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“Tripod?” Rebekah echoed.

The rider removed his helmet, revealing the cutest member of Sinners, bassist Jace Seymour. Jace was a perfect ten on the hottie scale. That dark beard stubble and bleached blond, spiked hair totally worked for him. Rebekah found each member of Sinners attractive in his own way. Lead guitarist Brian, with his cover model good looks, was a perfect ten. Vocalist Sed, all hunky and handsome, was another perfect ten. Rhythm guitarist Trey, sultry, sexy, with a heap of bad boy thrown in for good measure, was at least an eleven. And then there was Eric. Their drummer. She’d never really paid much attention to him. Too busy drooling over Trey. Trey—hummina, hummina, hummina—Mills. She wondered when he’d arrive.

Jace unhooked an elastic cord from the back of his bike and the cargo net snapped free. He tugged a duffel bag off the back of the seat and tossed it to Eric, who caught it.

“If you’re trying to impress her with your car, man,” Jace said, “I think you should reconsider your strategy.” He snorted as he attempted to withhold a laugh.

“She loves it,” Eric said.

“She’s just saying that so you don’t cry.”

Rebekah shook her head. “No, he’s right. I do love it. I can’t wait to help him restore the engine.”

Jace lifted one brown eyebrow at her. “You’re going to help him restore it?”

Before she could take Jace down a peg about women’s lib and all that, Eric said, “Apparently, she has mad mechanic skills. Right, Reb?”

“Uh, yeah. I guess.” She blushed. “Well, I get auto mechanics, but sometimes I’m not strong enough to… But I do have little hands, so I can reach into small places easily.” She held up her hands, fingers splayed wide, and tapped her fingertips together. “I prefer to work with big hunks of metal—”

“Big hunks of metal? You’ve signed up with the right band,” Eric said.

Jace snorted and slapped Eric’s shoulder.

She rolled her eyes at Eric and tried not to laugh. “As I was saying, I’m not a fan of electronic components. That’s why I love these older cars so much.” When she beamed a smile at Eric, he got that melty look that Dave sported when he gazed at his adorable little sister with sappy affection. Ugh! She hated when guys looked at her like that. Rebekah was not Eric’s adorable little sister. She was a strong-willed, sharp-minded, tough, independent, sensual creature, and he’d damned well better remember it.

Rebekah grabbed Eric by the front of his white T-shirt and pulled him down to eye level, prepared to give him a good tonguelashing. “J-just because I’m s-small doesn’t mean I’m not capable of t-taking care of myself or that I’m not s-sexy.” She hated how she stammered when she was perturbed. It sorta took the significance from her words.

Eric just grinned at her, the heart-meltiness in his look intensifying. “Are you sure about that, precious?”

Maybe she’d get her point across better if she did something other than lash him with her tongue. She wasn’t precious. She wasn’t. She was bold. Daring. And more impulsive than strongwilled, sharp-minded, tough, independent, or sensual. Her free hand found the long hairs at the nape of his neck. She grabbed them with enough force to draw his lips against hers. He put up no resistance to her unexpected kiss, but didn’t exactly respond the way she’d hoped, or at all for that matter.

Rebekah kissed him hungrily, with an open mouth and a seeking tongue, as if they were red-hot lovers rather than barely acquainted.

Eric made a strange sound in the back of his throat, dropped Jace’s duffel bag between his feet, and drew her against him with both arms. Plastered against the solid length of his body, her feet rose off the ground as he stood straight. One strong hand pressed against the middle of her back, and the other slid down over her ass as he drew her closer and kissed her senseless.

Whoa! She hadn’t meant for this to happen. She’d meant it to be more of an exercise in “don’t underestimate my power” than “make my toes curl and my heart race.” Rebekah’s hands loosened their hold on Eric’s shirt and hair to slide over his solid shoulders. Yeah, solid. Everything about this guy felt solid. Well, at least bodily.

“Um,” a deep, quiet voice said from somewhere near Rebekah’s shins, “if you’ll just… let me… get my bag.” There was a loud umph as Jace pulled his duffel bag from beneath her feet. “I’ll get out of your way.”

Regaining a few of her marbles, Rebekah tugged her mouth away from Eric’s and opened her eyes. “Let that be your lesson,” she whispered breathlessly.

His lashes fluttered as he opened his eyes to gaze at her. “My lesson?”

“I’m not the most precious, adorable, little thing you’ve ever seen in your life.”

“Oh, yes… you are,” he murmured and closed the narrow gap between their lips to kiss her again.

Um… whoa! What the fuck? Her entire body was thrumming with unexpected sexual energy. She eased away, kissing Eric intermittently to wean her mouth slowly from the delight his gently sucking lips instigated. She even put a hand on his face and pushed in an attempt to restrict her mouth’s access to his. It was not very effectual, really. Even when he leaned back at her prompting, she leaned forward to follow. Damn, the man had strong lips. And hands. Hands. Hands… Dear Lord they felt good against her ass and lower back.

Rebekah forced her lips to break contact with Eric’s. Her hand slid to cup his cheek while she stared into his irresistible blue eyes.

“I’m not adorable,” she assured him, her eyes drifting closed again as she leaned in to steal another kiss. She just needed one more and she’d be set. Just one more. “I’m… I’m sexy and… Mmmm…” Or two. She kissed him again. And again. Shuddering when his tongue brushed her upper lip, she pulled away and then bit her bottom lip to make it behave and stop herself from craving his mouth so thoroughly. Rebekah opened her eyes, immediately got lost in his gaze again, and forgot what her point had been in the first place. “I’m sexy and… sensual and…” Still a woman.

“No arguments from me, little Reb. I just didn’t know if you were sure.”

A loud horn blared as a solid black tour bus with Sinners’ cherry red logo painted on the side turned into the parking lot and pulled to a halt next to the pigsty bus.

Eric lowered Rebekah to her feet and released her. He held onto her arm until she regained her balance and then turned to drop the hood on the Corvette before going around to the back of the car to open the trunk.

She was a bit confused by his sudden brusqueness. He’d probably lost all respect for her after she’d thrown herself at him like that. It wasn’t like she attacked good-looking guys on a regular basis. Or ever, actually. She just hadn’t expected to enjoy Eric’s kiss quite that much. She really had intended to use it to drive home her point. Which had been that… um… What had her point been? She touched her heated cheeks with cool fingertips.

Eric pulled a large duffel bag from the trunk and closed the hatch.

When he noticed her standing there uncertainly, he said, “Well, come on. Don’t you want to see the inside of the new bus?”

She smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

He bit his lip and shook his head at her. “I still say you’re the most precious, adorable, little thing I’ve ever seen.”

She gasped indignantly. Oh yes. That had been her point. “Eric Sticks, you don’t want me to teach you another lesson, now do you?”

He grinned and Rebekah’s heart raced.

“Yeah, actually, I do,” he said.

Chapter 3

Much to Eric’s delight, the new tour bus had six curtained bunks instead of four, and the mattresses were at least a foot wider. Bliss for someone obscenely tall and forced to sleep in a compartment designed for an average-sized toddler. Being perfect gentlemen—yeah, right—the guys let Rebekah choose her bunk first. She selected the bottom bunk closest to the bathroom where Sed used to sleep on the old bus. Trey immediately claimed the bunk over hers, which had been Eric’s.