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Belimai glared at him from where he had been knocked to the floor. He had one of Harper's boots in his hand.

"Last time I do you any favors." Belimai stood and then tossed the boot aside.

"What in God's name are you doing here?" Harper's voice was rough from sleep. His thoughts still foundered in the con-fused wake of his dreams.

"I live here," Belimai quipped. He pulled off his own shoes and sat down across from Harper on the bed.

"I wasn't sure if it would be safe to come back, so I was watching for Inquisitors from the roof across the street. Then I saw you just wander in past the open windows and plop down on the bed."

"You're supposed to be back at the estate house," Harper said.

"As I recall, so are you." Belimai slipped his legs under the blankets. His knee just touched Harper's thigh. He leaned back against the footboard of the bed and gazed at Harper. "What was so urgent that you had to rush off without saying anything?"

"Edward needed my help." Harper shifted a little closer to Belimai. He was cold, but it felt good to touch him. It was comforting for no good reason except that Harper hadn't been able to do it in days.

"Your blonde brother-in-law got in trouble?" Belimai's eyes narrowed slightly. "So, off you race to his rescue. How very gallant you are, Captain Harper. Does he still need you?"

"He's safe for now, but probably not very happy." Harper worked his remaining boot off, then kicked it out from under the blankets. "Where's Joan?"

"She dashed off to find you after two Inquisition captains came around the estate house looking for you. Captain Spencer and another Captain Warner or Warr—"

"Warren," Harper supplied.

"Yes, that was the name. So, you already knew." Belimai shrugged "In any case, your sister said she had to go warn you. She's looking for you in Hells Below, I think."

"She just left you?" Harper demanded.

"Yes. She seemed to believe me when I told her I was a grown man and could look after myself," Belimai replied. "And in any case, the habit seems to run in your family. You did the same thing." Belimai jabbed one of his long toes against Harper's stomach. "I'm amazed you don't have to get up now and save some orphan or find a missing dog."

"I'm sorry I left you, Belimai, but Edward was taken in by the Inquisition because of me. I had to get him out of there. You of all people should understand that."

"Oh, I understand. I just don't like it." Belimai jabbed Harper in the stomach two more times. Harper grabbed Belimai's bony foot and jerked him down flat on his back.

"Are you jealous? Am I only allowed to save you?" Harper pounced on top of Belimai, pinning him against the bed.

"You really can be an overbearing ass sometimes, you know that?" Belimai glared up at him.

"Yes, I know." Harper leaned forward so that his lips brushed Belimai's. "But you find me charming anyway, don't you?" Harper smiled and waited for Belimai's scathing reply. Instead he received a sharp jab in the side. Harper winced.

"I'm too tired to be clever, so you'll just have to settle for that," Belimai said.

"So, what exactly does a broken rib mean?" Harper asked.

"A broken rib." Belimai raised a black brow. "I hardly touched you."

"More's the pity." Harper leaned down again and kissed Belimai lightly on the lips. He felt Belimai's breath catch as they touched. Harper pulled back just enough to see Belimai's eyes close, then flash open again.

Belimai returned Harper's stare with a hard focus that he had never had before. The soft, drugged languor that Harper had grown so used to was gone. Belimai watched him with a starved intensity. His hands curled across Harper's back and pulled him back down. Belimai's tongue darted between Harper's lips, both invading and inviting. There was a ferocity to the kiss that seared through Harper. He forgot his gentle intentions and train of conversation.

With rough desperation, Harper pulled Belimai's loose clothes off. He ran his hands across the naked expanse of pale skin, savoring each hollow and curve. Belimai's hands slid under Harper's shirt and skimmed across his nipples. Then, with agonizing care, Belimai stroked the line of Harper s belt.

He kissed Harper again. Their tongues thrust and twined. Harper's entire body tensed. He kissed Belimai's throat, chest, and hips. His teeth grazed Belimai's arching flesh. Harper lifted his head and kissed Belimai's mouth, passing the taste of his own skin back to him.

Belimai pulled Harper's pants open. His hands curled around Harper. As if kneeling in prayer, Belimai bowed down and took Harper into the soft heat of his mouth. Harper's breath came in fast gasps. Harper's hips rocked with rushes of pleasure. He forced the sharp thrusts back into gentle motions. His muscles ached from restraint and driving desire.

Slowly, Harper turned and shifted around Belimai to reciprocate. Belimai moved with him, never lifting his head. They curled around each other, mirroring thrusts, sucking, and arching against each other in a driving rhythm. Shocks of pleasure jolted through Harper's body as Belimai swallowed him deeply.

Harper drew Belimai's hips closer. Ravenous, Harper sucked at Belimai, exulting in the mounting speed of Belimai's response. Harper's own body already raged beyond his control. Belimai's thrusts quickened, and Harper matched him. They moved together, their bodies locked in desperate motion and exquisite pleasure.

Ecstasy burst through Harper's body. It washed through his bones, blood, and muscles. It engulfed him in a thoughtless purity far deeper than even sleep. Harper lost himself—every fear, rage, hope, and desire—in a flood of physical joy.

Then the moment passed. Harper felt utterly exhausted. He managed to turn around and drape one arm over Belimai's spent body. He could hardly keep his eyes open as he pressed a kiss against Belimai's lips. Belimai shifted against him and pulled the blankets over them both.

"All right," Belimai whispered so softly that Harper hardly heard him, "I do find you charming."

Chapter Eleven


When Harper awoke, he was alone in the bed. The dull light of a few streetlamps poured in through the broken windows. Twilight winds tumbled through the torn curtains, carrying fat droplets of rain inside. Harper looked around the room and caught the outline of Belimai's thin body. Belimai moved cautiously. He held his shoes in his hands as he pulled on a coat. Then he crept toward the door, stepping expertly past the floorboards that might have groaned or creaked.

"Where are you going?" Harper asked.

Belimai spun back on him.

"Out for a walk," Belimai said.

"It's raining." Harper sat up. A chill hung through the room.

"I need to stretch my legs a little." Belimai took another step toward the door.

"I'll go with you."

Belimai's secretiveness worried Harper. It seemed utterly at odds with the way he had behaved only a few hours ago. Harper grabbed his scattered clothes from the floor. He pulled on his pants. The cloth was unpleasantly cold and still damp from the morning rain.

"Harper, don't," Belimai said. "Don't come with me."

"Why shouldn't I?" Harper already had his suspicion.

"You need to get more sleep."

"I'm already up." Harper forced a smile. "Try again."

"I would just rather do some things by myself." Belimai's voice was oddly soft.