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Nathan Silvers

Widow in bondage


Strong hands grabbed hold of Karen Anderson's arms the moment she stepped into her dead husband's office. She started to scream, but another hand closed tightly around her long, slender throat and cut off the cry. She struggled for a moment, but the pain in her arms and lack of oxygen soon quieted her. In the darkness she couldn't even see her attackers. Her husband's plant had always had top-notch security, how had someone managed to get inside and all the way into his office?

The lights came on, and now Karen wanted to scream even more. Standing in front of her was her husband's partner, Mark Drey!

Twisting her head around she saw that the man holding her from behind was the plant foreman, Wayne Waldheim. Just an hour before, as her first act as new head of her husband's company, she had presented Mark with a forced buy-out plan that would drive him from the company, and she had given Wayne his walking papers. She'd never liked either one of them.

"Let me go this instant!" Karen hissed between clenched teeth. Mark's hand around her throat was still blocking off most of her air, and she felt a little faint. "You two must be crazy as well as crooked and incompetent. I'll have you in prison for this!"

"You're a beautiful woman, Karen," Mark said mildly. He was a giant of a man with a full black beard and steely eyes. He owned parts of a hundred different companies. "Much better than your limp-pricked husband ever deserved. But you're a bitch, and you made a mistake when you fucked with me. Now I'm going to have to humble you!"

"What he means," Wayne drawled laconically from behind her, "is fuck your hot little ass into the dirt!"

Karen began to struggle again, her eyes widening and her heart hammering in her chest. They couldn't mean that. Trying to scare her into backing down was one thing, even breaking into her new office and trying to force her to listen to them. But rape? She couldn't believe that a man as powerful as Mark Drey would do something so stupid.

But she could see the lust in Mark's eyes and she knew they were serious. She'd seen this look before, from boys she wouldn't date in school, from men who came to see her dance before her marriage, from the men who worked for her husband.

It was a mix of lust and hatred, and though she'd always loved getting that look before, now she dreaded it, because unlike all the others, Mark could act on what he felt.

Mark smiled when he saw the dawning terror in Karen's eyes. He stepped back, surveying her openly, inspecting her body. She was an exquisitely beautiful woman.

She was tall, with a dancer's long, muscled legs and tight, taut ass. Her waist was narrow, her stomach cupping in beneath the cut of her ribs. Her tits, though not too large, thrust high and firm on her chest. She was sleek and tanned, made for sex, and Mark was going to put her to use.

Even her face was perfect. High cheekbones, full lips, blonde hair struck through with darker highlights. Her eyes were wide and brown, her nose long and straight.

Mark wanted to see her full lips straining around his cock. He wanted to see her perfect features dripping with his cum.

She wore pearls, a fluffy, pale-pink sweater, stylish pants in the same color, white three-inch heels. Mark took hold of the collar of her sweater with both hands and yanked down as hard as he could, ripping the front to shreds.

"No," Karen whimpered. They were actually going to fuck her. She could see it in their eyes. "Stop it! Stop it now and I won't tell anyone!"

"Look at those tits," Mark sighed, ignoring her, and he grabbed one in each hand.

Karen almost never wore a bra. Now she wished she did as Mark abused her lush tits, squeezing them until her flesh bulged out between his fingers. Wayne was grinding against her from behind, and she could feel the hard length of his cock rubbing her ass through the thin protection of her pants. She was surrounded by male flesh. She wished she were dead.

Mark dropped one hand from her tits and began to lick and bite at one nipple while he pinched the other. Karen forced herself to remain silent, not wanting to give the two monsters the benefit of hearing her cry.

She almost whimpered, though, when she realized that Mark's hand had left her tit to travel down to the waistband of her pants.

"We're going to fuck you good, pretty lady," Wayne hissed into her ear. "We're going to fuck every hole you've got! And you're going to love it!"

"No!" Karen moaned, though whether she was answering Wayne or reacting to Mark unfastening her pants she wasn't sure. "I'll let you keep your part of the company, Mark. I won't fire you, Wayne. Please stop, though! Please just stop!"

"Too late for that," Mark replied, stripping her pants down her legs until they lay puddled around her ankles. "You fucked up when you pulled your stunt this morning. If it makes you feel any better though, I'd decided to train your hot little ass as soon as I heard your husband died!"

Karen had to fight back her tears. Now she was standing almost nude between the two men, her sexy tits revealed through the tatters of her sweater and only a pair of transparent pink panties hiding her creamy ass and pink cunt from their eyes. Wayne began to nibble and lick his way over one ear and the side of her neck, and Mark bit down so hard on her nipple that she thought he'd bitten it off. She realized now that there was nothing she could do to keep these two men from using her body any they liked.

"Look at that cunt," Mark said, and his hand slipped back and forth over the spot where Karen's thin panties protected her pussy-lips.

"You should be looking at this ass," Wayne replied, hunching against her silky, panty-covered ass while he slobbered and bit at Karen's cheek and jaw.

"Don't worry, I will." Mark whipped off his belt and Karen cringed back in fear until he grabbed her wrists and used the belt to tie them together. "Let's get this bitch in an easier spot to fuck!"

Mark jerked Karen along using the belt as a leash. When he'd walked her to her husband's old desk, he circled around to the other side and then yanked on the belt as hard as he could. Karen tried to resist being flung against the desk, but Wayne kicked her feet out from under her and she went flying forward.

She moaned in pain as her elbows and tits and hips banged against the hard wood. Wayne snickered and Mark smiled as he tied the other end of his belt to the casement of the window, pulling Karen's arms painfully while Wayne held her hips to keep her in place.

"We need to tie her legs or she'll slide over the desk," Wayne said with something like disinterest. His cock was still in his pants but he was humping Karen's ass steadily. "I want her legs spread out good!"

"Don't worry," Mark answered. "If I know Karen's late, lamented hubby…" he pulled open the top desk drawer, "… ah yes. Ties. Will it make you feel better to be staked out with your husband's ties, Karen?"

"You bastard!" Karen hissed, tears in her eyes as Wayne tied first one ankle and then the other to the front legs of the desk. He pulled her pants off to spread her legs but left her shoes on. "You aren't half the man my husband was!"

"I think you're wrong, there, bitch!" Mark unzipped his pants while Wayne chuckled. "I think you're very wrong there."

Karen screamed for the first time when she saw Mark pull his cock from his pants. Her mind refused to accept what her eyes were seeing. She'd seen porno movies when she was younger, with the big studs who acted in them. Her own husband had been no slouch and she'd thought his seven inches was just about right.

What Mark pulled out didn't even look like it belonged on a human being. It was over a foot long and it was as thick as the fat end of a baseball bat. Its head was bigger than a baseball and colored bright red, and angrily throbbing blue veins coursed up and down its length.

And it was growing quickly, menacingly erect.

"No!" Karen screamed. "You're not putting that in me! You're not touching me with that! No, no, no, no!"