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Helena was glad they’d come. Even if she planned on getting the hell out in an hour or so because Faine looked good enough to eat and she was going to at the very least lick him—a lot—once they got home.

Carla took their orders and their thanks and headed off to get their drinks.

Helena had a great time. Drinking and laughing and dancing with her man. And it felt, somewhere in the back of her mind, like the calm before the storm.

The drink was good but she wanted to dance and he obliged, taking her back out there. Of course he was good at that too. The man was sex on legs and he moved like it.

Never in her life had she imagined being with a man like him. Men like him were fantasies. They were in books or movies, but real-life men were different.

But there he was, looking smooth and sexy, and his gaze was only for her. Well, his gaze flitted around much like hers did, but his personal gaze, the one where a man saw a woman—that was all hers.

It humbled her, even as it filled her with wonder and satisfaction, that he wanted her the way he did. Supported her. Listened to and trusted her. Even with the weight of everyone’s trust and fear on her shoulders, it was easier with him there at her side.

About an hour later, he pulled her close and she tiptoed up. Of course he was still way taller but thankfully he bent down to meet her halfway. His hand slid around her, settling at her hip. The heat of him burned through her dress, against her skin. Her skin he knew so very well.

“I really think we should go home.”

The awesome thing about Lycians is that they didn’t really get drunk. Not the way humans or witches did, though he did say in Lycia they brewed some type of ale stuff that actually stayed in their system in a way human alcohol didn’t. That night he’d had a drink but it was through his system in less than ten minutes. He was alert and ready to drive home, though she was moderately tipsy. No need to wait any further for ravishment.

“I’ve just been waiting for your signal.”

They quickly said their good-byes and headed out. People waved as they made their way from the club and his car was waiting in valet when they got outside.

“It’s nice to feel like we’re all on the same page for once. Positive instead of terrified. Though.” She shrugged, settling back into the seat as he headed for the freeway. “I suppose the terror will be back by morning.” Every night there was something else. Every dose of the morning news had multiple stories of some violence somewhere. Fires. Graffiti. Attacks on schools and community centers. It sucked.

“Let yourself have just one night of happiness. Yes, morning will come with sad news, the way it has for some time now. But we have each other. We had a lovely time with friends. It’s all right to be young and in love. Yes?”

She took his hand. She could blame the four Jack and Cokes later. “It’s all right be to be young and in love, yes. Or four hundred years old and in love. Even tomorrow when there will be bad news it’ll be okay. Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

“There’s really no way I’d have missed you in this outfit.”

She laughed. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I haven’t worn it in a long time. I was worried it wouldn’t fit.”

“It’s just perfect.” A smile ghosted his lips. “I can’t wait to get you out of it when we get home.”

She let go of a delighted laugh. “Well good. That’s the point of living with you. Having full-time access to all the filthy sexual services you provide.”

He took her hand as he drove and she allowed herself to enjoy their time together as a couple. Allowing herself to believe things could be all right when the dust settled. But at the very least, they were right then and that was enough.

* * *

DELILAH looked so lovely Tosh nearly regretted not having her all to himself. All that golden hair was pulled up and away from her face. She was old-fashioned in the best sense of the word with a brooch on her blouse and elegant, tailored pants that only emphasized her shape.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“Thank you. You did, but it never hurts to hear it more than once. I promise. It’s all right? My outfit I mean. I didn’t want to go too casual and then I thought maybe you all keep it casual on purpose and I’ll be overdressed.”

“You’re perfect. I promise, they’re going to like you.”

The nervousness on her features eased a little. “I hope so. If they made you, they have to be good people.”

“You should say that to my mother. She’ll love it.”

Delilah laughed. “I’ll try to find a way to say it without sounding like I’m sucking up. You’re sure they’re okay with me coming?”

“Definitely. I spoke to my grandmother about it first and then got a call from my mother and one of my brothers about it. I’m sorry to say they might be pretty excited about having you there.”


He snorted. “They’re going to show you pictures and ask you rude, intrusive questions about your life and your family. They mean well, but they’re nosy, and since they know we’re together and I like you enough to want them to meet you, my mother might make hints about marriage or kids. I’m just warning you.”

“That’s better than telling me I should be using birth control because of mixed babies.”

He frowned as he pulled into his grandparents’ driveway. “What? Someone did that?”

“Yes. It happened a while ago. Before the Magister, but if you remember, the wolves have been out for a while now. It was one of the reasons I decided to stop dating humans. Clearly I break rules for you and that heart of yours.”

“My heart?”

She turned to him. “You have the heart of a lion. Full of passion and justice. It goes with your looks. All that gorgeous hair and your features, which would be perfect for an ad in GQ. And your brain. All in all, you’re a total package. But it’s your heart that proved my undoing. I can’t resist.”

As compliments went, that one was one of the best he’d ever received.

“I’m really glad about that. While I do admire your heart and your brain, can I tell you it’s your lips that have always done me in?” And her breasts. He loved those though he hadn’t seen them yet. There was something courtly about this thing between them. Though he wanted her, all of her, they’d been taking it very slow and it seemed to suit them both.

The sexual tension banked, getting hotter, and when it finally did happen, he knew it would be worth it.

He leaned in to kiss her, grabbing her bottom lip between his teeth a moment as he pulled back. In the corner of his vision he caught sight of his mother coming out onto the porch and waving.

“My mom knows we’re here. Just yell for me if I’m not near and you need saving from the crazy.” He squeezed her hand before he got out to take her inside.

The place was wall-to-wall Satos from his eight-month-old niece to his grandfather. And every one of them went out of their way to make Delilah feel welcome. He hadn’t really worried that they wouldn’t. She was pretty fabulous and they’d know he wouldn’t have brought anyone to an event this important if he didn’t really like her. But it was a good thing to see, as well as the way Delilah interacted with them. Open. Smiling. Joking. Asking questions and actively listening to answers.

“Stop watching her like you’re worried we’re going to ask her to change into a werewolf at the dinner table or something.”

He turned to his sister, who grinned at him like a fool.

“Quiet you. I’m not worried like that. I just want her to feel comfortable.”

His sister Suzanne laughed at that. “Wrong family event. Dad’s already tipsy, Grandma’s all high with babies and having a full house. Delilah’s getting the full brunt of us. If she survives and takes your call tomorrow, you’ll know it’s meant to be. She’s gorgeous, by the way. And I saw her speak a few days ago at a press conference. She’s sharp. Needs to be, I wager, given the way things are right now. And really, to manage you too.”