Compound Sentence
1. The sentence topic: one can specialize the topic of the sentence at the beginning.
- Sey (this) aksham (evening), ob ("if") yu (you) ve ("will") go (to go) a ("to") koylok (somewhere)? – Are you going somewhere tonight?
2. Simple sentences may be combined into complex ones by conjunctions or combination "preposition + ke":
- Me (I) pri (to like) gani (to sing) e (and) yu (you) pri (to like) rasmi (to draw). – I like to sing and you like to draw.
- Me (I) wud ("would") yao (to want) lekti (to read) bat (but) kitaba (book) yok (there is no). – I would like to read but there is no book.
- Me (I) promeni (to go walking) obwol (although) pluvi (to rain). – I'm walking although it's raining.
- Me (I) mog (can) go (go) adar (there), bat (but) sol (only) kun (with) ke ("that") yu (you) go (to go) toshi (too). – I can go there, but only if you also go.
3. One simple sentence may be a constituent of another sentence. It may take place of:
3.1. the object
a) with the conjunction ke:
- Me (I) vidi (to see) ke ("that") ela (she) rasmi (to draw). – I can see that she is drawing.
b) with preposition + the particle ke:
- Me (I) shwo (talk) om (about) ke ("that") yu (you) bu (not) gun (to work). – I talk about the fact that you don't work.