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Angela was desperate. She resisted. She made excuses. She said the kitchen was an awful place. She talked about the neighbors looking through the windows.

But Ken wouldn't be put, off. He continued to press her until finally she had to yield. She went limp. She let him do what he wanted with her body. He took her in his arms and kissed her neck. Then he bent his head to kiss her tits. He still had his running suit on. She looked down at him as he sucked her nipples. In a moment he was down in a crouch with his face pressed against her cunt bush. She let him sniff at her a moment and then she pushed him away. "Ken, please…" She told him if he wanted to fuck her they'd have to go to the bedroom. She told him she wouldn't do it anywhere else. "I just won't and that's all."

He went along with her. They climbed the stairs together. She felt awkward because she was naked and he still had his running suit on. But inside the bedroom he quickly stripped. He had a huge hard-on. He was obviously very excited. And sweaty. She could see the sweat glistening on his chest and belly. She found it repulsive. She was sorry now that she'd agreed to let him fuck her. She ought to have told him to shower first. But of course it was too late. He'd be furious if she put him off again. Now she had to let him fuck her while the sweat dripped off his body.

In a moment they were on the bed for the second time that morning. He was all over her. He kept her pinned down as he kissed her. Then he climbed over her. He pulled her legs up and apart and pushed his cock inside her cunt. He groaned as he went in. Then he settled down to fuck her. He had her legs hanging over his arms as he pounded her pussy. She kept her eyes closed. The only thing she could do now was wait for him to finish. She heard him grunting.

She could smell his sweat, and feel it dripping on her belly. She could feel his cock pummeling her pussy. He liked to fuck this way, hard and fast. Maybe some women would like it, but she had no interest in it. She prayed it would end soon.

Finally he came, pounding her cunt as he shot off, his balls slapping against her ass as the jism shot out of his prick. He always came like a bull and she always found it disgusting.

He rolled away from her and in a moment he was asleep. She suspected this time he would sleep until noon. For the second time that morning, she left the bed and went to wash in the bathroom. His sweat soiled her and jism and she wondered if she ought to have another shower. As she sat on the toilet, she lost control and started weeping.

But finally she pulled herself together. She had to get on with her life. As she expected, Ken slept until noon. She made lunch and they had it on the patio. They waved at the neighbors and Angela wondered what went on in the other houses. Most of them had kids. Maybe someday she'd have children also and the problems she had now wouldn't matter any more.

After lunch she wanted to be alone. Ken started watching a football game and Angela decided to take the car somewhere. Anywhere. Just to get away. Ken waved goodbye as she walked out. His eyes never left the TV screen. She was happy to have her freedom. At least for a few hours she could do what she wanted.

She drove out to the country. It was a pleasant day and the farms and orchards she passed seemed so peaceful. She finally picked a side road at random and turned onto it off the highway. After a few hundred yards, she pulled the car over on the shoulder of the road and she climbed out to walk.

She hadn't walked along a road like this since her childhood. The road was isolated, hardly any traffic, nothing more than a single old jalopy in ten minutes. She liked the silence, the open sky, and the smell of fresh cut hay.

Then a van came by, one of those vans with curtained windows and lurid colors on the outside. It slowed down as it passed Angela, and then it stopped about fifty yards ahead of her.

She continued walking towards it. She could see a farmhouse off on the right and she felt completely safe. What could happen out here at two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon?

The back of the van opened and a man and a woman got out. They looked at Angela and she felt even better because of the woman. A woman meant it was safe. She continued walking. Before she passed them, they smiled and the woman spoke to her.

"Need a lift, honey? Why don't you climb in?"

Angela thanked them, but told them no. They blocked her way and she was suddenly afraid. Now she realized she was all alone out here.

"Please, just let me pass."

The woman laughed and opened the back of the van. The man grabbed Angela's arm. She struggled. The woman came to help the man. They forced Angela into the van and then climbed in after her. The woman pulled the door shut. A second man was up front behind the wheel. He called back to them. "Okay?"

The woman answered. "Okay, Moose, get going."

Angela cowered on the carpeted floor of the van. She could feel her head spinning. She thought she was about to faint, but it didn't happen. The van was moving now and there was no way to get out. The people who'd forced her inside had the door blocked off.

The woman smiled at Angela. She was about Angie's age and pretty. She wore a tank top and one of her arms had a metal band around it.

"What's your name, doll? I'm Lola and this is Jerry."

Angela finally sat up. "You can't do this. Please stop this thing and let me out."

The woman chuckled. "We can't do that now. Once Moose starts moving, he doesn't like to stop until he gets where he's going. Just rein and everything will be fine. You still haven't told us your name. Come on, have some beer and you'll feel better."

Angela was terribly afraid. Lola tried to soothe her, but Angela could tell that Lola wasn't sincere. They were taking her somewhere against her will. Lola kept asking her name and finally she told it to them.

"I'm calling the police as soon as I can."

Jerry said hardly anything. Then Angela gasped as she saw him bring some rope out of a pile of junk near where he was sitting. Bath Jerry and Lola came towards her and she was helpless.

"Just to make sure you don't try anything," Lola said.

They tied her up. They soon had her ankles tied together and her wrists tied behind her back and a wad of cloth stuffed into her mouth. She lay on the floor and started crying into the gag.

"Oh shut up," Lola said. She sipped beer out of the can she held in her hand. She talked to Angela. She said Angela was pretty. She took another slug out of the can, and then she handed the can to Jerry. His eyes continually on Angela, Jerry finished the beer and put the can down.

"She's a knockout."

Lola laughed. "Yeah, she sure is. I think Cory's going to like her."

Jerry kept looking at Angela's legs and ass and tits, and then finally he touched her. He ran his hands over her tits, his fingers rough as he squeezed her flesh.

Lola laughed. "Don't break anything, love."

"Just looking," Jerry said. He opened the front of Angela's blouse and pulled one of her tits out of her bra. "Nice. Very nice." Then he pulled her dress up to look at her thighs and ass. He fondled her ass through her panties. "Yeah, she's a piece, all right."

He squeezed her ass. He pulled her panties down to uncover her asscheeks.

Angela closed her eyes and shuddered as he pulled her asscheeks apart to look at her asshole. She heard him laugh. She heard Lola laugh. She wanted to scream, but she had the gag in her mouth and a scream would be useless.

Then she felt Jerry's fingers in her ass crack. He probed her cunt, his fingers pushing inside her dry cunt-channel. The fingers finally came out and he tickled her asshole. She wanted to die. His finger rubbed around and around, then pushed inside her asshole with a screwing motion.

"Tight as a drum and clean as a whistle," Jerry said.