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5.3. Subjunctive ("would"): wud

- Me (I) wud yao (to want) bi (to be) rega (king / queen). – I would like to be a king / a queen.

5.4. Speaking about an other people's opinion: muka

- Lu (he) muka lubi (to love) ela (she). – He is said to love her.

5.5. Imperative:

a) ba

- Gani (to sing) ba, me (I) pri (to like) audi (to hear) wen (when) yu (you) gani (to sing). – Sing (to me), I like to hear you sing.

b) bye (don't)

- Bye lai (to come)! – Don't come!

c) hay (let, may), magari (I wish), nomagari (I wish not)

- Hay may (my) yaosa (wish) fulfil (fulfil)! — May my wish come true!

- Magari surya (sun) lai (to come)! – I wish the sun came!

- Nomagari pluvi (to rain)! – I wish it didn't rain!

5.6. Indication of transitiveness (if necessary):

a) fa- ("to become, get"): astoni (to astonish) – fa-astoni (to get astonished)

b) mah- ("to cause"): lwo (to fall) – mah-lwo (to drop)

5.7. Indication of the aspect (if necessary):

a) en- (to begin): Poy (then) ta (he / she) en-gani (to begin to sing). – Then he / she begins / began singing.

b) ek- ("one time or suddenly"): Ela (she) ek-krai (to cry one time) turan (suddenly). – She gave a cry suddenly.

c) verb doubling (action takes some time or is repeated many times): Lu (he) go-go (go) pa (preposition of a wide meaning) shamba (room). – He paced up and down the room.