"I didn't make the world," she reminded me. "I'm just a realist. People are no damn good-you're not going to get anyone to do anything for you unless they think they're going to get something in return."
I slumped to the ground.
We had to wait at least another hour before a new speck appeared at the top of the horizon. By this time I was just as cynical as my daughter, but willing to make it work to our advantage. With a pregnant daughter as my responsibility, I was prepared to humiliate myself, if need be, to get us to safety.
"Mom, what are you doing?" Susan asked as the approaching car came nearer.
"The only thing I can," I replied, unbuttoning my blouse without hesitation. "If we want a ride, at least one of us is going to have to stop having such a defeatist attitude and work at it."
Her eyes grew big and round as I tossed the blouse to the roadside and started unhooking my bra. For the first time since the van had broken down, Susan's face was showing something besides resignation.
"Mom, are you doing what I think you're doing?" she asked with a kind of awe.
"You're damn right," I replied, sending my bra fluttering into the air like twin parachutes so my bare tits were hanging from my chest. "If the next driver is a man, I'd like to see him pass us by without looking after I'm stripped."
"But he'll think you're willing to have sex with him just for a ride," Susan protested.
"If that's the way the world works, then I'll just have to adjust to it," I summed up the dilemma. "When you're drowning, the worst thing you can do is struggle-and the way I look at it we re drowning on dry land,"
She thought about it while the car drew nearer and I went to work removing my panties from beneath my skirt. My plan was to stand in the middle of the highway and lift my hem, flashing my pussy and jiggling my breasts in plenty of time for the driver to stop.
"Then you're determined to do this, Mother," my daughter nervously concluded.
"Just watch me," I replied over my shoulder, as I walked out into the middle of the highway.
There, in plain view, I straddled the white line and hoisted my dress to my waist. Right away I could feel the sun baking against my exposed crotch. The solar rays were glimmering off the sleek triangle of my sweaty muff.
Here came the car. It must have been doing ninety. By the time I could make out its dimensions it was too late to get out of the road.
"Mom, look out!" Susan shrieked in alarm. "It's a cop!"
As if I couldn't see the lights on top and the black and white exterior. It was probably the worst choice I could have made for my desperate stunt, but it was too late to back out now.
In a split second of terror I could see the face of the driver. His expression turned to incredulity and then alarm under his ten-gallon hat. Then his teeth ground together as he frantically twisted the wheel to the right to force the cruiser off the road and try and keep from reducing me to a grease spot. The squealing of the brakes seemed to ricochet through the air.
The next thing I knew I was enshrouded in a blinding swirl of dust. The acrid stench of scorched brake lining hit my nose like smelling salts.
When the flying dirt settled down and the view was clear, I sighted the patrol car in a ditch. A frantic Susan was pulling open the door on the driver's side, trying to see if anyone was injured.
"How… how does it look?" I anxiously called.
"There's two of them!" Susan yelled back.
"They're both out cold."
"Any blood?"
"A little. But it only seems to be from cuts where their heads bounced against the dashboard and knocked them out."
I walked over to the wreck. Considering the speed at which it had been traveling, it was a miracle the car wasn't tipped over or demolished.
"What'll we do?" Susan wanted to know. "If we stick around they'll find us here."
"But there's no place to hide," I pointed out. "The nearest cover is in those mountains ten or twenty miles away. We've got to make a stand to save ourselves. It's the only way out of this."
It was clear that Susan had no idea what I was talking about. How do two apparently helpless women make a stand against two armed Highway Patrolmen?
Despite my scare, however, I was brimming with confidence. If I was willing to flash my tits and pussy in the path of a speeding car just to get a ride, I was willing to do even more to keep Susan and me out of jail.
"Mother, what are you doing?" Susan gasped with astonishment, as I brushed past her and knelt by the side of the unconscious driver of the patrol car.
She had perfectly good reason to register alarm. I was unzipping his fly.
"It's the only way," I assured her. "We've got to fix it so that when they come to there are no complaints."
"How is taking off his pants going to accomplish that?" Susan wailed.
"Very simple. If you were a man and woke up with a naked woman servicing your prick, would you be angry?"
"No," she admitted. "I'd probably think I'd died and gone to heaven."
"Good girl," I chuckled as I slid the patrolman's trousers and underpants down his legs so I had access to his exposed cock and balls. "This is survival time. We're either winners or losers, Susan. Which do you want to be?"
"A… a winner," my daughter stammered, in awe of my firm resolve.
"Then open the door on the other side of the car," I snapped without hesitation. "Pull down the other guy's pants and start blowing him the way I'm going to do to the driver as quickly as I can wrap my lips around the head of his dick."
If Susan had any doubts I meant business, I immediately dispelled them by shoving my face into the Patrolman's bare crotch. Right away my mouth had engulfed his flaccid genitals.
My daughter was no dummy. She caught on that she had no other choice.
Suddenly her clothes were peeling from her young body and she was even more naked than I. To match her, I removed my skirt. Then both of us began sucking cock in earnest.
"How's yours, Mom?" Susan asked after a couple of minutes of noisy slurping.
"Salty," I replied. "These guys must sweat a lot." "You said it. My cop's dork tastes like a slab of bacon," my daughter giggled. "Is your guy getting hard?"
"I'm making some progress," I reported. "I'd say I've got him up to about a semi."
"Same here. I'm betting this dude'll go about ten inches when he's completely hard. How big does yours look, Mom?"
"The same. Having a big cock must be a requirement for being a Highway Patrolman in this state."
"I'm sure the taxpayers will be happy to hear that," Susan laughed, and then resumed sucking.
With the kind of fervent suction we were applying, it was only a matter of time before Susan and I produced two hard-ons with our oral magic. The two guys on whom we were chewing down would have had to have been dead to avoid responding with turgid erections.
Their pricks grew and grew. When I was on the verge of gagging with mine, I glanced over and saw that my daughter's cheeks were bulging. It was too late to back off now.
My lips were nuzzling balls when my cop's cock finally unfurled to its full extent. Now the question was whether I should continue this way until he came in my mouth, or up the ante. Needless to say, Susan had to be thinking the same thing.
I knew it was my place to lead. After all, I had provoked this affair, so the responsibility for its conclusion rested on my shoulders.
Sliding the Patrolman's stiff dick from my mouth, I hopped up on the seat and sat on his lap, facing him. There was only one sure-fire thing to do.
And that was to fuck him.
Clutching his prick, I slid the knotty crown against the dangling lips of my spread pussy. The sensation of male meat against female meat automatically caused my snatch to gush. When I looked down, the cop's pubic hair was glistening with my dripping cunt juice.
Susan quickly followed suit. The head of her cop's cock sliced through her wispy pubic curls and pressed against her clitoral region. She was already moaning.
"Let's fuck the shit out of these guys," I groaned. "No point in pretending we have any other choice."