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■ Pscript.sep Sets the print device to PostScript mode but doesn’t print a separator page

■ Sysprint.sep Sets the print device to PostScript mode and prints a separator page before each document

NOTE Sysprintj.sep is an alternate version of Sysprint.sep. If fonts for Japanese are available and you want to use them, you can use Sysprintj.sep.

3. To stop using the separator page, open the Separator Page dialog box and remove the file name.

NOTE When you work with a local server, tap or click the Browse button in the Separator Page dialog box to open the %SystemRoot%\Windows\System32 folder for browsing. In this case, you can browse and select the separator page to use. In contrast, when you work with a remote server, the Browse button is typically not available, so you must enter the exact file name for the separator page.

Changing the printer port

You can change the port used by a print device at any time by using the Properties dialog box for the printer you’re configuring. Open the Properties dialog box, and then tap or click the Ports tab. You can now add a port for printing by selecting its check box or remove a port by clearing its check box. To add a new port type, tap or click Add Port. In the Printer Ports dialog box, select the port type, and then tap or click New Port. Enter a valid port name, and then tap or click OK. To remove a port permanently, select it, and then tap or click Delete Port.

Scheduling and prioritizing print jobs

You can use the Properties dialog box for the printer you’re configuring to set default settings for print job priority and scheduling. Open the dialog box, and then tap or click the Advanced tab. You can now set the default schedule and priority settings by using the text boxes shown in Figure 10–10. Each of these text boxes is discussed in the sections that follow.

FIGURE 10–10 You configure print job scheduling and priority on the Advanced tab.

Scheduling printer availability

Printers are always available or available only during the hours specified. You set printer availability on the Advanced tab. Select Always Available to make the printer available at all times. Select Available From to set specific hours of operation.

TIP As I mentioned before, you can create additional printers for the same print device. All you need to do is change the printer name and share name. To handle long print jobs that would interfere with the normal use of a printer, you might want to create a new printer for a print device and then set the availability to off-hours for your location. That printer could then be used for long print jobs that you don’t want to run during the normal workday. The key to success with this approach is to ensure that the off-hours printer is clearly named as such and that users know how to use the various printers.

Setting printer priority

You can set the default priority for print jobs in the Priority box on the Advanced tab. Print jobs always print in order of priority. Jobs with higher priority print before jobs with lower priority.

Configuring print spooling

For print devices attached to the network, you usually want the printer to spool files rather than print files directly. Print spooling makes it possible to use a printer to manage print jobs.


To enable spooling, use one of the following options:

■ Spool Print Documents So Program Finishes Printing Faster Select this option to spool print jobs.

■ Start Printing After Last Page Is Spooled Select this option if you want the entire document to be spooled before printing begins. This option ensures that the entire document makes it into the print queue before printing. If for some reason printing is canceled or not completed, the job won’t be printed.

■ Start Printing Immediately Select this option if you want printing to begin immediately when the print device isn’t already in use. This option is preferable when you want print jobs to be completed more quickly or when you want to ensure that the application returns control to users as soon as possible.


You can disable spooling by selecting the Print Directly To The Printer option. The following additional check boxes let you configure other spooling options:

■ Hold Mismatched Documents If you select this option, the spooler holds print jobs that don’t match the setup for the print device. Selecting this option is a good idea if you frequently have to change printer form or tray assignments.

■ Print Spooled Documents First If you select this option, jobs that have completed spooling will print before jobs in the process of spooling, regardless of whether the spooling jobs have higher priority.

■ Keep Printed Documents Typically, documents are deleted from the queue after they’re printed. To keep a copy of documents in the printer, select this option. Use this option if you’re printing files that can’t easily be re-created. In this way, you can reprint the document without having to re-create it. For details, see “Pausing, resuming, and restarting individual document printing” later in this chapter.

■ Enable Advanced Printing Features When you enable this option, you can use advanced printing options (if available), such as Page Order and Pages Per Sheet. If you note compatibility problems when using advanced options, you should disable the advanced printing features by clearing this check box.

Starting and stopping printer sharing

You set printer sharing in the Properties dialog box of the printer you’re configuring. Press and hold or right-click the icon of the printer you want to configure, and then tap or click Manage Sharing. This opens the printer’s Properties dialog box with the Sharing tab selected. You can use this tab to change the name of a network printer and to start sharing or stop sharing a printer. Printer sharing tasks that you can perform include the following:

■ Sharing a local printer (thus making it a network printer) To share a printer, select Share This Printer, and then specify a name for the shared resource in the Share Name text box. Tap or click OK when you have finished.

■ Changing the shared name of a printer To change the shared name, just enter a new name in the Share Name text box, and then tap or click OK.

■ Stopping the sharing of a printer To quit sharing a printer, clear the Share This Printer check box, and then tap or click OK.

Setting printer access permissions

Network printers are shared resources. As such, you can set access permissions for them. You set access permissions in the Properties dialog box of the printer you’re configuring. Open the printer’s Properties dialog box, and then tap or click the Security tab. Permissions that you can grant or deny for printers are Print, Manage Documents, and Manage This Printer. Table 10-2 summarizes the capabilities of these permissions.

TABLE 10-2 Printer permissions used by Windows Server 2012 R2