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“Catherine’s organizing a quick gang bang inside. She wants you to come play,” he says casually as I turn to see him leaning up against the door.

His request isn’t unusual. Even though he just saw me just fucking Callie, he knows I would ordinarily be up for another round before too long. And Catherine doesn’t come to visit often. She’s from Las Vegas. A young socialite who married a man fifty-two years her senior. He can’t get it up anymore but he wants his wife to be pleased, so he gladly pays her membership here. He sometimes comes to watch, sitting in a wheelchair and sucking down oxygen. Catherine is one of the few “single” members here that can really take a hard gang bang. She loves it getting rough, and she’s never put a limit on the number of men. It’s always a fucking treat to participate in that. So yeah… Cain wouldn’t think twice about coming out here to see if I’m interested.

Except I’m not.

Not even the slightest… and that doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the annihilating orgasm I just had, but everything to do with the woman in my arms right now who has just gone tense all over from Cain’s invitation.

“Offer my regrets. I’m leaving for the night,” I tell Cain, and he knows he’s dismissed. He walks back inside without another word.

“Who was that?” Callie asks as she pulls her face back. Her words aren’t given in anger or condemnation. Just mere curiosity.

“That’s Cain Bonham. He’s my head of security here.”

“You can go back in if you want,” she says confidently. Almost too confidently, but I can see a different story in her eyes. It would actually destroy her if I did that, and I don’t like how that makes me feel. Callie has no hold over me. What we just did… that was just fucking. I plan to be right back here tomorrow night, and I won’t give her a second thought.

Fucking liar, my subconscious pipes up.

“Nah,” I say casually. “I’ll walk you to your car and then I’m going to call it a night. I have to be up early tomorrow.”

Callie wiggles a little, pushing against my shoulder, and I give into her silent demand to be let down. My half-hard cock slips out of her, and I lower her to the ground where she bends over to pull her panties back up.

“Oh, jeez,” Callie says as she gazes down at herself.

“What?” I ask as I tuck myself in and button up.

“Do you have something to help me clean up?” she says as she looks back up at me with a sheepish grin. “There’s like a gallon of um… well, you know… leaking out of me.”

Giving a bark of a laugh, I crouch down in front of her. I lift her foot up, freeing her panties that are hanging there, and use them to clean up the thick stream of my semen running down the insides of her thighs. As I stand up, I tell her, “Sorry. I haven’t had sex in a while. Must have been quite the buildup.”

I chuckle over the thought, which explains why my nuts actually hurt as I was coming. But the tone of Callie’s voice has me sobering fast.

“Woolf,” Callie says hesitantly as she pushes her dress down over her hips and smoothes it out. “We didn’t use protection.”

Fuck. How in the fuck did I—?

“Are you on the Pill?” I ask her quickly as I stuff her soaked panties in my back pocket.

“Yes, but—” she says.

“Then you don’t have anything to worry about,” I tell her with relief. “I swear I’m clean. I never, and I mean never, Callie, have gone without a condom. That was the first time ever.”

She winces and chews on her lip for a second before saying, “I appreciate that, but um… I don’t know if I’m clean. Will was the only man I was ever with, but he was cheating on me.”

“Christ,” I mutter as I swipe my hand through my hair. I just gave into overwhelming lust, stuck my dick in unknown territory, and who knows what that fucker could have passed on to his unsuspecting fiancée. It never crossed my mind to distrust Callie, and there’s no harm in that. This is Callie. Sweet Callie I’ve known all my life. But it also never crossed my mind to distrust the person she was with, and that’s totally out of character for me. I don’t give trust easily, and I’m usually very protective of myself. It’s just further proof that Callie drives me out of my mind, and that is not a good thing.

I reach down and take her hand, give it a short squeeze. “I’m sure it’s fine. And I’m sure he wore protection, but I want you to go to the doctor tomorrow and get tested.”

She nods at me as tears prick her eyes. “I’m sorry. I should have done that already, but I never thought this would happen, and I should have stopped you but I swear, Woolf… I wasn’t thinking straight.”

I pull her roughly to me and kiss her quiet. When I draw back, I murmur, “Stop. I’m sure it’s fine and give yourself a break. I’ve heard that I’m impossible to resist.”

She gives me a shy smile and blinks the tears quickly away from those beautiful eyes.

Jesus… what in the fuck am I getting myself into here? Tonight I’ve broken so many rules, I don’t even know who I am anymore.

I know one thing for sure though.

Even though my common sense is telling me to cut this shit off right now and break ties, I could no more stop with Callie Hayes than I could give up oxygen.

Chapter 10


I glance at the clock and when I realize it’s half past noon, my stomach gives a loud grumble, reminding me that it hasn’t been fed yet today. I make a command decision to go ahead and take the rest of the day off. This decision comes easy because I don’t have a damn thing to do, and I don’t like twiddling my thumbs. Woolf hasn’t seen fit to direct any work my way, and there’s no sense in me staying here any longer. There’s no telling when, or if, he’ll show up to the office.

I log off my computer and reach into my bottom desk drawer for my purse. Just as I start to stand from my chair, the office door opens. A jolt of adrenaline spikes through me as I think that it might be Woolf, but it immediately recedes, leaving my skin tingly when I see Bridger walking in. He’s dressed in the standard western wear, but he’s not wearing a hat. It gives me the opportunity to take in his dark brown hair that he wears a little long like Woolf and golden brown eyes that appear outgoing and friendly. He’s a very good-looking man, if you just take in a quick glance. Pretty face, hard, muscled body, and confident swagger. But when you look closer, he just radiates this weird vibe that’s equally compelling and dangerous. Just when I think I could be comfortable in his presence, I realize I’m not sure I ever will be.

He’s got a toothpick sticking out of his mouth that he lazily rolls with his tongue. He gives me a short smile, and I tell him, “Woolf’s not here.”

“Know where he is?”

“Nope,” I say succinctly as I stand straight from my chair. No fucking clue where he is. Haven’t seen him since night before last when he fucked me up against The Silo while apparently one of his employees watched, and then walked me to my car where he mumbled good-bye to me. When I got into work the next morning, feeling pleasurably sore from his huge dick, I was greeted with a handwritten note that said “Meetings in Cheyenne. Be back Friday.”

And that was it.

Haven’t heard a damn thing since.

No email directing me to do something here at the office.

No text to see how I’m doing.

No call to say, “Hey, Callie. I fucking loved what we did other night. Want to do it again?”

Just… nothing.

And I. Am. Pissed.

I am totally being blown off, and I’m actually really, really pissed.

He knows.

That fucker knows that I’ve crushed on him almost my entire life. I offered him my virginity. I let him finger me twice and then leave me. I let him fuck me in public while someone watched. He has got to know that I’ve got some feelings brewing up inside of me that might just need discussed.