If I hadn't stopped her, she would probably have spent the evening with her mouth glued to my butt. But the thrills she was generating were threatening to loosen the barrier and send my sperm boiling up the throbbing length of my cock. That was the load I intended to dump inside the lovely creature and I had an interesting choice of entrances.
I dragged one of the thick cushions from the couch and dropped it alongside her as I forced her back, watching her lick furiously at her lips with that educated tongue. She lay down on the soft rug, raising her ass so I could slide the cushion under it, then drawing her knees high and spreading her thighs to give me a clear shot at her silk-fringed slit.
The effects of the shared joints were still making everything a little sharper than usual and I took a few moments to examine her cunt, kneeling and resting my palms on the backs of those sleek thighs.
Helen had a long pussy, the slit running far up into the tangle of blonde hair that was wet with her juices where it touched the swelling rolls of her outer labia. The trench sloped inward from either side, the whiteness fading into pink and deepening as the walls merged with the wrinkled folds of her vaginal lips, the membranes wet and slippery, the little beads of honey glistening as the curtain moved, restless and hungry, shivering with anticipation as she stared down between her rising and falling tits at the huge thrusting cock looming over her belly.
"Pull it open!" I whispered. "Let me look at it!"
Cooperatively, her fingers pressed the pouting flesh and spread the furrow into a near-flat plane, its center a pulsating well that oozed the sweet dew of her avid cunt.
I gripped my cock with one hand and steered it down into that membranous oval, stretching the pliant folds into a taut circle as I forced the bloated head into the mushy grip of her pussy.
She started to grab my hips, but I barked: "Keep your hands where they are! I'm not gonna touch anything but that cunt!"
Her whimper dribbled from beneath her grimacing lips as her vaginal walls expanded and their terminal nerves were massaged by my entering prick. The tightness surprised me. I had to really apply the pressure to squeeze into that slippery sheath, but I tensed my buttocks and slid through the clutching folds with a grunt of pleasure, feeding about seven inches into her hungry belly.
She arched her back still more, curving her hips upward in a bid to draw the rest of my cock into her snatch, and I pulled back, making her shove that ass higher to keep it from slipping completely out of the slippery lips. Then, in again, and out again, beginning that rhythmic stroking which created a new tightening in my heavy balls.
One at a time, I transferred my hands from those quivering thighs to the big breasts, catching the nipples between thumbs and forefingers, squeezing and kneading as I fucked her, boring in and out while she worked her ass in a constant grinding that enabled my prick to caress every part of her responsive cunt.
"Damn you!" she panted. "You're gonna make me come!"
Her hands started for my hips again and I growled a warning. "Keep it spread!"
She almost wept as the orgasmic waves washed through her juicy cunt. Her head rolled on the rug and she chewed her lower lip until I expected to see blood trickling from that dainty chin. Her pussy churned, deep inside, tightening about my prick as the muscles convulsed in repeated spasming. I kept sliding in and out, trying to think of something other than the hot wetness that sucked and squeezed like a second mouth. Only the wild session with Velvet and Kitty enabled me to hold back until I felt the slow relaxation of her vagina and she gave a long, shuddering sigh.
"Oh! You bastard!" she panted. "That almost killed me!"
I pinched both nipples, making her jump and shove her cunt still higher. "That was just the appetizer, baby!" I teased. "We haven't really started fucking yet."
I leaned over her, resting my chest on the pointed mounds. "Give me your hands!" I said. "Both of them!"
She released her pressure on that well packed mound and I caught her by each wrist, bending her arms up until they were pressed, palms up, on either side of her blonde head. She stared up at me with wide eyes.
"Can I move my legs?"
"All you want to!"
"Fuck me! Goddamn you to hell! Fuck me!"
With the first stroke, her legs scissored my waist and levered her ass up to take the full nine inch shaft of my cock. My balls squished against her perineum and she circled her hips to feel the head of my dick grind the very bottom of her pussy.
With belly-slapping hunches I slammed my prick in and out, ramming between those clutching thighs and hammering my pelvic arch against her clit in a furious rhythm. The constant manipulation of that love bud sent her into a frantic, ass-threshing climax and her cunt became even more slippery as her vaginal juices coated my cock and were spread throughout the length of that convulsing corridor. I could feel them wetting my hairy balls as they swung into the crack of her twisting ass and heard the moist, sucking sound as the oily exudation was churned by my pistoning shaft.
I didn't even slow down for that first orgasm in this new position. While Helen's ass bucked and humped, I kept pounding away, letting the delightful tremors of her climaxing pussy caress my sliding cock and add to the rapidly mounting pleasure of my ride.
"Hey, cowboy!" The voice yanked me back from the edge of my own come. "How about switching horses?"
It was Jack, on his knees beside us with that big black cock rearing up like a damn fence rail. Just beyond him, Lena lay grinning at me, on her back with those dusky thighs spread in eager waiting. From the gaping lips of her dark cunt, a trickle of white slid down over the reddish-brown skin, reaching its slippery finger toward the winking circle of her asshole.
Wrapped in the happy glow of the marijuana and the incredible pleasure of Helen's talented cunt, I had lost all sense of time. The three loads I had slammed into Velvet, earlier in the day, had enabled me to fuck Helen McPhail for over thirty minutes without spilling the fresh sperm that was boiling just back of my nine inch cock.
Jack and Lena had sixty-nined their way to a gulping crescendo, then screwed to a panting second orgasm with Jack on top. Now Lena had urged him to trade partners and neither Helen nor I objected to the switch. We were both in that highly aroused state where identity no longer mattered, so long as our passion engorged loins were connected to a satisfactory counterpart.
I pulled my cock out of the slimy embrace and rolled off in the direction of the waiting Lena, pausing to watch as Jack took my place and fitted his massive prick into the froth-rimmed slit I had just vacated.
"Man!" he gasped as he slid the black pole into her belly. "You sure got her slick!"
I stared down at Lena's open snatch. "You didn't exactly leave a dry hole," I commented. Then, to Lena, I said, "Turn over, baby! Let's play doggie!"
With a happy giggle, she rolled over onto her belly and raised her ass by drawing her knees up under her dark body, spreading her thighs apart as I positioned myself behind her.
I eased my prick between her legs and slid the head through the dripping jaws of her cunt. She gave a little groan and wiggled her hips in an effort to get me inside her, but I drew back again.
"Put it in, love!" she pleaded. "I need some more!"
I pressed forward again and let the head invade those slimy cunt lips just enough to stretch them and caress the excited nerves. She clamped the rubbery flesh about me, trying to suck me deeper, pushing her ass back against my belly as I bent over her arched back.
Careful to keep the strokes the exact length I had in mind, I began short-fucking her, giving her the head and about two inches in a savagely rapid flurry of thrusts and retreats, the thick cock massaging her pussy lips so fast that all she could do was jerk and quiver, gasping as the frictioning urged her toward another, gut-wrenching orgasm.