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I introduced my cop's hard-on into my gaping cunt without further ado. My cunt was so soft and squishy that penetration was immediate and complete. I was sitting on a full ten inches of peter before I knew it.

Just a jump behind her mother, Susan was doing as well. The fit was a little tighter in her sixteen-year-old cunt, but that didn't stop her. let's face it, my daughter knew how to fuck just as well as I did, We started. going up and down like pistons, Susan's loins lifting when mine plunged, and vice-versa.

"Mine's stirring," Susan interrupted. "I think he might wake up. What should I do?"

"Get rid of his gun," I directed. "The only thing you want him to shoot you with is his dick."

She plucked the.38 special and threw it as far as she could across the sand. I did the same with my man's gun.

Now both cops were squirming. The way I had it timed, they would surge to consciousness just as their dicks were spurting in our cunts.

"Fuck-fuck-fuck," I spurred us on.

"In-and-out, in-and-out," Susan elaborated.

We were screwing faster and faster, bouncing up and down on the cops' cocks like we were performing on a trampoline.

The loins of the cops were literally bucking by now, meeting our every thrust with surges of their own. On the downstroke penetration was total. It was deep, deep fucking.

Then, suddenly, a rough pair of masculine hands seized my waist, holding me at full insertion. When Susan came down, the same thing happened to her.

We both looked down and simultaneously stared into open eyes. The Highway Patrolmen had been fucked awake at last. Now it was time for the true test of our femininity.

My guy automatically reached for his gun. I couldn't help laughing when he grabbed a handful of empty holster.

"Your pistol's right where you want it," I said teasingly. "Go ahead and shoot me."

With that, I clenched the muscles of my pussy harder than I ever had in my life.

Yes, I was being come in. The head of my cop's cock was bursting. liquid chunks of molten lead were blasting to the depths of my cunt. It was target-practice time in my fuck-hole.

"You're a real sharpshooter, aren't you?" I moaned to the stunned patrolman writhing beneath me. He looked like a confused chicken. Nothing in his law-enforcement training or experience had ever prepared him for a moment like this.

Susan's quarry was just as humorous. Trapped by a teenage pussy, he was as helpless as a baby despite the muscles bulging under his shirt and knotting his splayed. legs. A sixteen-year-old girl had laid him out like a rug.

"Has he come in you yet?" I asked.

"Like a hydrant," she joyously informed me. "I can't imagine being fucked by a better cock."

"Me neither," I called back

"What do we do now?"

"Make a deal," I tersely stated. "The least these clowns owe us is a ride to the next town."

"But I think they want to arrest us," Susan giggled, looking down into the confused eyes of her prisoner.

"Then I'm sure the judge will be interested in our accusation that they raped us," I said. "They'll be hard put to explain the medical report of fresh semen in our cunts."

"Too bad," Susan sighed facetiously. "Two splendid law-enforcement careers nipped in the bud because of lack of self-control. And all because our pussies are so irresistible."

Our two hostages were fully awake now, but still speechless, With no guns, and imprisoned by their cocks, they were helpless. Susan and I had succeeded in turning a seemingly hopeless situation into one of total female dominance. After all our bad luck lately, it felt as good as hell.

Then Susan came up with something that was so ingenious it made my head swim with admiration. "I'll bet if we let Mutt and Jeff here fuck us in the ass they'll even let us drive this heap ourselves back to town," she said.

"Why not," I agreed. "My crime-buster's cock is still as hard as a rock. How about yours?"

"Like steel," she informed me.. "My asshole's already itching for some action."

"Then let's do 'er!" I exclaimed, popping my cop's prick out of my twat and guiding it back a notch.

The stony head of his cock felt even better against my asshole than it had against my pussy. The shit was already gurgling in my bowels in anticipation of a maximum probe, and I could hear Susan's doing the same.

The Highway Patrolmen were gasping continuously now.

Except for their cocks, our pair of Smokies was as weak as kittens. There was absolutely nothing to stop Susan and me from copping an ass-fuck if we wanted to.

We wanted to.

"Mmmmmm, I'm sticking his cock in my butt," I informed my daughter. "It's even tighter than it was in my cunt."

"Same here," she reported. "I wonder if they'll be able to come again so soon."

"If they don't they'll have to walk back to town," I laughed. Then, for emphasis, I snatched the keys out of the ignition and jiggled them noisily in my hand, just to show who was in charge.

We went to work getting it on. Content with my daughter and the farm animals for well over two years, it had been a long time since a human hard-on had fucked my tightest hole. It was a delight to sample some hetero ass-fucking after so long a drought. Men were jerks, but there was no denying the sweet power of a stiff cock in the right place.

"Oh fuck me, you big stud!" I groaned excitedly. "Fuck me in the ass!" Susan was just as demonstrative, but with guttural rasps and murmurs rather than words. As far as I knew, this was her first cornholing, but she was going at it like an old pro. My daughter never ceased to make me proud of her.

"Deeper, deeper!" I implored the cop pinioned beneath me. "Fuck my shit!"

I could feel the thick inches sliding within me. And when I looked over at Susan, I could witness them doing the same in her butt.

Then nuts were squashing against our grinding buns. Both cocks were in our rectums to the hilt. If my daughter was feeling what I did, the head of her cop's cock was blasting the chunks of crap loose from the walls of her spasming colon.

"Come, come, you bastard!" I cried. "Make me shit jizz for a week."

I reached down and grabbed his scrotum. Susan did the same to her man. We both squeezed for all we were worth. It's a man's world until some horny woman grabs hold of his nuts.

"Arrrrgggghhhh," was the first sound my victim made. Maybe it wasn't a word you can find in the dictionary, but its meaning was perfectly clear to me.

His balls were boiling.

Susan's prey put in his two cents' worth, too. Only he groaned, "Unnnnhhhh." The message, however, was precisely the same. Trust a woman to know.

Okay, time for the crunch. The vise-like sinews of the female asshole don't allow for much lingering. The friction they produce is so intense that no cock can go without shooting its wad for long. Buggery is guaranteed cummery.

I felt my cop's prick expand that tell-tale extra inch in my anal fuck-pit that always spells imminent ejaculation. When Susan rockily bumped, I knew she was experiencing the same sensation.

We squeezed their nuts one more time, just for good measure.

We may have gotten the drop on them, but our two crime-stoppers proved once and for all that they were no slouches when it came to the truly important things in life. Crooks may have had a better than even chance of eluding them, but a tight female asshole would have to take its medicine.

Thick, goopy medicine. Hot medicine. Cum on prescription!

The scalding jizz flooded both our colons. Then, when our bowels were compacted with liquid, the flow reversed itself. Now the spunk was squirting out of our asses as fast as it had poured in. The front seat of the car was suddenly a swamp.

My daughter and I were anally orgasming to beat the band. If a climax in a woman's cunt is dynamite, one in her rectum is a hydrogen bomb.

The ride to town? Well, after we were finished ass-fucking, Susan wanted to handcuff the cops with their own irons and make them think we were taking them into headquarters on a citizens' arrest for raping us. I, however, prevailed.