e) addition, confirmation: yoshi (also), toshi (too)
- Me (I) hev (to have) blan (white) kamila (camilla).Yoshi (also) me (I) hev (to have) rude (red) rosa (rose). – I have a white camilla. Also I have a red rose.
- Lu (he) toshi (also, too) hev (to have) rosa (rose). – He has a rose too.
f) non-exactness: hampi (almost), sirke (about, approximately), vaika (just, at least), kwasi (as if)
- Hampi (almost) oli (everybody) lai (to come). – Nearly everybody comes / came.
- Me (I) hev (to have) sirke (approximately) dwa (two) litra (litre) milka (milk). – I have about two litres milk.
- Dai (to give) ba ("imperative") vaika (at least, just) fo (for) un (one) minuta (minute)! – Give (it to me) at least for one minute!
- Ela (she) kwasi bu (not) merki (to notice) me (I). - She behaves as if she didn't notice me.
g) exceptiveness: sol (only), sim (simply), rek (just, straight), yus (just)
- Sol ela (she) mog (can) samaji (to understand) me (I). – Only she can understand me.
- Sim silensi (to keep silence) ba (imperative marker) idyen (a little). - Just keep silence for a while.