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But DesirЋe taught herself to do this lewd display, out of dire necessity, as she went along, watching Sam for her cues, how to move, when to turn and push out her shapely bottom at Billy, when to shake her hips and jiggle her tits, and when to start unbuttoning. Sam gestured and she read his signing, lifting the front of her dress and showing her expensive panties that covered the plump mound of her pussy. Sam mimed unbuttoning a shirt, and she began unfastening the tiny buttons of her blouse and she felt her cheeks and ears burning with shame.

No, this can't be happening to me. I just can't be doing this.

But she was. She was doing it, and by the expression on Sam's face, she was doing it well. As she let her blouse gape open and – after much inward hesitation and refusal – she removed her bra, Billy fairly salivated at the sight of her deep, warm cleavage. Finally, her big, firm, round tits popped free and rose tautly into the room, the small, pink nipples piercing the heated air and Billy's eyes grew beady and lustful. She danced more sensually, shook her breasts back and forth, moved closer to him. Billy's hands reached out, touching her ripe mounds, and DesirЋe had to steel herself to keep from backing away. She felt the electric shocks as his thumbs twanged her pink nipples, felt her belly flutter. His hands came up under her skirt and, feeling his fingertips brush over her vaginal mound, she reflexively backed away.

The look on Sam's face caused her a frisson of terror and a glance at Billy showed his beginning to contort with rage. Quickly and rhythmically she slithered back to him, her tender anus tight with fear, her ears burning with a blush she felt all the way to her nipples. She was going to have to let him touch! Had to, or he would shoot her. But if this was a rape, it was of the strangest kind, for she was stripping for him in front of cameras, enticing him. The camera couldn't know now that she was doing this to survive, to live out the day and be able to see her beloved Mark again. Was this to be a fate worse than death? Tomorrow she would know, if she lived that long.

Billy's hands came up under her skirt again and palmed her buttocks and partly immobilized her hips while he pressed his lips to her belly. She fought to keep from screaming, looking desperately at Sam, but the look on his face told her to go on, yes, don't stop, she was doing well. Fighting back her sobs, she felt Billy's mouth close electrically on one of her nipples, the lewd sensations shooting from the hardening breast tips down into her womb. His hands came up into her panties from underneath, through the leg holes, to splay across her flexing buttocks, pulling her off balance and hard against him. To steady herself, she closed her hands around the back of his head, causing him to suck so hard that she moaned, burying her face in Billy's bushy hair. Feeling a steadying hand on her shoulder, she looked up and saw Sam standing behind Billy, wearing an encouraging smile. She smiled back, then gasped.

Billy had slid his hand into the cleft of her bottom and was hotly feeling over her anus and down to her vaginal slit. It was already damp from the movement of her dancing and her inner labia were rubbing against her sensitive clitoris. His fingertip had no trouble finding the slippery well of her oozing cunt, sinking in to the first knuckle and doing a quick twisting motion against a tingling, wet spot inside her. Tingles ran up her tailbone, surprising her so that she tried to twist away, but Sam's hand tightened on her shoulder and his mouth formed a silly grin to remind her to keep smiling. She smiled and closed her eyes when she saw Billy's excited eyes staring up at her, and against her will she moved her hips closer to him, forcing his straightened finger entirely up into her juicy, tight vagina. DesirЋe grit her teeth and swiveled her hips around the intruding finger, feeling her lubricant increase as an unwanted pleasure shot through her.

How much of this was she going to have to take? When would he tire of playing with her? Exactly what was this all leading up to? But she knew in her heart and mind that he would not be satisfied until he had sex with her, with his penis thrusting and ejaculating in her defiled vagina. Trying to resign herself to it, she shook her hips faster.

Sam motioned for her to completely removed her blouse and bra, which she did as slowly as possible, slowly, feeling Billy's finger gouging into her cunt, drawing more creamy lubricant into her hot pussy. She shrugged off her blouse and gave it a toss with a flourish, then dropped her arms forward and let the bra fall off into Billy's lap.

Backing away, she stood back far enough that his hand was taken from her crotch, but glancing at the revolver on the floor beside him, she did her duty and began rolling down her panties, down until her pubic fluff was revealed and then the warm crease between her puffy, tender labia. DesirЋe spun, pushing the garment down her smooth, slender thighs, over her knees, letting them fall to her ankles. She had seen this move before and looked at him coquettishly without straightening up. Wracked with shame, she knew he was staring at her private nether orifices, knew that with this moment she had lost nearly all her body's privacy.

Billy's head throbbed with lust as his eyes nearly leapt from their sockets. She was his to enjoy at will, he knew, as he stared at the wet, red gash of her pussy, and above it the pale, vermilion halo of her tiny anus, looking so pristine and untouched that he wondered if she had ever used it for anything. He watched it pulse with the tension she felt inside her and he leaned forward, hooking one hand around her hip to draw her back to him. His wet tongue came out and licked the sweat-moistened anal dimple, lapping like a loving dog, trying to push his tongue into her tightness there. Too tight. Too young and pure.

Billy bent her forward and pushed his face into the gap between her asscheeks, beginning a hungry lapping over the trembling cleft of her vagina and on up to the other pulsing hole. And again, the tip of his tongue flicking at her clitoris, which had begun to throb with unwanted arousal, a masochistic reaction to her situation and the strange protected relationship she had somehow formed with Sam, to whom she was now exposed in all her glory as well. Glancing his way, she saw him looking into her secret region, wishing he would not, wishing he would throw his friend out the window and save her from this.

But Billy's splurging tongue was taking its toll, stoking up flames in the same way Clete had done, entirely without her willful acceptance, just two days ago. Why was she feeling like this, just two days after Clete had fucked her pussy into a lather of orgasms and left her totally satiated and completely disgusted with herself afterward? She wasn't this kind of girl, was she? She had lapsed once in her life – that she knew of – and she wouldn't allow illicit self-indulgence to become a habit. She was doing this to save her life from this evil young man, but somehow, against all her training, her body was responding. Behind her, she felt his tongue drill into her fiery area on the front wall of her vagina, just inside, and Sam was sliding his hand past his friend's cheek and very gently insinuating his fingertip in her squirming asshole.

How could he? she protested inwardly and she felt the tickle of the insertion, but she was forced to fight down her feelings of betrayal. Of course she had no friend or protector here, for they were both kidnappers and why Sam had coached her through this could not be completely for her own welfare. Of course, he wanted to see his maniac buddy gratified.

Billy now had two fingers slipping wetly in and out of her pussy and she noticed that he was intently watching the grip of her pink inner flesh on his thrusting digits. She felt Sam's finger give a twist in her rectum and felt a chill of pleasure bring up the gooseflesh on the backs of her legs and jiggling buttocks. She began to rotate her vagina around Billy's curious fingers, giving herself over to the feelings he was generating in her loins, thinking of Mark and trying to keep a grip on the image of his face and body while it threatened to slip away from her consciousness. Mark, Mark, my darling! I'm trapped here, doing this just to be able to see your face again. Even though you don't seem to love me anymore.