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Before long Angela's asshole was thoroughly lubricated by Sarah's saliva and Gus demanded to fuck it. He had Angela kneel on the rug with her ass raised. Angela realized she had no lubrication in her asshole except Sarah's saliva. She prayed the girl had done a good job. Then Gus' cock pushed in. Angela groaned. Gus laughed as he rammed forward to fill her shit-tube. Angela looked over at Carol and she saw that Sarah was back at Carol's crotch. Sarah once again had her mouth on Carol's asshole.

Suddenly Carol said something to Sarah and pushed her away. Sarah obediently stretched out on the floor. Carol quickly stripped her clothes off and squatted over the girl's tits. Angela was mesmerized as she watched it. She paid no attention to Gus' cock in her ass. She couldn't believe what Carol was doing to Sarah. Carol was shitting. Or at least trying to shit.

Angela could see the blonde's asshole pushing out. And then the shit finally appeared. A long brown turd oozed out of Carol's asshole and fell down heavily on Sarah's pretty tits. Carol grunted, shifted a bit and started another turd on its way. The second one came out just as the first had and fell across the first on Sarah's tits.

Angela expected Sarah to faint. But instead of fainting, Sarah started smearing Carol's shit over her tits with her hands. Carol giggled insanely as she watched it.

Gus continued grunting as he rammed his cock in and out of Angela's ass.

Angela wanted to throw up. She told herself she had to escape. She had to do it soon. A shudder went through her as she watched Sarah smearing the shit over her tits.

Late that night, Angela crept out of her room. She tiptoed down the hall and then through the living room to the front door. She was still in a state of shock over what had happened earlier. She prayed the front door would be open. She finally arrived at the door. She stopped and listened. They were all asleep. If she would ever have a chance, it had to be now. She couldn't go on with it. She had to get away from this place.

She opened the door carefully and quickly slipped outside into the dark night.

She ran. Ten feet and another twenty feet. For a few seconds, she thought she'd made it.

Then someone grabbed her. Two huge hands grabbed her arms and held her. It was one of the guards. He laughed and brutally squeezed her tits as he dragged her to the punishment house.


Cory sat in a chair and stared impassively at Angela. They were alone in a bare room. Angela was standing, her wrists manacled behind her back and attached to a tall post. She had a ball-gag in her mouth. She was completely naked. She had bruises on her tits and thighs where the guard had hurt her.

She was deathly afraid of them now. She knew they could easily kill her. Cory frightened her more than any of the others. He was the one who controlled them. She trembled at the way he stared at her.

Then suddenly Lola came in. She smirked at Angela. She wore a leather bra and leather pants and calf-high leather boots with five-inch heels. She carried a whip in her hand. Angela's heart sank when she saw the whip.

No one said anything. Cory looked at Lola and nodded. Angela thought she heard Lola chuckle, but she wasn't sure. Lola moved behind her.

The whip suddenly came down on Angela's ass. The post protected her somewhat, but part of her ass and her hip got the full brunt of it. The pain was awful. She sobbed against the gag in her mouth.

Then Lola came around to the front. She smiled at Angela. "Hello, baby." Lola's arm went up and the whip came down again. This time it landed on Angela's tits. She closed her eyes against the burning pain.

After that Lola started whipping her steadily. The whip found Angela's ass and tits and thighs. Again and again the lash came down. Cory said nothing. He just sat there and watched.

Lola continued the whipping. She timed the blows perfectly. She was an expert. As soon as the effect of a stroke diminished a bit, the whip came down again. She spared no part of Angela's tender flesh. Finally Angela couldn't take it any more. She fainted.

When Angela opened her eyes again, she found herself on the floor. She was no longer attached to the post. The ball-gag was out of her mouth.

Cory started talking to her. He told her that any attempt to escape was a severe infraction of the rules.

"You're going to suffer for it." Then he told her to crawl to him. She didn't wait for Cory to tell her. She took his cock in her mouth. She sucked his cock knob. She was anxious to give him pleasure.

But he wanted something else. He started pissing. Angela was caught by surprise. She did her best to hold on. She kept the tip of his prick in her mouth as he pissed.

Cory chuckled and held her head in place. At one point it was too much and she made as if to pull away. He warned her. He said if she moved she'd get whipped again.

She stayed put. She took his piss. The hot salty fluid ran down her throat as she swallowed again and again. She drank everything down.

When Cory was finished pissing, he pushed her away.

"You need practice with that. We'll make you good at it." He nodded at Lola. "Get the rhino over here."

Lola chuckled and walked to the far end of the room. There was something there covered by a large plastic sheet. Angela had noticed it before. She had no idea what it was. Now as she watched, Lola pulled the plastic sheet off and started pushing the thing towards them. It was a machine of some kind, a contraption on wheels. It had something like a small saddle in the middle of it.

They made Angela climb onto the machine. She was in a daze. Lola told her to bend forward. Angela's ass and part of her cunt hung over the back edge of the saddle. Lola closed the clamps attached to the machine. Angela's wrists and ankles were fixed in place.

Then suddenly she felt something being pushed inside her cunt. A metal cylinder of some kind. She groaned as it went in. Lola giggled and told her to hold still.

"That's only one horn, honey. This rhino has two horns."

Another cylinder pushed at Angela's asshole. It slipped in. She had both holes filled with cold metal. She was helpless. She trembled with fear.

Lola turned the machine on. At first all that happened was a whirring noises. Then Angela could feel it. The metal cylinders were moving. Slowly at first. Then the speed increased. The two cylinders worked in tandem. One pushed in while the other pulled out. They fucked her cunt hole and asshole with a steadily increasing pace. Angela's mind was in a whirl. She hung on. She had the rhino's two horns inside her two holes. It was awful. The speed kept increasing. Before long she thought her insides were coming apart.

Lola laughed as she increased the speed by turning a small dial at the rear of the machine. "She'll see stars now."

Angela went wild. She was afraid the machine would kill her. The two pistons were fucking her ass and cunt so fast she couldn't tell one from the other. Her crotch was on fire. She thought she might be bleeding. She couldn't see anything. The way her wrists and ankles were attached to the machine, she was bent too far forward to see anything.

Then she started coming. She couldn't help it. The spasms ripped through her belly. The orgasms were almost continuous. She groaned as she convulsed. She had no control over it. She came so hard she pissed on herself. Lola giggled when she saw it. She slapped Angela's ass and told her to keep pissing. She turned the dial again and the machine went crazy. Angela screamed. She was certain she was dying. A great shudder ran through her. She screamed and begged them to stop it.

The machine was finally turned off and Lola opened the clamps to free Angela. She fell off the saddle and cringed on the floor. They watched her. Cory kept his eyes on her. Then Lola came to stand over Angela. The brunette unbuckled her leather pants, dropped them and stepped out of them. She now wore only the leather bra and leather boots. She smiled down at Angela as she ran her fingers through her cunt bush.