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“Okay, but only if you promise not to make me do that downward dog pose I’ve heard about. Or the tree pose. I’d have to turn my man card in if I did something like that. But I’m game for whatever else you want to throw at me.”

It surprised her that Mac wanted to join her in something important to her. It almost made her believe he was interested in her as a person, and there really was more to this reunion.

He went quiet for a moment and then laughed. “Speaking of mellow. Do you remember our old chemistry teacher, Mr. Sherry? The one who was always sucking on a cough drop?”

Jess made a snoring sound, then laughed along with him. “Could. He. Be. Anymore. Monotone.”

“Bueller. Anyone? Anyone?” Mac added, grinning. “I’m not sure what he was making in that lab of his, but whatever it was it must have been some seriously good shit.”

“I wonder what ever happened to him,” Jess said.

“Last I heard he was working for a drug company. Getting rich off of making happy pills.”


“Nah, I just made that up. Although it’s probably true.” Jess laughed, and Mac shook his head and added, “Actually, after a year with me in his class, he probably jumped from the highest bridge. That man did not like me.”

“No wonder.”

He feigned hurt. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”

She rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Mac. You must have driven him crazy, always bouncing off the walls, messing with his Zen.”

His blue eyes lit like a lightbulb had just gone off. “Maybe that’s why he offered me a cough drop that day when I was being particularly obnoxious and screaming in the halls. My throat was hoarse but now I’m thinking those cough drops were his happy pills and he was trying to drug me.”

“Did you have one?”

He gave her a look that suggested she was crazy for asking. “No, would you?”

“Of course. Cough drops made in a chemistry lab. What’s not to love?”

As they both laughed, she sank further in her seat and stared at the road ahead. They continued to laugh and rehash old stories during the drive to the club, keeping things light as they talked about funny things that happened in their past.

Mac veered off the highway and drove another twenty miles down a long and winding road. Well on the outskirts of town, he pulled into a dark parking lot, squeezed his truck between two vehicles, and killed the engine. She glanced around and took in the lone brick building at the far end of the lot, Wranglers written on the small sign above the door.

He shifted in his seat, and his warm scent curled around her as he rested his hand on her backrest. Twirling a strand of her hair around his index finger, he asked, “You sure you want this?”

She clasped her hands tightly, guessing he picked up on her nervousness. “Yes,” she said, not about to chicken out now.

“If at any time you want to leave, just let me know.”

Her blood pulsed hot and a shiver moved through her, but it was a shiver from anticipation, not fear. “Okay.”

“Just so you know, what happens at Wranglers stays at Wranglers.”

“Oh,” was all she could manage to say, curiosity and anticipation coursing through her.

When she nervously chewed on her bottom lip, his features softened. Caring blue eyes looked at her with genuine concern, and in a soft cadence he added, “Don’t worry, Jess. Trust I’m going to take real good care of you.”

A storm rolled through her as the promise in his voice touched her on another level. “I do,” she said.

She reached for the door handle as Mac climbed from the cab and circled the front of the truck to meet her. He captured her hand in his, and they started toward the entrance. Music drifted from the open windows as they approached. Mac showed his ID at the door before signing Jess in to the members-only club. A moment later, he guided her through a set of double doors and into an upscale establishment that reminded her of a gentleman’s club. Not that she’d ever stepped foot in one before, but she did watch a lot of old movies. Dark wood panels lined the walls and plush chairs were tucked into polished oak tables that were strategically positioned around a stage—a stage where half-naked women and men were dancing. To her left, there was a set of stairs leading to a loft. She glanced up and spotted numerous closed doors.

As she wondered what went on behind those closed doors, she glanced at the gorgeous cowgirls and cowboys sashaying across the stage, some performing acts on the brass poles.

“I didn’t know there would be professional dancers.”

He put his mouth close to her ear, and his warm breath washed over her face when he answered with, “They’re not.”


“No. They’re locals and they do it because some people like to be watched.” He gestured with a nod to a crowd of both men and women seated close to the stage. “And some like to watch.”

Her heart leaped as she thought about adding this naughty scenario to her journal. It was definitely one for her book, because in real life—even though she could relate to the desire to be watched—she was certain she would never have the courage to strip and perform for anyone.

As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she noticed that the men and women were all in various stages of undress. She swallowed, the heavy scents of sex and cigars catching in her throat.

Mac squeezed her hand and shot her a reassuring glance, his eyes scanning her face like he knew her innermost thoughts. She felt a little nervous under his careful inspection.

They slipped into a booth at the back of the club, one that allowed them privacy while still giving them a great view of the stage. A waiter came by, and after asking what she’d like, Mac ordered drinks. He pulled her close, wrapping her in his heat as she scanned the club. Everything was so surreal she had a fear of awakening to find that none of it was real and she was back in her one-bedroom condo, immersed in one of her private fantasies.

“Everything okay?” Mac asked, his deep, sensual voice dragging her attention back to him.

“So this is how cowboys unwind,” she murmured when the waiter came back with a beer for Mac and a glass of wine for her.

“Cowgirls, too,” he said, his glance falling over the pretty women on the stage.

At a table near the stage, Jess spotted a woman bent over her chair, her face a mask of pure ecstasy as her man moved over her from behind. She watched for a moment, and then understanding dawned.

“Wait, are they…?” she asked, hardly recognizing her voice.

The corner of his mouth twitched, hunger in his glance as he watched the couple with interest. “Yeah, baby. They are,” he said. “Are you okay with that?”

The shock of what was happening lasted only a moment before lust settled in and consumed her. She squeezed her thighs together; the erotic action taking place in a room where all could watch was beyond anything she’d ever seen or written down. Unable to look away, Jess’s fingers tightened on the edge of the table.

Mac touched her chin to draw her attention back to him. Something potent passed between them when he leaned close and whispered, “I take it you’ve never tried that.”

She shot him a curious glance and thought about what it would be like for him to take her that way.

“Have you ever…” She reached for her wine, bringing it to her mouth with fingers that trembled. She cleared her throat. “Mac, do you come here often?”

“Not really.” He grinned at her, and she leaned forward in the padded booth to take another quick sip of her drink, attempting to mimic Mac’s casual pose as he stretched out beside her. “Are you nervous, darlin’?” he asked, his voice thick with desire.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Do you want to leave?”

“No,” she said quickly.

“Come here,” he said, and pulled her to him.

Working to quell her nerves, she fell against him, his hand going to her thigh. As skin touched skin, her private parts came alive.