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The women glanced at Angela occasionally, but no one seemed impressed with her presence. Their attitude seemed to be that she was just another slave girl. There were five women in the barracks beside Angela. All of them were under thirty. There were two blondes and two brunettes and one redhead. Angela thought the redhead was the most beautiful. She had the lushest body. Big tits with large pink nipples and curvy hips. The women gradually came over to talk to Angela and she learned the redhead's name was Rhoda.

Billie was a tall slender brunette with tiny gold rings piercing her nipples.

Evelyn, the other brunette, was more stacked, with swinging tits and long brawn nipples.

The two blondes seemed to be sisters. One was Susan and the other Connie. They were both sleek and a bit stand-offish, as if they felt they didn't need anyone else.

Before long the women were talking to Angela. No one questioned Angela too closely about her previous life. They treated her kindly enough, but they seemed preoccupied with their own problems.

After a while the barracks' door opened and a man appeared. Angela hadn't seen him before. She tried to hide her nakedness, but none of the other women seemed to care. The man was brutish-looking. His face was unshaved and he had a beer belly that pushed out the front of his grimy tee-shirt. He came over to Angela's cot and snickered at her.

"So here's the new one. My name's Dugan, honey. What's yours?"

Angela resisted answering him, but then she caught a look of warning from one of the other women. She kept her body covered by the blanket. She finally spoke.

"My name is Angela."

Dugan smiled. "Come on, off with the blanket so I can look at you."

He chuckled and pulled the blanket away. She was afraid to do anything. She just lay there as he looked at her naked body. She trembled as she saw the interest in his eyes.

"Nice tits!" he said. "Show me your cunt gash."

A shudder ran through her as she opened her thighs to show him her pussy. Dugan seemed amused by her fear of him as he feasted his eyes on her cunt.

"Don't try any tricks around here and you'll be all right. You try anything and you get it from me."

She froze as he touched her. His hand moved between her thighs and his fingers, touched her cunt lips. He spread the hairy lips of her pussy to look at her cunt hole. He gazed at it a long moment and then he pulled his hand away. He seemed satisfied. He turned and spoke to the others.

"All right, everybody out. Line up and let's get out of here. Come on, move your asses if you want breakfast."

The six naked women lined up near the door. Angela found herself in the middle of the line as they filed out. She had Billie behind her and Rhoda in front of her. Then they were outside in the daylight and for the first time Angela had a look at where she was.

There were six or seven low buildings grouped around a larger three story house. Neat gavel paths ran between carefully cultivated lawns and bushes. There were no other people visible, just the six of them and Dugan. He walked alongside the file of women. He led them to a small building and they went inside.

There were two rooms with tiled walls, one room with a row of three toilets and the other room with three shower nozzles. Dugan herded the women into the toilet room first. Three of the women hurried to the toilet bowls, seated themselves and started pissing.

Angela was shocked. She trembled as she realized in a moment she'd be expected to do the same. Dugan was standing right there watching. He seemed bored by it all, as if he'd seen it a thousand times. Angela was mortified. She couldn't imagine herself using the toilet in front of Dugan. Or in front of the other women, for that matter. Rut the women on the toilet seats, Rhoda and the two blonde sisters, didn't seem to care.

Then Dugan moved closer to Angela and casually put his hand on her ass. She cringed as his hand moved over her asscheeks. When she tried to inch away from him, he growled at her to stay put. She had to suffer through it. His fingers pushed beneath her ass to probe her cunt from behind. A shudder ran through her as she beard one of the women on the toilets farting. She guessed it was Rhoda. Angela was horrified as it dawned on her that all three women on the toilets were now shitting.

Now Dugan's fingers tickled Angela's ass crack. She trembled as he touched her asshole. "You need to go?"

Angela stammered. "I-I don't know. Please don't do that."

Dugan chuckled. He was amused by how skittish she was.

"Open your ass, cutie."

She groaned as his finger pushed inside her asshole. She was aware that the other women were watching her now. She closed her eyes. She wanted to die. She stood there frozen as Dugan's finger worked deep inside her ass. Finally he pulled his finger out. He sniffed his finger and laughed at her.

"Yeah, you got to go, all right. Don't play any games and hold back. I want you shitting when you sit down."

Then he wiped his finger on her hip and moved away from her.

Rhoda and the sisters were at last off the toilets and now it was Angela's turn. Angela realized it was no use fighting it. She sat down on the middle toilet seat. Her bladder was full and she started pissing almost immediately. She heard the others doing the same.

Then after that the shitting started on either side of her. She remembered what Dugan had told her. He was looking at her now. Their eyes met and she blushed. She had to shit. She couldn't help it. She closed her eyes and pretended she was alone. She prayed she wouldn't fart. Two long turds came out of her ass and she quickly flushed the toilet without getting up.

Then a roll of toilet paper was passed to her and he tore some paper off the roll and wiped herself. She felt completely degraded. She wondered what Dugan thought about as he stood there watching a group of naked women pissing and shitting under his eyes. She felt a sudden hatred for him. She had an urge to kill him.

Finally the toilet time was finished and Dugan ordered them all into the shower room. He told them to double up. He said they were late for breakfast. Angela found herself under one of the shower nozzles with Billie. The slender brunette seemed amused to have Angela so close to her. She slipped her arms around Angela's waist as the water cascaded over them.

Then Billie started soaping Angela's body and now Angela quivered with the strangeness of it. Billie smiled when she saw how Angela felt.

"Just relax, honey. Let me wash you. Don't let that bastard get you down."

Billie's hands moved over Angela's tits, lathering them up with soap, then gently squeezing and fondling them. Angela felt her nipples get stiff. She felt soothed by Billie's hands. Then she suddenly realized Billie's caresses were totally sexual and she tried to pull away. Billie held her, spoke in her ear and told her not to make a fuss. She said Dugan liked to see the women play with each other.

"We've got to keep him happy or he gets mean." She told Angela to just go along with it.

Then Dugan spotted them and he made a wisecrack about Billie feeling up Angela. "Hey, Billie, you got some new pussy, huh?"

Angela shuddered. Billie's fingers were near her cunt now. Angela closed her eyes and moved her legs apart as Billie's fingers pushed between her cunt lips. Billie found her clit and whispered in her ear.

"You want to come, honey? It'll help you to relax. You've got to stay relaxed in this place."

Billie's fingers started rubbing Angela's clit and Angela groaned. "Please don't."

Billie wouldn't stop. She had an expert touch. She rubbed the shaft of Angela's clit until Angela had an orgasm. Angela was intensely embarrassed. No one had ever done it to her before. She was mortified.

Then finally the showering was finished and Dugan handed each of them a towel to dry themselves off. Billie stayed close to Angela as they left the building ma file. Dugan led them along one of the gravel paths, the women stepping carefully in their bare feet.