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Lady Mystic ran out of the temple and through the streets of the city. She wandered through the jungle to the secluded spot on the beach where she had spied on Aakuta. There she threw herself on the ground and cried herself to sleep.

Chapter 3

Society of Mages

The balding mage hurried through the streets of Morada, capital of the elven nation of Elvangar. He looked around anxiously before slipping into the Society of Mages. Once inside the old building, the mage made his way through the reading room, nodding to two of his acquaintances before exiting the room and entering his private study.

In the reading room, the two men rose nonchalantly and put down the books they had been reading. The tall, lean man left first, and the overweight one dallied for a moment before following. Both men made their way to the same private study that the bald man had entered.

“Salfour,” greeted the bald man. “Have a seat. Is Levitor coming?”

The door opened before Salfour could answer. The overweight mage slipped into the room and closed the door.

“You look worried, Maraton,” commented Levitor as he also took a seat. “What did you find out?”

“Our task will not be an easy one,” sighed Maraton as he sat behind the desk. “Avalar is determined to aid the humans in their war with Vand. I wish Karaza was still with us.”

“He is not with us because he wanted to claim the throne for himself,” replied Salfour. “He was foolish to think that the people would break the thousand-year rule of the Kierans.”

“And just how would you suggest we gain control of the country if we let the Kierans keep the throne?” retorted Levitor. “None of us have Kieran blood flowing through our veins.”

“I don’t know,” conceded Salfour. “What I meant is that Karaza saw himself as too important. He should have worked with the rest of us. Together we could have succeeded. Now we not only have Avalar back among us, we also have his two daughters to contend with. It just complicates everything.”

“There is a way,” Maraton interrupted. “I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this.”

“Do not hold us in suspense,” replied Salfour. “Say what you know.”

“Queen Alycia has a sister,” declared Maraton. “She is Kieran by blood as same as the queen. If the royal family were to have fatal accidents, Kanis would have a valid claim to the throne.”

“I remember the sister,” nodded Levitor. “In the early days she used to live at the palace, but I don’t think she has been seen in years. What happened to her?”

“She did not get along well with Avalar,” answered Maraton. “They fought constantly. Kanis tried to express her views about how Elvangar should be ruled. Avalar thought her ideas were foolish and ignored them. When things came to a head, she tried to get Alycia to come to her aid. The queen refused to intervene, and Kanis left the palace forever. She moved to a small village and has lived there ever since.”

“And why would she want to become involved now?” asked Salfour. “Obviously she has given up any hopes of ruling Elvangar.”

“Yesterday,” grinned Maraton, “I would have agreed with you.”

“And now?” prompted Levitor.

“I took it upon myself to visit her yesterday,” smiled Maraton. “I made up a reasonable excuse for my presence in the small village and acted like I just happened to recognize her. She was flattered that someone from the Society of Mages would remember her and invited me into her home.”

“And because she talked to you, you think she will aid us?” frowned Levitor. “You can’t be serious?”

“Oh, but I am,” grinned Maraton. “When Avalar and the princesses were lost at sea, Kanis returned to Morada. She figured that she could move back into the palace and live with her sister. No doubt she expected to exert influence over the queen. To her surprise, Alycia refused to even see her. She left Morada in a very bitter mood, a mood that has not improved over time.”

“No doubt Karaza had a hand in refusing her entry into the palace,” quipped Salfour. “He was always jealous of anyone else exerting any influence over the queen.”

“No doubt,” nodded Maraton. “In talking to Kanis yesterday, I rekindled her feelings about the royal family. She hates Avalar with a passion, and despises her own sister. Words cannot begin to describe her feelings towards the two princesses. I am sure that she would execute them if she got the chance. She sees them as obstacles.”

“How does all of this help us?” asked Levitor. “So you have a Kieran that would be glad to see the royal family disposed of. Am I missing something here? Kanis has no power in Elvangar. She will never be queen while any of the four members of the royal family live.”

“An accurate statement,” agreed Maraton. “She does not do anything for us at the moment, but I believe that her cooperation is the key to our success. The people are evenly divided about this upcoming war. Our first task is to keep things that way.”

“Wait a moment,” interrupted Salfour. “I thought our task was to sway the people against the war?”

“It was,” nodded Maraton, “but I have a new plan.”

“A new plan?” echoed Levitor. “Isn’t that something for the three of us to discuss? Or are you following in Karaza’s footsteps and trying to seize the throne for yourself?”

Maraton sighed and shook his head. “Why don’t you accuse me of being a fool while you are at it?” he snapped at Levitor. “The three of us are here right now to discuss my new plan. Do you want to argue about protocol, or do you want to hear the plan?”

“Let him speak,” Salfour urged Levitor. “Maraton is not like Karaza.”

“I am sorry,” apologized Levitor. “Tell us of your plan.”

“I understand that we are all tense after what Karaza did,” soothed Maraton, “but I think we can salvage something out of it. I think we all know that a Kieran must reign, at least for now. Kanis is the only hope we have of finding someone with a proper claim to the throne. If the peace faction of Elvangar wins decisively in the ongoing struggle about aiding the humans, our chance for power will disappear. This is also true if Avalar wins decisively because we will be off to war. Things must remain evenly divided.”

“And what do you see happening if things remain divided?” asked Levitor.

“If I read Avalar correctly,” smiled Maraton, “he will leave Elvangar to parley with the humans. I suspect that he will take the princesses with him. That is when we will strike.”

“Yes,” Salfour nodded vigorously. “Alycia will not be in command as she was when Avalar was lost. Her guard will be down.”

“And Karaza will not be around to bar Kanis entry into the palace,” added Levitor. “Do you think the sister can be counted on to kill the queen and seize power?”

“Our task is to ensure it,” smiled Maraton. “Kanis is not a mage. I think we can safely put her under our spells without detection. That way if she changes her mind, she will be powerless to refuse our commands, although I suspect that she will eagerly jump at the chance to seize control of Elvangar.”

“Which leaves us with finding a way to eliminate Avalar and the princesses before they return from the land of the humans,” summarized Levitor.

“Exactly,” replied Maraton. “When the time comes, it might be wise to suggest that the king take his most loyal soldiers with him. That will get them away from Morada. There will be many ways to prevent his return. Each of us can easily sink a ship. No on need be any wiser about his fate.”

“How do we stand with the Council of Elders?” asked Salfour.

“Less than half support peace at any price,” frowned Levitor. “I spoke with Amber this morning. He is afraid that a vote right now would give Avalar the backing that he needs.”

“But Avalar is not sure,” interjected Maraton. “If I read the king properly, Avalar will want to be sure of the votes before forcing the issue. We have some time left yet to woo a few more members of the council.”