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Angela saw more of the grounds now. The place seemed huge. They seemed to be in a valley of some kind. She could see nothing around them except mountains. She had no idea where she was.

She walked with the others into another small building and she soon understood it was a mess hall. She was thankful for it. She was hungry and she was eager to have some food in her stomach.

The women lined up at a food counter. They had breakfast served to them by three women behind the counter. The serving women were as naked as those they served. Angela thought the serving women looked haggard. Some of them had bruises on their arms and faces. All three of them wore leather collars with metal rings in back and front.

Angela took her tray of food and went to one of the tables. Billie came to sit with her and they started eating breakfast together. Billie smiled when she saw Angela's eyes returning again and again to the serving women behind the counter.

"They're just like us only worse," Billie explained.

"I don't understand."

Billie shrugged. "Those are serving girls. They serve everybody, including us. You'll either be with a group like us or with a group like them. She said Angela would get assigned to one group or the other. Either a serving girl or a playgirl."


Billie chuckled. "You'll see."

Billie told Angela that the serving girls did all the dirty work, the laundry and the cooking and cleaning. She said they also had to have the dirty sex with the masters.

Angela felt herself trembling. "What do you mean?"

Billie showed no emotion as she explained things. She said the serving girls sometimes had to drink piss and eat slit. Billie said that as long as a girl stayed desirable, she could avoid being a serving girl. She warned Angela to make sure she was chosen to be one of the playgirls and not a serving girl. She said the way to do it was to show the masters she could turn them on.

"They like them hot," Billie said with a smile. "You just be as hot as you know how."

By the time breakfast was finished, Angela was thoroughly frightened about what would happen to her. Finally the girls were led out of the mess hall and back to the barracks. All of them except Angela were told to go inside. Dugan said Angela was to be shown to the masters immediately.

"I'll take you over there, cutie." He locked the barracks door and led Angela away.

He fondled her ass as they walked. "Billie rang your buzzer in the shower, didn't she? You better watch it with her, she'll bite your clit off." He laughed at his joke as he squeezed Angela's asscheeks. "Nice little ass. Do you like it in the ass? Yeah, I bet you do. I bet you're a hot one when you get going."

The weather had suddenly cooled and the gravel was cold. Angela cringed at the feel of his hand on her ass, but she could do nothing. Finally they came to the large three story house and Dugan led her up the steps and inside the front door.

He took her to a room and left her there. In a moment a serving girl came in, a naked girl with a leather collar around her neck. The girl hardly looked at Angela. She went to a small dressing table and took some make-up things out of a drawer. Then the serving girl opened a closet and pulled some clothes and shoes out.

"You can sit here," the girl said, pointing to the chair in front of the dressing table.

Angela sat down. She tried talking to the girl and asking her questions about what would happen, but the girl refused to talk.

The serving girl helped Angela make up her face. Then the girl showed Angela the clothes and shoes and told Angela to put them an.

"You'd better hurry, honey. They're waiting for you and they don't like it when they wait too long."

She said Angela would go out to them three times. First she'd have everything on. Then she'd go out with only the underwear and heels. Finally she'd go out naked with only the high heeled sandals.

She said after the masters had a chance to look Angela over, they would decide what to do with her. She teased Angela. She said that if they didn't like Angela, she'd wind up with a leather collar around her neck.

"Just like me." The serving girl snickered. "Then you won't be so snotty any more."

Angela's hands trembled as she started getting dressed.


Angela knew she looked beautiful as she walked into the room. She wore a lovely black knit dress and high-heeled sandals. Her face was carefully made up. The dress was her exact size, close fitting around her tits and hips. The serving girl had offered her a choice of beige or smoky nylons and Angela had chosen the darker stockings because she thought they looked more sexy.

Now she walked down the aisle in the midst of all these people. There were at least several dozen men and women in the room. They sat surrounding a large open area. In the center of the area was a leather exercise horse.

Angela saw Cory sitting up front. He smiled and beckoned to her. She recognized Lola sitting behind him. Dugan stood off at the side with his anus folded. Angela hadn't seen the other people before. She walked up to Cory and stood in front of him.

The room had the appearance of a large living room. There were easy chairs and sofas, but there in the center was that leather horse.

Cory told Angela to walk slowly around the horse. "My friends would like to look at you."

She blushed at the way he stared at her. She was afraid not to obey Cory. She started walking around the leather horse. She felt all the eyes upon her. She pretended they weren't there. She made believe it was just Cory and herself. Her high heels clicked on the wooden parquet floor. She heard some of the people talking to each other. Were they talking about her? She felt so awkward. All these strange people. She kept walking around and around.

Then finally Cory ordered her to stop. He told her to stand in the center of the room near the horse. She was in a daze. She was afraid to do anything wrong. These people had complete power over her. She told herself the best thing to do was to wait and see what happened.

As she stood surrounded by the seated people, she heard them talking about her. They asked Cory questions and he answered them. Angela understood very little of it. She remembered what Billie had told her about these people deciding her fate.

Finally Cory nodded at Angela and told her to go back to the other room. She walked back the way she had come. She felt their eyes on her.

The serving girl was waiting for Angela with a smirk on her face. "Well, how was it? You're scared, aren't you? I was scared too when I did it. They make you afraid, don't they?"

She helped Angela get her dress off. She smiled at Angela and said she looked sexy. Angela was now wearing a black lace undie set, a black garter belt, the smoky nylons and the black sandals with stiletto heels.

"You look sexy, all right," the serving girl said.

Angela knew it would be awful to face all those people out there dressed as she was.

But she knew she had to do it. She went back when the signal came. She walked into the room and walked down the aisle to where Cory was.

No one seemed surprised about the way she was dressed. She thought they looked at her with more interest now. Or maybe it was her imagination. Some of the people did look bored.

Once again Cory told her to walk slowly around the horse. Now she felt the full brunt of their eyes. She felt whorish in the lace undies. She never wore underwear like this. She felt terribly awkward because the bra and panties were almost transparent.

But she saw that some of the people were hardly looking at her. She had a sudden bout of fear. She remembered what Billie had said about pleasing them. Some of the people in the room were talking to each other and ignoring her. She tried to avoid thinking about the people or what she was doing. She thought about escaping. She told herself there must be some way to escape.