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“He’s hurt. Help him please. Ariss attacked us and her g-guardian bit him. Help me.”

Dmetri’s eyes went alert. He reached into the car and pulled Jacks onto the ground. He inspected the wound at his neck and laid a hand over his heart. When he looked back up at her, his expression said so much more than words. Vera’s knees shook until she dropped down hard to the ground. She was rocking and shaking and couldn’t stop her hands from roaming everywhere.

“He’s dying, Vera. His heart is going to stop any moment now. Why did you bring him here?”

“T-to help him. He’s my mate. I don’t want him to die.”

“Vera, do you want me to turn him?” She nodded quickly, her wet hair slapping against her cheeks.

“What will you do when he wakes up and is angry about this? What if this isn’t something he wants?”

Vera blinked, wide eyed. “Then I’ll kill him myself. Do it, Dmetri.”

Dmetri cursed so loudly, that Vera knew Jacks’ heart had stopped.

Vera watched what happened next as if from outside her own body. She flinched as Dmetri tore his teeth into his wrist. He wasn’t gentle about it, but moved in jerky movements. He held Jacks’ mouth opened with his thumb and let his blood flow heavily down his throat.

“Vera, look at me.” She heard the words vaguely. He said it again before she looked at him. He kept moving side to side, but she knew that was just her own shaking body doing that. “Are you listening to me, Vera?” She nodded jerkily.

“He might not make it, Vera. His heart has already stopped, this might not work. I need you to prepare yourself for that, okay?” Vera sobbed and choked as her heart protested the idea. Jacks’ hand was limp in hers and she wildly wondered how the hell one prepared themselves to lose a loved one? It was impossible. There was no way.

Dmetri pulled his wrist away after several minutes and laid his hand back over Jacks’ heart. Vera watched and waited for a miracle.

Only minutes passed but it felt like hours. Bum. Vera sucked in a breath and squeezed her eyes shut, not sure if what she heard was thunder or...

Bum. Bum. Bum.

Gasping, her eyes shot open to search Jacks’ face. Dmetri looked at her and gave a short nod and suddenly she had the urge to cry all over again. Jacks’ lips twitched, his eyes fluttered beneath his closed lids, then his entire body was shaking in a seizure.

“This is normal, Vera. Don’t panic. He’s going to be okay. Well okay as a man can be when he wakes up to find out what happened.”

Vera helped Dmetri hold him down. The seizure didn’t last long. When it stopped, his entire body went so still she looked to Dmetri in question. He gave her a reassuring smile that bordered on a grimace and nodded towards Jacks’ neck.

Vera’s eyes widened as she watched the torn skin heal and repair itself. She’d known vampires could heal rapidly but she’d never actually seen it. The skin wove itself back together like little stitches and when it was done, his skin was only covered in blood that the rain washed off. Underneath the blood his skin was pink and new. It looked thinner than normal skin.

Jacks’ eyes fluttered then shot open wide and panicked. His eyes found hers and then he was sitting up and taking her hard into his arms. Nothing had ever felt so good in her life.

Vera cried out in relief and held him as if she’d let go he’d fade away and never come back. His hands passed over her hair, her back, and her arms.

He pulled back and looked around as if assessing for threats. He spotted Dmetri and Vera watched as confusion settled in.

“What happened?” His voice was gruff and sounded in desperate need of water.

Vera opened her mouth to tell him, then closed it. How did she tell him that he died and was turned into a vampire by her former lover?

She started to open her mouth but Dmetri saved her. “You were attacked by Ariss and her guardian. Vera brought you here.” Dmetri looked at her pointedly and she took a deep breath of courage.

“I stole some man’s car and drove you here, and then your heart stopped. So, um, so I had Dmetri turn you into a vampire.” She said the last on a squeak. She’d never had to deliver news like this.

Jacks threw back his head and laughed. Well that wasn’t quite the response she was expecting.

“Yeah right,” he said, then he pulled her close and kissed her. Feeling his mouth alive against hers made her wild. She kissed him harder like she was trying to get into his mouth. When he pulled back, he looked at her curiously. Then he slid a look to Dmetri and touched a finger to his neck.

“I remember the accident, then fighting with that strong son of a bitch. I’ve never seen anyone move that fast. Not even Rome. I felt so useless and angry...I couldn’t protect you and I wanted to scream.” He looked into her eyes and kissed her again. Vera kissed him back with every ounce of love in her body.

“We need to talk about this,” Dmetri said calmly.

Jacks jerked his head towards him. “About what?”

A blond eyebrow arched high. “About you being a vampire now.”

An unsure laugh. “You’re serious about that?”

“How else do you explain how you died and I brought you back. My blood brought you back, actually. Vera asked me to. I owe her that much,” he said softly.

Jacks sent a wild look to Vera. She quickly said, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what to do. I love you so much and I couldn’t bear it if you died. I asked him to. I would have asked you what you wanted but...” she shrugged and looked helplessly at him. “Dmetri offered to kill you again if you don’t want to stay alive,” she added quickly, giving him a bright smile. Dmetri cut her a quick glare.

Suddenly Jacks doubled over, holding his stomach, gasping in wretched breaths.

“He’s going to be very hungry,” Dmetri said matter of factly.

# # #

Jacks and fingered the sore spots in his mouth. He knew what the soreness in his gums was before he even touched it. Yet that didn’t make finding the two hard points any easier. He winced as he touched them even as he felt a wave of pleasure sear through him. Dmetri was right. His stomach growled, and his mouth tasted dirt dry.

His gaze fell over to Vera’s neck. He licked his lips and felt his fangs throb. He was moving before he even realized it. He grabbed her head in both hands and tipped her head to the side, her short hair parting easily, baring her rain-soaked neck.

He licked his lips, feeling drugged and woozy. Then Dmetri was beside him, his arm around his shoulders. For some reason he didn’t mind the touch. Vera was looking at him with such love and trust in her eyes.

He listened to Dmetri’s soft words of guidance. Then he licked a path of Vera’s neck, nuzzling her soft skin with his lips. She panted and he could hear everything gasp she took, even the quick beat of her heart. Hell, he could smell her arousal. She wanted this.

He followed Dmetri’s order and bit gently into her neck. She twitched against him and let out a soft, sexy cry. Christ his cock was so hard she could stroke him and he’d come.

Her skin broke beneath his teeth, no fangs, and then her blood pooled warm and delicious in his mouth. He sucked and licked at it, feeling the most dizzying sensation rush through his body. She was in his body. With each pull from her body, he felt her essence enter his.

He was claiming her, suck by suck. He listened as her heart quickened, her breath catching again and again. He knew she was wet in her panties. He sucked on her neck one last time and then she was sucking in air, gripping his back hard as she came.

Jacks had never felt anything so good. He heard Dmetri’s words, but ignored them and continued to suck and pull. He wanted all of her inside him. To never be separated from her again. He heard her heart stutter in her chest, and then he was ripping himself away from her with wide, wild eyes.