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a) -ki (diminutive, doesn't change the quality): doga (dog) – doga-ki (a little dog, doggy); somni (to sleep) – somni-ki (to take a nap)

b) gro- (magnifying, without change in meaning): okos (eyes) – gro-okos (big eyes), gao (high, tall) – gro-gao (very high), danke (thank you) – gro-danke (thank you very much), pluvi (to rain) – gro-pluvi (to rain heavily)

1.3. pre- (precedence): vidi (to see) – previdi (to foresee), nam (name) – prenam (first name), yeri (yesterday) – preyeri (the day before yesterday)

1.4. Negative attitude

a) dus- ("bad, ill"): fauha (smell) – dusfauha (stink), trati (to trat) – dustrati (to mistreat)

b) shma- (disdain): kaval (horse) – shma-kaval (jade), skribi (to write) – shma-skribi (to scribble)

1.5. Similarity: -si: kitaba-si (sort of a book)

2. Noun

2.1. Diminutive and magnifying:

a) -kin (diminutive, with some change of quality): barela (barrel) – barelakin (keg)

b) -gron (magnifying, with some change of meaning): denta (tooth) – dentagron (tusk)

2.2. Other:

a) -inka (particle): snega (snow) – sneginka (snowflake)

b) -tot (a whole, a total): rishta (a relative) – rishtatot (all relatives, a clan)

c) yun- (a young): kota (cat) – yunkota (kitten)

d) pra- (ancestor): opa (grandfather) – praopa (great-grandfather), lingwa (language) – pralingwa (parent language)

e) -ista (relating to a doctrine or a profession): denta (tooth) – dentista (dentist)

f) -nik (bearer of some characteristic feature): kitaba (book) – kitabnik (book lover)

g) -dan (a container): nayu (butter) – nayudan (butterdish)

h) fuy- (disgust): jen (person) – fuy-jen (nasty person)

i) stif- (step-): - mata (mother) – stif-mata (stepmother)