under the car. Then I just heard the shot and there were yellow stars everywhere. I saw his feet. The killer. Big. Black boots, like… workman boots. He circled the car, so slowly. I was trying not to breathe. Then he walked in the direction you disappeared.’

‘One guy?’

‘Yes. I think so.’

‘He must have followed us from the flower shop.’

Kirsten keeps quiet, looks ahead.

‘He was waiting for me, in the alley. Hopefully we’re a little ahead of him now.’ He fiddles with the air conditioning dial. It’s not cold in the car but he can see that Kirsten is shaking. They travel in silence for a while.

Kirsten scrolls down Keke’s drop-down list of contacts, looking for Marko. He isn’t listed by name, so she looks for FWB, but doesn’t find it. Most of the contacts seem to be in codes and nicknames. LoungeLizard; Open SAUCE; hotelbarsuperstar. Then she sees HBG and clicks on it. Hackerboy Genius.

KK> HBG, Kirsten here. You there?

HBG>> Whre is Keke, wth u?

KK> Missing. We need your help.

He takes a while to reply.

HBG>> Anything. For her.

KK> Is there any new info you have, that you hadn’t shared with her yet? I have her FD.

HBG>> Not / lot. Ths fckers knw hw 2 cover thr trax.

KK> Chips were made by GeniX. Capsule was superglass.

HBG>> Ahead / thr time.

KK> Can you find out who had access to that kind of tech / early 90s?

HBG>> Short answer = no1, but let me look.