There are some exceptions though, as Lidepla tries to keep the pronunciation close to widespread patterns. You don't need to memorize the rule, just read the examples attentively. (In this grammar you will meet a reminder if the stress is irregular.)
Thus, there are 4 endings that are never stressed:
-um (fOrum – forum, vAkum – vacuum, sIrkum – around)
-us (vIrus – virus, tOnus – tonus, sIrkus – circus)
-er (sUper – super, kompyUter – computer)
-en (exAmen – exam, Iven – even)
Endings -ik- and -ul- in simple (not compound) nouns and adjectives are not stressed: gramAtika – grammar, pUblika – audience, Afrika – Africa, polItike – politic, lOgike – logic, stImula – stimulus, fAbula – fairy-tale, fOrmula – formule
-im in "mInim" (the least), "mInimum", "mAximum" is not stressed.
In some special cases the non-standard stress is indicated by doubled voweclass="underline" adyoo – bye, namastee – hello, how do you do
Compound words retain the stress of the components.
The stress doesn't change when using the following:
- the plural form of nouns (+ (e)s): kitAba / kitAbas – book / books, man / mAnes – man / men
- adverbs formed from adjectives: jamIle / jamIlem – beautiful / beautifully
- nouns formed from verbs: lOpi / lOping – run / running
Simple sentence
1. Word order in a clause: subject – predicate – object (usually)
- Me (I) lubi (to love) yu (you). – I love you.
To mark the change of the word order special particles are used:
a) da (before the subject)
b) den (before the object):
- Lubi (to love) da me (I). – I love.
- Den yu (you) me (I) lubi (to love). – I love you. It's you whom I love.
2. Word order in a phrase: adjective is before a noun (usually).
- Es (is/are) may (my) syao (little) son (son). – That's my little son.
To emphasize the adjective, it can be placed after the noun.
- Me (I) pri (to like) elay (her) gran (big) okos (eyes) blu (blue). – I like her big blue eyes.
3. Predicative adjectives and nominals
- May (my) mata (mother) es (is) talimer (teacher). – My mother is a teacher.
- May (my) sista (sister) yao (to want) bikam (to become) leker (doctor). – My sister wants to become a doctor.
- Sey (this) gela (girl) es (is) muy (very) jamile (beautiful). – This girl is very beautiful.
- Es (is) jamile (beautiful) hir (here). – It's beautiful here.
4. Impersonal sentence (without the subject)
- Pluvi (to rain) gro (much). – It rains / is raining much.