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Denise felt Phil run his finger down her pussy slit, then pry open her pussy labes and stick his finger up her warm cunt.

"Fuck me. Fuck me!" she whimpered. "I can't stand it! Fill my cunt!"

Phil pressed the head of his dripping cock against Denise's fuckhole, held it there for a moment, and then jammed it brutally into her tiny red cunt gash.

"Aaaaagh!" she cried in surprise.

He jammed his cock far up her cunt, was wombing her good!

"Take it! Take my prick, you sweet fucking bitch! Take my cock!" Phil barked as he continued to fuck her cunt violently. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the floor above her head.

It was a mock rape. And Denise, shocked at first, began to get off on the energy and excitement of it all.

She had never had her cunt so full, never before experienced such ferocious fucking!

"My God – stop it!" wailed. But stopping the fucking was the last thing she wanted.

Phil played her little game. "You're going to take my prick, bitch, and you're gonna stop that whining, or you're not gonna be able to walk outta here!"

He thrust his cock in deep and bit her shoulder.

"Aaaaagh!" she screamed, and then she felt waves of excitement race down her chest to her thighs and clit. Her cunt began to writhe violently.

Phil was so caught up in fucking the shit out of her, that he loosened his grip on one of her wrists. He pulled his cock almost all the way out of her cunt and then shoved it in hard. When he was up to his balls in pussy, she whacked him hard on the ass with her free hand.

"Aaaagh! Fucking bitch! Fucking, fucking bitch!"

The vein on his forehead looked like it was going to burst. His eyes nearly popped. He came with a series of violent shudders, squirting jizz up Denise's pussy.

Denise was approaching her orgasm, but she hadn't reached the top yet. She was panting and squirming, barely able to breathe. And Phil was pumping her with fresh cum. When the first wave of his frenzy passed, he realized the condition she was in.

The bitch needs a little extra excitement, he thought. He reached down to her ass crack, feeling her tight little shithole. Prying her asscheeks apart, he jabbed his index finger up her asshole and began rotating it.

"Oh no – shiiiiiiit!" she screamed.

It was too, too much. Her cunt clasped and unclasped Phil's waning cock. She pressed her nails into her palm and drew blood. Her brain seemed to fry with an overload of sensation. She came.

Phil withdrew his prick. He felt suddenly refreshed from all the exertion. But Denise still lay semi-conscious on the floor, her legs splayed, her jaw slack.

Phil put on his pants and sandals and the shirt he had tossed aside. He looked down at his wristwatch. It was already four o'clock.

"Denise. Denise!" he called sharply.

"Ummmmm… mmmmmmm."

"It's late, Dan's going to be getting home soon. You've got to get out of here."

"Oh, Phil, you were so-so – marvelous!"

"Yeah, you were too, baby." He couldn't help smiling at the lovely woman as she began to come out of her sensual daze. "But, honey, we could blow the whole thing if you don't get your act together fast!"

He at last persuaded Denise to get up. He helped her put on her street clothes, trying not to linger over what would otherwise have been supremely erotic – dressing a beautiful woman from bra and panties all the way to trench coat and boots.

Looking only slightly dazed with her belt twisted and her nylons scored with runs, Denise took the elevator down to the street, hailed a cab, and made it home in a quarter of an hour.


The smell of fucking clung to her like an expensive perfume. All the way home in the cab, she felt embarrassed by the strong, musky pussy and cum odors that permeated the car.

Surely the cabdriver can smell it, even if he is smoking that horrid cigar, she thought. But he didn't pay her the slightest attention, and at last, he dropped her in front of the apartment building.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Talbott," the doorman called out pleasantly.

Denise nodded briskly to him as she fished out her key and made for the elevator.

The doorman turned to stare at her as she waited for the elevator. He had caught a whiff of her raunchy odor. He smirked.

As doorman here, he had watched a lot of comings and goings: bored wives of successful husbands; supposedly going out shopping or keeping hair appointments, but really meeting lovers on the sly. Sometimes, if they were running late – perhaps hadn't had time to shower before returning home – they would come walking haughtily past him, exuding the smell of a sweaty fuck from their well-pampered bodies.

But he hadn't pegged Mrs. Talbott for that type. There was something so fresh, so innocent about her beauty. She always was so nice to him, and she tipped him well. But today – well, she had obviously been off fucking someone, and it certainly wasn't her husband.

Denise fumbled at the door with her keys. At last, she let herself in, switching on the light, and breathed a sigh of relief. Back to normal familiar surroundings!

Her loins and pussy ached pleasantly. She felt Phil's cum still dripping into her panties. She smelled, once again, the pungent fuck odor she was carrying about with her.

"I must take a shower!" she giggled to herself. "Dan would not be pleased with my aroma or my scandalous behavior!"

She walked into the bathroom and began to fill the sunken tub with hot, hot water and some of the bubble bath she saved for rare occasions.

Denise stripped off her clothes, threw them in a heap into the hamper, and then turned to examine herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door.

Her skin, usually tending toward an exquisite alabaster pallor, was now flushed and pink. It seemed to positively glow with health. Her tits seemed heavier and fuller than usual. Her long, long dark nipples, no longer erect with excitement, drooped slightly over her full tits.

She noted a bruise or two beginning to appear on her shapely legs. Phil had banged her around in more ways than one that afternoon.

And then her gaze froze on the tangled, matted triangle of her cunt bush. Her cunt juice and Phil's cum had dried into little pearls of white matter, giving her pussy bush a slightly festive, decorative air. She laughed at such an absurd notion.

When the tub was full, she slowly eased herself into the steamy, soapy water.

"Aaaah! That's good!" she sighed, feeling the warmth relax and soothe her strained muscles.

She didn't want to think about the fact that she'd cheated on her husband for the very first time since they were married four years ago. She just wanted to blank out all thoughts about what had happened that afternoon. She wanted to wash away the fuck juices and the smell of lust and be clean. Squeaky clean for her husband when he returned. No one had to know she had fucked Phil.

She leaned back and closed her eyes. Absent-mindedly, she began to soap her tits, rubbing her hands around and around their huge circumferences. She innocently tweaked her nipples, and she felt a rush of excitement capture her defenseless clit.

"Oooooh…" she sighed as she ground her thighs together. "Ooooooh, that feels nice."


Dan Talbott had had a tough day in the field. The sales territory he had been assigned had already been so well worked over by the established competition, he could barely make any headway.

As top salesman in the northern suburbs, he had been given the tough downtown area to open up for Del Electronics Office Equipment. This was supposed to be a reward for his great past sales record. Some reward, he thought.

He always got his foot in the door. The receptionists and the secretaries were always charmed by his good looks and easy banter. Many had even made passes at him, and most of them were able to get him in to see their bosses. But it always ended there. They were always doing business with the competition, and nothing short of a bribe could induce them to change their allegiance.