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- Me (I) lai (to come) afte dwa (two) minuta (minute). - I'll be back in two minutes.

6.6. by: bifoo

- Treba (to have to) zwo (to do) se (this) bifoo klok (o'clock) sem (seven). - You have to do (to have been done) that before seven o'clock.

- Bifoo chifan (to have meal) gai (should) woshi (to wash) handas (hands) e (and) afte chifan (to have meal) gai (should) shwo (say) "danke" (thank you). – Before meal one should wash the hands, and after the meal one should say "thank you".

7. Prepositions of number

7.1. approximate: sirke: sirke dwa (two) metra (meter) – about two meters

7.2. distribution per unit: per: dwa (two) dolar (dollars) per jen (man) – two dollars per head

7.3. distribution into portions: po: Olo (all, everything) es (is / are) po dwa (two) dolar (dollar). – Everything costs two dollars each piece.

8. Preposition of general meaning: pa

- pa fortuna (luck) – fortunately

- pa mur (wall) – at the wall

- shwo (to say, to talk) pa ruski (Russian) – to speak Russian


1. Conjunctions unite: either words of the same class or whole clauses.

1.1. simple:

a) combination: e (and)

- me (I) e yu (you) – me and you

- Me (I) janmog (to know how) rasmi (to draw) e gani (to sing). – I can draw and sing.