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But it didn't happen. After a while the car stopped. He came around to pull her out of the back. He dragged her into a small frame house. He told her it was his house. He told her he lived alone.

He pushed her into the cluttered living room. He made her sit down in an easy chair. He picked up some rope from the floor and tied her to the chair so she couldn't move. He warned her not to try any tricks.

"You don't want to get me mad, do you?" Then he slapped her face.

She started crying. He listened to it for a moment and then he told her to shut up. She tried to stop, but she couldn't. She continued sobbing. The cop cursed and went to the kitchen. He came back with a wad of paper towels. He grabbed her chin, forced her mouth open and stuffed it with paper.

"Now you'll shut up, won't you?"

He pulled the raincoat down off her shoulders to expose her tits. He jiggled one of her tits with his hand. He pulled her nipple out and twisted it.

"You like a little of that? Sure you do, they all like it. I bet you like them sucked. But you're the one who's going to suck, right? Go on, suck it!"

He pulled the paper out of her mouth. He lifted her tit with his hand and forced the nipple towards her mouth. He used his other hand to push her head down. He laughed as she took her nipple between her lips. He said every broad ought to be able to suck her own tits.

After that he left her. He went back to the kitchen and made himself some coffee. Then he brought the coffee to the living room and he sat down and gazed at her.

"We're going to have a nice time."

"Please don't hurt me."

He laughed. "I'll do what I want, cunt. I like you, so maybe I won't hurt you too much."

She was afraid of the crazy look in his eyes. She was afraid of the gun and the gunbelt and the wild look in his eyes.

After a while he left her again and went to the kitchen. She heard him use the phone. She heard him talking to someone. Then he came back and sat down again. Fifteen minutes went by and then someone was at the front door.

Wally went to the door and opened it.

Another cop came in and they exchanged greetings. Wally smiled at Angela and introduced his friend Vince.

The new cop was amused. He was a big burly cop, just like Wally. Vince joked with Wally about Angela. He came over to Angela and pinched her cheek.

"Hello, cutie."

He reached down to squeeze one of her tits. He smiled and looked at Wally.

"I'm gonna fuck her right now."

Wally chuckled. "Be my guest."

They untied her. They left the handcuffs on. They talked to each other as they pulled the ropes away. They seemed completely at ease, no tension, no nervousness. Vince made her stand up and he stripped the raincoat off. He fondled her. He squeezed her tits and then her ass.

"Christ, she's built. Nice, Wally, very nice."

"I told you, didn't I."

"Yeah, you sure did."

"Prime stuff, huh?"

Vince made her turn and bend over the chair she'd been sitting on. He ran his hands over her ass and probed her ass crack. He chuckled as he spread her asscheeks wide apart.

"How about some KY, Wally?"

Wally laughed. "I got Vaseline."

"So let's have it."

Wally went for the Vaseline. When he returned with it, Vince scooped some out of the jar and greased Angela's asshole. Angela couldn't see anything. She heard him dropping his pants and shorts. She felt his fingers stretching her asshole. Then she felt his cock knob pushing against her grommet. His cockhead popped in, then the rest of his cock slowly followed. Vince grunted as he slammed his balls against her cunt.

"Oh yeah, man, she's a hot ass."

He started fucking her ass vigorously. He kept his hands on her hips, with his balls slapping against her cunt lips, his big cock sliding smoothly in and out of her greased asshole. It wasn't long before the pace quickened. He had no desire to play games with her. He grunted and heaved and dumped his load up her shitter while Wally watched him.

"Good fuck, man. She's a good fuck," Vince commented.

Then he pushed her away. Angela crumpled into the chair. She could feel his load burning out of her ass. She lay in the chair and avoided looking at them. She heard them strip their clothes off. They joked with each other about something.

They started drinking. They talked about their work.

After a while they dragged her into a bedroom. She lay on the bed and watched them as they finished their drinks. She knew that whatever would happen, it wouldn't be pleasant. They were brutes. They were so much like Cory's guards. They were both brawny, with lots of muscles, big cocks and bloated balls. She'd escaped from the Farrells only to find something worse.

Vince stretched out beside her on the bed. Wally unlocked the handcuffs that held her wrists together. He slapped her around and warned her to behave herself. They forced her on top of Vince. Vince pushed his cock inside her cunt. Then he pulled her forward so that she was doubled over him.

Wally came behind her. He played with her ass a moment, and then he drove his cock up her shifter while she had Vince's cock in her cunt.

She had a double fuck. Two big cocks, one in her cunt and one in her ass. They showed her no mercy. She'd had it often with Cory's guards and this time it was just as bad. They kept fucking her, and kept her rocking between them until they shot off. Then they pushed her away and she lay there on the bed weeping.

The two men started drinking again. After a while Wally dragged her into the bathroom and told her to get into the bathtub. She climbed in and lay there terrified. Vince came in. Both men laughed as they began to piss on her. She was drenched in their piss.

Later she heard Vince leave the house. Wally came in and dragged her out of the tub. He put handcuffs on one of her ankles and attached the handcuffs to one of the legs of the bed. He brought some blankets in and told her she'd sleep on the floor near his bed. He told her to lie down and go to sleep. He was very drunk.

"Just pretend you're a dog," he said with a laugh.

He stretched out on the bed and started snoring almost immediately.

She lay there sobbing quietly on the mattress. Then finally she stopped. It did no good to cry. She looked around her, at the room, at the handcuffs, at the leg of the bed to which the handcuffs were attached. Her heart almost stopped. The handcuffs looked funny. It looked like they weren't closed properly. She trembled as she touched it. The handcuffs came open. He'd been too drunk to snap the lock around her ankle and now she had a chance to get away.

She moved quickly. In a moment she was free. She crept out of the room while Wally snored on the bed. She wanted to run, but she told herself to calm down. Do something right for once, she thought. She went to the living room and found some matches. Now that she had the idea, she was frantic to see it done. She looked in the kitchen until she found a can of lighter fluid in one of the cabinets. Oh dear God, yes. She stole back to Wally's bedroom. He was still snoring. She poured the lighter fluid over everything in sight. She went back outside the room. She lit a match. She tossed it into the room. The fire roared up and suddenly the room was an inferno.

Was he screaming? She had no idea. She ran out, out of the house and down the street. She heard the neighbors shouting. She kept running. Then she heard the fire engines. She ran blindly down one alley after the other. She suddenly realized she was stark naked. She kept running until she came out onto a road somewhere. In a moment she found herself lit up by the headlights of a slow moving car. She was suddenly afraid to take a chance. Then she realized she had to. She flagged the car down.

She prayed whoever it was in the car would help her.

The car stopped.

She opened the door on the passenger side and climbed in.