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e) -ka (a thing having the quality): mole (soft) – molika (pulp)

2.2. Particles:

a) lo: Lo zuy (most) muhim (important) es (is) luba (love). – The most important thing is love.

b) -la / -las: Walaa (here is) dwa (two) rosa (rose). Sey-la (this one) es (is) rude (red), toy-la (that one) es (is) blan (white). – Here are two roses. This one is red and that one is white.

c) wan (only about people): Syao (little) wan bu (not) lai (to come). – The little one isn't coming.

3. Adjective to adverb: -(e)m (the stressed vowel doesn't change) or the same form

a) for adjectives ending in -e: klare (clear) – klarem (clearly)

b) for adjectives ending in a consonant: santush (satisfied, contented) — santushem (contentedly)

c) for other adjectives the form doesn't change: hao (good, well), kway (quick, quickly)

4. Noun to adverb: -nem: amiga (friend) – amiga-nem (friendly)

5. Noun to verb:

a) -vati: pao (a bubble) – paovati (to bubble)

b) -isi: memoria (memory) – memorisi (to memorize)

6. Adjective to verb

a) fa- (= -ifi): hao (good) – fa-hao (to improve, grow better), leve (light) – levifi (to lighten, become lighter)

b) mah- (= -isi): gran (big) – mah-gran (to increase, make bigger), klin (clean) – klinisi (to clean, cleanse)

c) -fai: hwan (yellow) – hwanfai (appear/show yellow)

7. Verb to noun

7.1. Without special changes in meaning

a) -a (for the verbs ending with "consonant + i"), -sa (for other verbs) (the act, the result): lubi (to love) – luba (love), gun (to work) – gunsa (work)