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- Sey (this) kamina (road) dukti (to lead) straight a (to) urba (town). - This road leads straight to the town.

h) degree: gro (very much, greatly)

- Lu (he) lubi (to love) suy (his / her) molya (wife) gro (much). – He loves his wife very much.

i) continuation: for (further, on)

- Ta (he / she) gun (to work) for (further). – He is working on.

j) away: wek (away)

- Go (to go) wek (away)! – Go away!

k) loose: los

- Doga (dog) es (is) los (loose). – The dog is loose.

l) on / off: on, of

- Mah ("to make") radio (radio) on. – Make the radio on.

m) emphasis: iven (even), primem (firstly)

- Iven kinda (child) mog (can) samaji (to understand) se (this)). – Even a child can understand that.

n) in vain: vanem

- Li (they) shuki (to look for) ol (whole) dey (day), bat (but) vanem. – The have been looking for it during the whole day, but in vain.

5. Verb

Examples: vidi (to see), jan (to know), shwo (to talk). 5.1. Verb form doesn't change. Grammar meaning are expressed with special particles. Exception: bi (to be) – es (is / are / am) – bin (was / were).

5.2. Tenses

If there is any indication of time of action, the basic verb form can be used.

- Unves (once) me (I) miti (to meet) rega (king / queen). – Once I met a king / queen.

The tense can be specified with particles:

a) ve- ("future tense"), -te ("past tense")

- Me (I) lekti (to read) mucho (much). – I read a lot.

- Bat (but) me (I) bu (not) lekti-te (to read + "past tense") sey (this) kitaba (book). – I didn't read this book.