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- Boy (boy) kel janmog (to know how) gani (to sing) gro-hao (greatly) na es (is / are) hir (here). - The boy who can sing beatifully is here.

3.3. predicative:

a) with the particle ke:

- May (my) opina (opinion) es (is) { ke ("that") yu (you) es (is / are) verem (truly) jamile (beautiful) }. – My opinion is that you are really beautiful.


1. Noun

Examples: jen (human), arda (earth), flor (flower), animal (animal).

1.1 Number

a) The basic form of a noun doesn't convey the number:

- jena human / many humans

- un (one) jena human

- dwa (two) jentwo humans

- mucho (many) jenmany humans

- jeneshumans

b) plural form (the stressed vowel doesn't change):

if the word ends with a voweclass="underline" + s: un kitaba (a book) – kitabas, un tabla (a table) – tablas

if the word ends with a consnant: + es: un flor (a flower) – flores, un animal (an animal) – animales

1.2. Case:

a) There are no special case forms.

b) The change of the word order is indicated by the particle den:

- Den sey (this) flor (flower) me (I) pri (to like). – I like this flower.

- den dom (house) sobre (above) – above the house

c) Nominative marker is da (used only when necessary):

- Mata (mother) samaji (to understand) me (I) sam (same) hao (good, well) kom (as) da yu (you). – Mother understands me as well as you do.

- Mata (mother) samaji (to understand) me (I) sam (same) hao (good, well) kom (as) den yu (you). – Mother understands me as well as you.