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Enter JABBA OF THE HUTT, PRINCESS LEIA bound to Jabba, BIB FORTUNA, BOBA FETT, THE MAX REBO BAND, SALACIOUS CRUMB, and other members of Jabba’s court below, on a barge.

—Hear ye! Victims of the great Almighty sarlacc: Jabba of the Hutt, His excellency, hopeth ye shall die With honor. Should ye wish for mercy now To beg, great Jabba of the Hutt shall hear Your pleas.
—Nay, 3PO! Say thou to that Vast slimy piece of filth bestrewn with worms He shall have no such pleasure out of us! Now that I am no more a markèd man, I shall most fully proffer my belief That Jabba is a horrid murderer Far worse than any I have ever known. Who here shall prove me wrong or argue, eh? ’Tis right, good Chewie, I speak true?
—Egh, auugh!
Pray, Jabba, hear: I shall not ask again— Thou mayst free us, or be destroy’d anon. So give us liberty or give thyself death.
Ho, ho! Sabutah mayr.
—Aye, put him in! No more of these fools’ speech my ears would hear!
[ aside:] The scene is set. Pray, Lando, play thy part, And R2, thou hast ever been most true, Now fail me not in this most vital time.
[ aside:] This is the moment; aye, this is the time.
Koos nooma!
—Let the suffering begin! I shall enjoy this show of pain and death.
Alas, Luke jumps! But wait, he flips aright Onto the skiff, and R2 hath releas’d Into the air Luke’s lightsaber! He has’t, ’Tis his! O clever droid, with aim so true, And clever Luke, devising such a plan.
The battle’s here! Mine eyes see well enough To know that now ’tis time for combat!
Now, Lando, to thy recompense for all That thou hast done! Betrayer shall become The bravest fighter e’er rebellion’s seen! My courage here shall render payment for The villainy I’ve tender’d in the past.

[They battle, and many of Jabba’s court are thrown into the sarlacc’s pit.

—What role shall I play in this? I shall Not stand aside and let them fight for me. I am no fragile damsel to be sav’d, But have, since I was young, fought for myself. Thus, to my work: to slay the biggest foe— Thou, Jabba, art for me and me alone!

I shall fly unto the fray, for no mere band of rebels shall outwit the great Jabba of the Hutt. They shall not easily defeat the one who doth fill my coffers. Not, indeed, as long as Boba Fett hath pow’r to live and breathe. To it!

[Lando fights with a guard and falls off the skiff toward the pit.

Alas, my friends, I fall!

[Boba Fett flies to the skiff.

Han Solo and Chewbacca fall.

—Nay, thou vile Fett! Thou shalt not have the best of us. A-ha!

[Luke strikes Boba Fett’s blaster.

Thy blaster’s now in twain by my lightsaber.

A hit, a very palpable hit! He hath torn my blaster in twain with his lightsaber, but I shall have him yet, and protect my great reward. Go, ropes, and bind this rascal Jedi. Belike Jabba shall further payment render when he doth see the noble deeds done for his sake.

[Boba Fett binds Luke Skywalker with ropes, but then is knocked down. Luke escapes and jumps to another skiff, fighting the guards there.

Han! Chewie! Can ye hear me?

[Boba Fett stands up and takes aim at Luke.


I have thee in my sights now, Jedi. Thou shalt feel the pow’r of my rockets, and be no more.

—Boba Fett? What Boba Fett, and where?

[Han Solo moves and activates Boba Fett’s jets, sending him flying into the pit.

Alas! The greatest Fett shall not die like this! O horrid Fate! Where is now my great reward?

[Boba Fett falls into pit and dies.

Nuh oola koobah!
—Those shall be thy words Most final! Now, the chains that bind me to This wretched lump of flesh shall be my hope! Whilst Jabba worries o’er the battle, I Shall throw the chains about his neck. Then, pull! Aye, pull—a princess’ vengeance! Die, thou brute! Thou unsuspecting Hutt, I curse thy life! For all the innocent whoe’er did die, For all the noble souls thou didst torment, For all the gentle lives that are no more, For all the galaxy’s injustice—die!

[Princess Leia strangles Jabba of the Hutt. He dies.

Good Lando, thou didst turn thy back on me, But thou shalt have a chance to earn thy due Since Luke and Chewie tell me of thy shame. Chewbacca, lift me down that I may save Him from a thousand years of pain.
—Brave Han Attempts to rescue Lando, but the gun From on the barge doth block his progress. Fie! No rest from trouble have we here—these foes Will not let us escape without a fight. They do intend to block us all the way— Then to the barge, to aid the rescue. Fly!

[Luke jumps onto Jabba’s barge.

Pray, grasp the staff!
—I almost have it!
Alack! The sarlacc’s tentacle wraps ’round My leg. I fear this is the end! O give Me strength to face my death well.
—Be thou still, And Chewie, hand the blaster unto me.
A blaster in the hands of one who’s blind? Methinks I may do better in the pit. Good Han, think on the defects of thine eyes!
My sight is much improv’d: my aim is true!

[Han Solo shoots the tentacle and lifts Lando onto the skiff.