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j) -inloo (indirect kinship) (colloq.): brata (brother) – brata-inloo (cousin)

3. Adjective

3.1. bu- (negation, but not opposition): gran (big) – bugran (not big)

3.2. -ish ("to some degree"): blan (white) – blanish (whitish), hao (good) – haoish (passable)

4. Verb

4.1. Prefixes of aspect

a) en- (beginning): lubi (to love) – en-lubi (to fall in love)

b) ek- (one time or suddenly): krai (to cry) – ek-krai (to give a cry)

4.2. Opposite action: de(s)-: sharji (to charge) – desharji (to unload, to discharge)

4.3. Other prefixes

a) ras- (separation, division, or dispersion): dai (to give) – rasdai (to distribute, give to several people)

b) ri- (again): zwo (to do) – rizwo (to do anew)

c) ko- (together): senti (to feel) – ko-senti (sympathize (with), feel (for))

d) be- (changes the object): dumi (to think) – bedumi koysa (ponder over something), chori (to steal) – bechori koywan (to rob somebody)


1. The place of a preposition

1.1. After a preposition there may be:

a) a noun (or a noun group): fo (for) molya (wife) – for wife

b) a verb: fo (for) miti (to meet) – in order to meet

c) ke + phrase: fo (for) ke ("that") yu (you) samaji (to understand) – in order that you understand

1.2. If necessary, the preposition may be put after the word. In this case there has to be the particle den: den kinda (child) om (about) – about the child

2. Simple prepositions

2.1. belonging: de: kitaba (book) de boy (boy) – the book of the boy

2.2. direction: a: dai (to give) a me (I) – give me

2.3. purpose: fo: dona (gift) fo yu (you) – a gift for you