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‘We can go over and pick it up this afternoon.’

Ray had to get out. ‘Sorry, love, better get over to the garage. Tell her we’ll pick it up tomorrow, all right?’

Audrey shrugged, went over to the toaster and looked at the slice of bread stuck halfway in. She shook her head. ‘I dunno — men can’t do a thing. Not even slice a bit of bread.’

Ray moved behind her, held her close and kissed her neck. She turned round in his arms.

‘I can really feel him moving. Put your hand on him.’

Ray felt like crying. He touched her belly, could feel nothing but a big lump, but he said he felt him, felt his son. Then he kissed Audrey, gripping her tight.

‘Gerroff, you soft bugger.’

He went to the door and gave her a little wave, before walking out.

Audrey stared after him. Funny feller. But one thing was for sure, he was going to make a great father, if the way he took care of her was anything to go by. She felt all warm and loving as she picked up the £50. At last she had a man that treated her right, who really loved her. She began singing, then had to sit down as she felt a sharp pain.

‘Oh, you’re a tough little bugger, aren’t you? Just like your dad.’

Dolly had parked her car a safe distance away and they walked warily to their lock-up before slipping inside. She and Bella moved along the wall into position and listened. Next door was empty, dark and silent.

Amanda’s nightclub, by contrast, was already a hive of activity. A bronze Security wagon was parked at the main entrance and two guards were carrying a small box up the steps to the main entrance. Standing watching was the club’s own chucker-out, Steve, wearing his smartest suit for the occasion. He eyed the guards as they passed him and headed across the reception area, then up the stairs toward the main club room and the offices. The club manager, Brian Shellskin, was also watching the proceedings. As the guards passed him he laid a hand on Steve’s muscular arm.

‘That’s the last.’

‘Yes, and those two will stay as added security.’

‘Good. Now, remember, absolutely no one is allowed to enter the club without a pass. Only the names on the clipboard list are to be admitted, and you must double-check the names and passes before allowing anyone up the stairs.’

Steve nodded. ‘I’ve got it. All the models are already checked in. They’re upstairs.’

Shellskin seemed satisfied. He fussed over a huge floral display at the entrance, picked up a dried leaf carried in on the shoes of one of the security guards and handed it to Steve before going upstairs to the club. Steve looked at the leaf, tossed it back onto the carpet and sat down. One of the security guards came down the stairs. He picked up the clipboard and flipped through the names. It was going to be a long old day.

Dolly was up on the orange box, peering through the hole. Men crossed and recrossed her line of vision, getting into security guard uniforms.

‘Aren’t they getting ready a bit early?’ Dolly whispered to Bella.

‘You remember what they’re like,’ Bella whispered back. ‘They’ll be in and out of those uniforms ten times before they’re ready.’

Dolly chewed her lip and went back to staring through the hole. She saw Harry pass across, holding a security helmet in his hand. So he was going to be on the raid himself. She tried hard to get him into focus.

Harry carried the helmet over to Harvey Rintle and took him to one side. With a look over his shoulder to see if they were being watched, he picked up a small holdall and opened it. It was full of cash.

‘Just take it, put it where you want it, all right?’

Rintle took the holdall, had a look inside and zipped it up.

Harry let out a breath. If Rintle had dug down below the surface layer he would have found nothing but cut-up newspaper. Harry then walked over to Kevin White.

‘Make sure you keep your visor down at all times, yeah?’

Kevin nodded, buckled his belt and picked up his helmet.

Micky was over by the shotguns, checking them out, cocking them, packing them with small capsules of rice. They wouldn’t actually blow someone away, but they’d hear a bang and feel the impact — think they’d been hit.

Ray, wearing rubber gloves, was washing down the Transit van, cleaning all the prints off it.

Harry was now standing right under the wall by Dolly and Bella. They couldn’t see if he was wearing a uniform or not, but Dolly was going on the assumption that he was, since she’d seen him with the security helmet. Then she heard his voice, almost as if he was speaking to her.

‘We roll in fifteen minutes — everyone stand by.’

Dolly gasped. The men looked as if they were moving out. Shirley must have got it wrong; they were moving out now. She almost fell off the box, pushing Bella ahead of her.

‘They’re going. We need to get outta here fast!’

They made it out of the lock-up and sprinted across the road. As they ducked out of sight, the big door of Harry’s lock-up slid back. The Transit van moved out, with Ray Bates at the wheel. Sitting in the back of the van were Johnny Summers, Micky Tesco and Kevin White.

Harvey Rintle then walked out, wheeling his bike. He crossed over the road and put it into the back of a small van, along with the holdall. Standing at the door, Harry saw Jackie in the driver’s seat as the van drove off. Rintle then jumped into the Transit. Harry closed the doors behind him, banged once with his fist, and the van pulled away. Harry turned as Brian Fisk wheeled the motorbike out. Harry smiled, pulling the heavy door closed. Brian hopped onto the bike.

‘See you later, Mr. Rawlins.’

Harry looked at him. ‘Yeah, remember the van’s got to be in position before you take a look round the place.’

‘Don’t worry, Mr. Rawlins, I’ll be there in plenty of time on this baby.’

Harry patted him on the arm. ‘Take it easy, eh, Brian? We don’t want any aggro. Just take it nice and slow.’

Brian turned in the saddle, his boyish young face beaming. ‘You can trust me, Mr. Rawlins.’

Harry was already back in the lock-up by the time the bike sped off. He had to clear everything away, burn the plans and make sure there was not a scrap of evidence to lead anyone back to him.

Dolly made it to the car first, with Bella close on her heels. The car was already moving as Bella slammed her door closed, and Dolly put her foot down as they headed for the nearest phone booth. As they pulled up, Bella was already out, yanking open the booth door.

‘It’s dead! The bloody phone’s dead!’

Trudie was running out of money. She had paid the hotel bill, afraid that if she stayed any longer she would not be able to afford a ticket home. Her depression and her loneliness were making her drink too much, and she had started to find caring for the baby emotionally draining. Uppermost, though, was the fear that something terrible had happened to Harry and he wasn’t coming for her. She had even detected suspicious glances at the hotel reception as she continued asking if someone had tried to reach her. She called her sister, again not considering the time. Vera answered, having been woken.

‘Vera, it’s me, Trudie.’

‘Jesus Christ, do you know what time it is?’

Trudie started to cry. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just needed to tell you I’m coming home. But has anyone tried to call me?’

Vera had a coughing fit as she stood in the hallway in her night-dress, reaching for cigarettes. ‘Yeah, we did have someone bloody call here. Never left his name, but he was asking after you and where you were.’

‘What did you tell him?’