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5.12. Succession of actions: afte (after)

- Afte vidi (to see) un (one) ves (time) yu (you) neva (never) fogeti (to forget). – After you see it once, you will never forget it.

6. Special verbs

6.1. fai (can substitute any verb): fai kama (bed) – to lie or to sleep in the bed

6.2. mah ("to cause"): mah sikin (knife) agude (sharp) – to sharpen the knife (= mah-agude sikin)

6.3. hev (to have), ye (there is), yok (there is no), walaa (here is)

- Me (I) hev (to have) dwa (two) kalam (pencil). – I have two pencils.

- Kalam (pencil) ye (there is), bat (but) papir (paper) yok (there is no). – There is a pencil, but there is no paper.

- Walaa may (my) shamba (room). – Here is my room.

6.4. Modal verbs.

a) Possibility, abilty: mog

- Me (I) mog zwo (to do) se (this). – I can do it.

- Bu (not) mog jivi (to live) sin (without) akwa (water). – One can't live without water.

b) Know how: janmog

- Me (I) janmog gani (to sing) hao (good, well). – I can sing well.

c) Permission: darfi

- Hir (here) bu (not) darfi fumi (to smoke). – One can't (isn't allowed to) smoke here.

d) Need: nidi

- Me (I) nidi chi (to eat) koysa (something) – I need to eat something.