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Johnny fucked away in DesirЋe's tight, wet pussy, feeling her pushing against him, her cunt clutching warmly at his cock. She had surrendered to it, was going after the release she'd been seeking before he and his friends had crashed out of the closet and turned the girl into what she was becoming now – a sensuous, impulsive woman.


Lobo dropped to the ground, pacing furiously. The sweet-bodied female was being mounted by the young man, mating with him. He had felt that she was reluctant to be bred by the pock-marked man, and there was jealousy there in his savage heart. He had always been attracted to her, to her softness, to the color of her hair, the lilt of her voice, the uniquely delicate smell of her female hole between her legs. It made him angry that some other male was fucking her sweet cunt, that he was being left out of the mating after all this time behaving himself in her presence with Liz.

Lobo reared up again, launching his massive, powerful body up through the window.


DesirЋe was in a world of her own, filled with blessed cock, heaving her body up to the unknown male giving her this joy. She was completely out of her mind now, her world centered in her vagina and the penis that was plunging wetly into it, over and over, again and again. She felt her climax growing on her, pushing conscious thought to the back of the mind while this physical ecstasy blocked all other senses. She no longer could think or feel anything but the thrusting cock inside her.

With its movements her body impulsively chased her climax, somewhere knowing that it wouldn't end with that, that there were two other men who were waiting to use her, when suddenly she heard a distant sound, a savage growl somewhere outside her sphere of feeling. She felt the lovely, plundering cock inside her quickly soften and shrink, leaving her just shy of her orgasm – again.

"Jeez! It's him… the Goddamned dog!" a cursing boyish voice exclaimed in panic. "I'm getting out of here!"

"Come on, Sam! It's the fucking wild dog!" another choked as DesirЋe lay spellbound, her head swimming in paralyzing fear at what was taking place.

Suddenly, there was nothing, but the sound of three pairs of feet running out of the room, the slam of the front door familiar to her ears, yet, she was still nakedly spread-eagled to the bed! For a long, long moment, DesirЋe lay in deathly silence, trying to determine if they had really gone and why? Finally, she realized that she had truly been abandoned by the three rapists. Her entire nakedly exposed body trembled fearfully as she rolled her head, then lifted it.

She saw him then! He stood at the foot of the bed, massively dominating the entire room! His rounded eyes were like two glowing ovals of burning fire in his huge head, his vicious mouth partially open to display the gleaming white fangs there! Mother of God! That's why her attackers, whoever they were had run! It was him… Lobo… the animal who'd raped Nancy Pace! She had seen him before, but she had not remembered him so big. He was positively massive, it seemed, like a small horse standing there in the room!

Forgetting her nakedness, DesirЋe tried to scream, nearly choking on her own saliva! She stared with raised head, seeing the great beast leap agilely onto the bed, then lick at his lips in the manner of gentle dogs she had seen a thousand times! God, no matter what else, he'd driven the others off, she thought, watching him raise his savage head high, then… move forward toward her! His powerful jaws were just above her throat! He was going to – going to – they lowered right above her face, and he sniffed gently at her ear. It was then that she noticed the silver tag that hung from his neck, embossed with the name of Liz, his erstwhile mistress, and Lobo, the great savage dog that attacked defenseless women and raped them.

Anxiously, she tried to find her voice. Should she scream now? But no one would hear, for there was no other human being literally within three miles at least.

Lobo whimpered, simultaneously wagging his head and tail. From primeval ages past, hot-blood flowed through him. In his animal-eye he surveyed the naked, securely tied human female before him. Her hair reminded him of the noonday sun, and animalistically he licked out with his tongue. She was lying back on the pillow watching him, her eyes staring with stark fear.

His own burning orbs surveyed her again, and then, he moved closer above her, leaning down to lash out with his wet, hot tongue against the smooth flesh of her naked white belly.

She wanted to scream now, DesirЋe realized, rant at the top of her lungs. She swallowed tightly, watching him move toward her, then lowering his head, his length of pinkish seething animal-tongue licked moistly over her muscle-tightened belly!

Again, he did it, the hot, spread length of his tormenting wet tongue causing incredible sensations to spiral through her, immediately awaking the unsated passion she had quickly forgotten in her terror! She strained her sight to gape at his animal-face, to read some direction in those fire-filled, wild eyes! Oh God, he had saved her from a cruel gang rape! And he knew it – he knew it!

Once more, she raised her head to gaspingly watch his long hot tongue licking upward over the quivering white flesh of her soft belly! Higher and higher he inched, until he was finally lapping the rounded, full undersides of her exposed breasts, ever creeping upward over them toward their tiny, marble-hardening nipples… and at last, there! She couldn't restrain the little moan that escaped her lips when his feverish, moist tongue actually reached them, wetly grazing the pink, sensitively rising buds again and again to send maddeningly arousing spasms whipping through her nakedly bound body!

Oh… oh God… what was happening to her? She must be losing her mind! The lust she had wallowed in with the young man had numbed her wits to the point of stupidity! This ferocious brute could, and well might, tear her to pieces if the notion took him! Somehow, she had to find help before it was too late, before this moment of gentleness left him! Again, she felt the impulse to scream, but worse, what might her shrieking voice do to him? It wasn't as if she could scramble from the bed and try to evade his attack! She with her big, heavy breasts, was not nearly fast enough for that, helplessly vulnerable to those massive jaws and sharp, gleaming fangs!

Dear Lord, she could hardly think with the inconceivable rising heat his fiercely licking tongue brushing wetly over the naked mounds of her breasts was creating inside her! She heard him whimper deep in his throat, her widened stare fixed on his almost loving performance. Then, his blazing eyes raised to meet hers, their desire-fed glow level with her own. She held her breath as he moved upward and startlingly began to run his warm, liquid tongue in hot caresses over her face, with obvious canine affection!

A feeling of gentle warmth filled Lobo's powerful body as he tenderly licked over the pleasing, soft beauty of the female-human's flesh. The pleasant taste of her breasts, and now her smooth white face intrigued him anew. This was not the same, he sensed, as the vengeance he had fulfilled with the other young she-woman. No malice toward this one raged inside him as it had for the one he had first seen in the company of his worst enemy, the sheriff. Her warm human-eyes reflected emotions that he could understand in the depths of the mysterious brain he possessed. Yes, she was one that he could claim now, for his own!

DesirЋe reflectively rolled her head to shy her face away from the brute-animal's hot, licking tongue. There was no question in her mind but that he was sort of kissing her, showing her in his own way that she needn't be afraid, that he wouldn't harm her! Why she felt that she could fathom his non-human meaning was beyond her, but she was certain she was right! It was almost as if uncanny vibrations were passing between them, and suddenly she realized that, denied her release now three times in the last 24 hours, she was no longer trying to avoid the heated attention of his warm, moist tongue, but giving herself to it with tightly closed eyes!