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Once more Nancy groaned out her physical ecstasy as the flooding heat of her fiancee's burning white cum spewed endlessly into her now forever stretched cunt and belly, its unending liquid flow filling her womb to the brim. She could feel the huge hardness of his pulsating cock-head deep in the very heart of her, pumping out its wetly cascading sperm, and at that moment, nothing else in the world mattered… only that she milk out from it with her hungrily working vaginal muscles its very last drop…!


Johnny Canning, his face disguised with a false beard and sunglasses, watched from his car as the young, blonde beauty parked her car on Main Street. Clete had told him to follow her, and he made no protest at the task. He still remembered the heavenly feel of her tight, young vagina on his stabbing cock, and the way she had let the dog fuck her and liked it.

Clete had been flabbergasted when Johnny had told him about the way Lobo had initiated DesirЋe to animal sex the way Nancy had been. He had fumed about it, cursing out his disgust, and then shook it off and told Johnny that he still intended to go through with his plan.

Whatever that was, Johnny mused.

He kept his eyes on Mark Denning's luscious and innocent fiancee.


DesirЋe felt herself full of dread as she knocked on the door of Pastor Hemmings office. It was his medical consulting office, for today was not Sunday and Hemmings was the only doctor in Pickford's Meadows. However, it was not medical attention she was looking for, but rather a salve for her aching conscience. No, it would not be a conference in the chapel's retreat, but a private talk in the medical consultation room. But she couldn't wait until Sunday.

The waiting room was empty when she got in. She waited until the door opened and a middle-aged woman, the last patient, came out. She smiled at DesirЋe, for she recognized her from church, but the girl's only reply was a shy smile as she looked down at the carpet. Dr. Hemmings' head stuck out around the door and he looked surprised.

"DesirЋe. Is there some problem?" He was surprised because the young beauty, boundlessly healthy, had never come in to see him for a medical consultation.

She waited until the woman had left, then without looking up, said to Hemmings, "I need to speak to you, Doctor. Pastor."

"Doctor today, my dear." He stood aside and gestured toward his examination room. "Please come in."

DesirЋe got up and went in, Hemmings following her. While he sat behind his desk, she sat on a chair, twisting a damp handkerchief in her hands.

"DesirЋe," he said, genuinely concerned. "What is it that's upset you?"

DesirЋe took a long time to find her voice, but then it all came pouring out. "Pastor Hemmings, I've done wrong. I had… I had sex… with a man."

Hemmings stared at her, unbelieving. He had always admired this most beautiful of young women with the divine singing voice and the perfect body. He could not deny that, watching her from the pulpit and at other times, his thoughts had been turned to desire for her pristine loveliness. It was at times distressing that he, who had been married for over twenty years, should be unable to control his thoughts at the sight of her always modestly-clothed body. Now, he felt a stab of jealousy that another man had sampled her, and he was sure that it was Mark Denning. At this point, he felt an unreasoning hatred for Mark, and at the same time felt his own loins stir at the mental image of the young man's body heaving and humping on top of hers.

Hemmings was aware that his eyes were making her uncomfortable. It was somewhat perverse that he used his silence and blank stare to increase the girls discomfort. "Can you tell me about it?" he asked, wanting to hear the details from her own ruby lips.

She nodded slowly. "That's why I came, sir," she said quietly. "I need to… to tell someone. I feel just terrible." DesirЋe bowed her head and a tear made a track down each cheek.

"Then, by all means, tell me, my dear."

DesirЋe took a long time to start speaking and her words came in sobs. "I was alone last night, and some men… some… some men… sneaked into my room. I didn't know them. They held me down."

Hemmings looked horrified. "You mean, you were raped?"

DesirЋe hesitated, then nodded. "I tried to resist at first, but then… but then… I liked… I liked it. It felt good." Her eyes turned up to meet his and she found them gentle and caring.

"Was that the first time, DesirЋe?" he asked quietly.

She shook her head slowly. "No, I've done it before. Mark and I are in love."

Hemmings knew he should let it go there, but he was curious. "Can you tell me exactly what happened? Did all of them do it to you?"

"Just one. The others watched."

Hemmings nodded, understanding. "Tell me, did he penetrate you fully?"

DesirЋe's eyes were fixed on her lap. "Yes."

"All the way inside you?"


"In your vagina."

DesirЋe winced. "Yes."

"His penis in your vagina. Was his penis large, or small?"

DesirЋe's eyes turned dewy as she remembered. "Large. Very large."

Quietly, Hemmings pressed on. "And you enjoyed it?"

"Not at first. He was so big. But then, yes, it felt very good."

"Do you think he's damaged you, with such a large penis, I mean?"

DesirЋe looked suddenly frightened. She had said nothing about Lobo, and she knew his penis was much larger than the rapist's. Much, much larger. Was it possible that Lobo had torn her, ruined her somehow for Mark? Would Mark ever want to touch her again when he found out about all that had happened last night?

"I don't know," DesirЋe answered. "Do you think he could have?"

Hemmings nodded slowly. "It's quite possible. There are diseases to worry about. And pregnancy. I assume you're not on the pill. Why don't you step over there behind the screen and get undressed so I can examine you."

DesirЋe rose slowly. She was quite timid about the thought of disrobing in front of the pastor, but now she was worried. She moved behind the screen and began to undress.

"There's a gown on a hanger. It's one of those things that's open at the back. Put that on."

When she was naked, she did put it on, then came out holding it closed in back. Hemmings had her sit up on the examining table.

"I'm going to check your breasts," he said, moving his hands through the arm-holes until her could heft her perfect globes.

DesirЋe felt a tingle all the way to the nape of her neck when his hands gently palmed her big, firm tits.

"Any pain?" he asked quietly.

"No," she answered in a little girl voice.

His fingers found her nipples and stroked them a few times. He was amazed at how quickly they erected. He heard her give a little grunt. He stroked them a little more, unable to stop himself.

"Okay, DesirЋe, I'd like to examine your genitals. Could you step down and turn around and lean forward over the table?"

The girl slid off. Hemmings knew that this was not the orthodox position for a vaginal examination, but he wanted to see other things as well. Yes, he wanted to see every part of her.

DesirЋe supported herself on her arms over the table, the perfect moons of her bottom thrust enticingly backward. Hemmings parted the folds of the gown and caught his breath. What a beautiful butt the girl had. He was going far beyond the limits of his calling as pastor or doctor, he knew, but he stroked his hands tenderly over her asscheeks and down the back of her thighs.

"I'm looking for bruises," he said in a low voice, then ran his fingertips up and down the cleft of her buttocks. She was delicious, irresistible, and he knew he was overstepping the bounds of both his professions, but he couldn't stop touching her. His hands trembled as he parted her buttocks. "Relax," he said when she tensed, and she did, letting him separate the cheeks and look between. Her anus was a tiny vermilion-pink dimple, almost smooth and perfect like the rest of her. She must eat properly with plenty of fiber, he thought, for her bottom hole had suffered no dietary abuse. He touched the dry sphincter and saw it twitch defensively.