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c) manner: koykomo (somehow), enikomo (anyhow)

- Yu (you) mog (can) resolvi (to solve) sey (this) taska (task) enikomo (anyhow). – You can solve this task anyhow.

d) degree: koygrad (to some degree), nulgrad (not in the least)

- Me (I) sol (only) koygrad (to some degree) samaji (to understand) yu (you). – I understand you only to some degree.

e) other: olosam (anyway), otrekas (otherwise)

4.4. Other

a) frequence: sempre (always), oftem (often), rarem (rarely), pinchanem (usually), neva (never)

- Lu (he) sempre (always) tardi (to be late). – He is always late.

b) time: nau (now), poy (then, later), sun (soon), turan (suddenly), tuy (right now), yeri (yesterday), sedey (today), manya (tomorrow)

- Sedey (today) meteo (weather) es (is) hao (good). Me (I) bu (not) jan (to know) kwel (what) meteo (weather) ve ("future tense") bi (to be) manya (tomorrow). – Today the weather is good. I don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow.

c) yo (already), haishi (still, as yet), snova (again)

- Me (I) yo (already) jan (to know) om (about) to (that). – I know about that already.

- Lu (he) haishi (still) safari (to travel). — He still travels.

d) supposition: shayad (perhaps), mogbi (maybe), musbi (must be), semblem (seemingly), sertem (certainly), zaruu (without fail), ouran (casually), verem (actually)

- Shayad ta (he / she) bu (not) ve ("future tense") lai (to come). – Perhaps he / she will not come.

- Musbi ta (he / she) he ("past tense") fogeti (to forget). – He must have forgotten about it.